Thursday, June 8, 2023

Anatomy of an Artist

Something special has been brewing over the past few months. Cherry Manga, one of the most respected and admired artists working in opensim. The region is Anatobotanica, on Pangea Grid. This opening was timed for the conclusion of this season of the Safari, and it really gave the WOW factor to our trip.
At the end you'll find the HG Address spelled out for you - and just to say THANK YOU for reading this blog, for following it, for visiting the destinations whether with the Safari group or on your own - it means a lot to our kind hosts! - and for all the comments, suggestions, help and support. It's been a great season, and there is so much more out there to see.
Anatobotanica is a golden artefact, hanging on a mirrored ocean, with an inland sea of molten gold.
The highlands are spheres, bubbles, bodies - a hive of creativity, golden like the rest. That golden glow is everywhere; the lightbulb of an idea, the first rays of sunrise, the glistering of passions, thoughts, challenges, and pure creativity. It flows through virtual spaces, out into the real world and then back, directly through the fingers of, and the idiosyncratic imagination of, Cherry Manga

Rainbows, Sounds, Jellyfish and Doodles

The summer is coming, and while this blog will continue to have new posts, the weekly hypergrid Safari trips will be on hold until September 6.
The final stop of the Spring season was at the Grand Opening of a virtual gallery. It showcases the pictural art of late Jerry Garcia, best known as the lead guitarist and vocalist of The Grateful Dead.
 Peter Agelasto opened the ribbon cutting ceremony with a few words.

 Peter Agelasto: Hello friends, family, sisters and brothers. Welcome to the opening of the Virtual Jerry Garcia Archive Museum, We are so grateful to have you join us for such a special event and free concert.  Thank you everyone who has helped bring this to joyful place life...  Manasha and Keelin Garcia, my teammates over at the Jerry Garcia Foundation. Huge special thanks to the creators behind the Neverworld Grid. Govega and your team. 
Peter Agelasto

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Felix and the Mythologies

Felix, qui potest rerum cognoscere causas
Virgil, Georgics 490:II

Ange Menges: C'est une  région tatouée ? :-)
Cherry Manga: pretty creatures everywhere ♥
Shapeshifter, a region famed across opensim, is now on OSGrid. 
Its creator? The well known artist of many names - in RL, she is Elif Ayiter, in SL she's best known as Alpha Auer, but here in opensim she goes by the name FeliX Ringtail. 
The region is  complex, detailed, varied. On the ground level, the landscape is divided into a pair of islands and all the installations make up a story, which you can read here. In the sky are one-off elements, defined by FeliX as 'not really having a story' but they invite flights of fancy, dreamlike motions of the imagination, just the same.

Tosha's Towers

 For our second stop on this week's adventure around the hyperverse, we went over to see a build by Tosha Tyran on Craft Grid Tosha is famed for her reconstructions of real world places, including the Taj Mahal, India; a Hopi village, Arizona; the city of Timbuktu, Mali; and the Guggenheim Museum in Barcelona.
This one's in Cambodia - the famed Angkor Wat.
If the build looks familiar to you, there's an earlier Safari blog post about it here, but this was our first opportunity to explore as a group. If you go alone, you'll have plenty of company - there are about 25 NPCs around the build, adding atmosphere and context.  
The arrival point is sets the scene immediately - as jungle and architecture vie for supremacy.
Tosha Tyran: I would like to tell you a bit about Angkor wat, ok?
Wizardoz Chrome: yesss :)

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Through a Glass, Darkly

What does it mean to be mirrored?
Reflect upon it. The photo, the drawing, the video clip - we often hardly recognize ourselves so seen, so replicated. Yet in the looking glass, where everything is backwards, we find our true face, our true form. 
And sometimes, we are lucky enough to find a mirror for more than the external. That's the beauty of Rage Darkstone's latest opus, Mirrored, opening on Wednesday at 1pm SLT on Pangea grid - the HG address is of course at the end of the post.

Friday, May 26, 2023

CapCat Conference

 On Craft grid this Friday CatCat Ragu hosted an interesting conference about art and education, in Portuguese and Italian, with a powerful rl/vw crossover. 
It was partly inworld, partly in Zoom  -  the inworld bit was held on the lovely IPVerso region. This is the second year the conference has been held here, and the region is well worth a visit any time, conference or not.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

At Atlas

Second stop on Safari this week - there are just two more tours left before we break for the summer, returning on September 7 - was on the francophone grid, Atlas. The Atlas crew is small but enthusiastic. Harthelie, Chip, and Jeff make up the team, and the grid aims at clean lines, low lag, and lots of tech innovation. 
The grid may be new but these guys are far from being opensim novices. Here is a post about Jeff Kelley from back when this blog was called Pings from the afterLife ,,, check it out,   'Hyper and Hamster' from February 2011
No newbies here, but lots of new ideas!
 Jeff Atlas: Our mission is to build a spot of technical knowledge around opensimulator. We have a variety of lectures and workshops on Linux, databases, networks, opensim administration, streaming, and our insanely fun scripting class every week. This is not place where you will see elaborate builds, although we plan to add some new scenes in the future. Atlas is currently four regions and the staff is composed of three : Harthelie, Chip and myself. We had, and will have more special events. Last was a fashion show. 134 NPCs were walking on the set, in sync with music. This is the kind of challenges we love, and the next will be yet more crazy.

Rain Eday Delight

It was raining when we arrived on Eday, one of the Orkney Islands, off the Northeast coast of Scotland. Luckly, it was only virtual rain, so nobody's hair got messed up. Better say up front, of course, it's not really pronounced 'e-day', but 'ai-dee'... luckily when everything is in text chat, nobody can see your accent! And inworld? well, the HG Address is, as always, at the end of the post. get scrolling!
To meet us, Samsara 'call me Sam' Timeless, the creator of this region and nine others, here on Groovyverse grid. We only got a glimpse of what's in store for visitors on this region - there are dozens of gems hidden in the hillside, so be sure to take a good long hike around the island, and drop in the comments any points of interest that you enjoyed.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Off the Chart

 After the big German welcome we got over on Carima Grid, while visiting the Amazoniens, our second stop on this 17th Safari tour of 2023 was to Ignis Fatuus grid, the home of  Max and Nadir. Lots of fellow frenchies were on hand to welcome us, which was lovely especially if you speak French, and if you want to get that full gallic - mayhem feel, you can watch a vid made of our visit by Prodyck Theas over on Twitch. The HG Address of the build is, of course, at the end of this post.

The region, on arrival, is immediately identifiable as an Ignis build - fantastic towers and tranquil seas, and that sense of all not being quite as it seems. 

Meet the Amazoniens

Have you ever enjoyed a movie or series where a band of heroes, living in a land of fantasy and antiquity, enjoy adventures, laughs, dangers, magical and build lasting bonds of friendship? 
Imagine you too could be, not a spectator, but a participant in all that, and you have Role-playing in virtual worlds. This week - the Amazoniens! HG Addresses as always are at the end of the post.

Opensim has a bunch of RP groups, spread out over many different grids. You can find accounts of several if you look in the archive of this blog, running the gamut of genres - from the Star Trek group on 3rd Rock, to the Gor world of Counterearth, to mention just two - and we'll be visiting the Brigantia Isles group on Wildwood Bayou Grid at the end of the month. Roleplaying means commitment and preparation, with long and complex storylines, but these are not closed communities, for new people and crossover events are welcome additions to keep the creativity on the cutting edge. 

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Clan Do

By far the biggest number of events on Opensim are musical. Whether it's a DJ spinning a few, or a karaoke style performer, or a live musician playing in real time, each brings a unique style and contribution to the community. But even if you're not particularly into opensim as a source of your tune-based entertainment, our second destination will wow you without a single note being played!
The magnificent Club Escotia is a 2x2 var on AMV grid, the full Address is, of course, at the end of the post. To greet us, the magical Webby Merlin and everyone's favorite precipitation, MidnightRain Glas.
Webby Merlin: Welcome to Club Escotia, home base for the phenomenal singer Clan Escotia and his various clan members from all over the metaverse. Welcome home all ye who enter here! A custom castle fit for a Scotsman surrounded by various themes of performance venues, 22 in all!
Alex Salamander: Hello :-)
Star Ravenhurst: Hello!
Luna Lunaria: Hi Webby :-)
Lavia Lavine: rubs the top of my head because somebody landed on it  LOL:::
Webby Merlin: Lavia hope your hair's ok! For your tour today, please click the HG Safari Welcome Sign for a TP MENU HUD. Once you ADD this from your inventory, it mounts on the left side of your screen, a click will toggle it open and closed. 
Tosha Tyran: the hud is very neat
Luna Lunaria: Yes I love the hud

Safari Goes Gunga

Thia week's first destination is a work in progress with a wow factor that will amaze! We visited the Naboo region on Kitely, the brainchild of Mike Lorrey. With a name like that it could hardly be anything but Star Wars themed, and the giant sim while not yet complete already features some fabulous environments, like this Gunga City Deesko in a lake to the South. It was the venue for a 'May the Fourth' party last week, and the vibe was still pitched perfectly when we arrived. The HG address etc, you will find as always at the end of the post.

Thirza Ember: Favorite Star Wars person? I am going with Baby Yoda
James Atlloud: Grogu is adorbz
Star Ravenhurst: Star Wars?
Wizardoz Chrome: Darth Vader
Forest Azure: Spock :)
Forest Azure: /me covers her ears... finally picked one, Jabba the Hutt
Mal Burns: chewbakka - he never messes uip his lines

Thursday, May 4, 2023

A Very Viking Visit

If you've watched the TV adventures of Ragnar Lothbrok - and even if you never did - you are going to love the Viking build by SoA Bad (call him Bad) as it is one of those atmospheric builds that will thrill you and make you slip on your hangerok, finish your drykkju, and reach for your skeggøx. It's just that good! The region is called Lofoten, complete HG Address and so forth at the end of the post, of course. 
SoA BAD and SITWAS, our hosts on CCI Grid.
 The region the Safari visited this week has one thing in common with pretty much every place we see - there is way more going on, way more details and clever scripting and masterful construction than can possibly be seen in the mere hour that we get to spend on the sim. 
The grid is also home to a Sons of Anarchy biker build, with all the bells and whistles and music that entails... modem Vikings maybe?
SoA BAD: Hello welcome to the Vikings, Will will have a short tour with explanation about the life of the vikings in the 8th to 12th centuries.
SIWAS S [de→en]: Hello everyone nice that you are here, Soa Bad is your host today
whirli placebo: thank you for the invitation :)

Heart Box

 There are places - and people - that have been on the Safari radar forever, as examples of enormous talent combined with wicked humor, and endless heart - Frankie Rockett is a case in point. After many years, the Safari finally got a chance to meet up with him and experience the iconic build Art Box, now transferred to LFGrid, where it has found a stable and permanently open venue. Full address as always at the end of the post.

Armed and dangerously talented 
Frankie Rockett

 There is something of the Willy Wonka about Frankie - with one caveat, none of the annoying 'follow the rules or else' in Frankie's ethos. 
A charming, brilliant, yet somehow elusive figure, Frankie's build Art Box - the fruit of well over a decade of creativity - speaks for itself, it is a chocolate box full of sweet treats. 
The premise of the build for those few people who haven't experienced it over the past decade or so, is that you can be 'part of the picture' - be it a well known poster, photo, album cover, oil painting, watercolor - in short, famous artwork from all genres and time periods. 
It's both fun and philosophical as you put yourself quite literally in the picture, thus inviting thoughts of 'what is going on here.... or just a lot of giggles, depending on your mood of the moment. It's flexible.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Nyx, Tricks, and Jazz Pics

Nyx Breen
Nyx Breen: welcome all. Make sure MIDNIGHT MAX DRAW AND PARTICLES for next part of the Tour
James Atlloud: Ooo, max draw.  I'll get a cool towel for the GeForce!
Thirza Ember: ok, let's try to break Pangea Grid with max draw distances...
Nyx Breen: no way! lol, this is a 4x4 immersive - we are set for this!
Landing point on the Jazzland build
Once again, Nyx Breen pulled out all the stops to create a purpose built immersive experience on Pangea Grid for this weeks Safari, dedicated to the celebration of Jazz, and once again, his build didn't disappoint. It is another huge creation - celebrating both the music and the freedom that builders have in opensim to make something with a huge prim count and acres of space, where the public can be truly wowed. It's a place of movement, so when you arrive, be ready to move! If your draw distance isn't high, you may miss some of the best bits, including the jazz club with dance ball and musical instruments, not to mention all the faces from the past. HG Address and so on at the end of the post, as per tradition.

Forest and All That Jazz

This Sunday is International Jazz Day, first celebrated in 2011 to honor one of the most idiosyncratic and evocative genres of music. The term Jazz has an uncertain, but sensual and vibrant roots and was first found in print in the USA in the early 1900s, read more here if you're curious. Since Safaris happen on Wednesdays we felt free to move the annual festival up a few days, and have an all Jazz extravaganza this week.
Our first stop was on Virtual Worlds Zone, and grid owner Kashi Takeshi welcomed us to All That Jazz (HG Address at the end of the post, as always) which is a club on its own dedicated sim. We were lucky enough to have Forest Azure performing for us, she sings with a rl Jazz combo, and came up with a song list that was a beautiful blend of classy jazz, blues, and more. Songs were in Stream, and her commentary between the numbers was in Voice, which sounds complicated but actually worked as smooth as a Sinatra serenade.
Kashi Takeshi: welcome! Hope all is rezzing fast and okies... You can toggle the stream if the audio does not work.
Forest Azure
Forest Azure: funny to be 'on the other side' for a change
James Atlloud: It's good for the soul Forest (heh heh)
Youca Godel: A nice jazz club sounds wonderful.
Tosha Tyran: yes, it really has a lot of atmosphere
Kashi Takeshi: I built this club some time ago with the plan to start DJing nice Jazz tunes here. I was quite busy last months but will soon start every Sunday, Asha from Sunvibes will also jump in and hope Azure and other Jazz singers will like to perform here too.

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Two weeks in Seville

 It takes place a couple of weeks after Easter, and was first celebrated in 1847. It's held in Seville and is a festival all about booths, lights, food, fun, family, friends, and fancy dress - specifically flamenco dresses, and Andalusian traditional costumes. But wait, you say, I can't get to Seville tonight! No worries, you can celebrate Feria de Abril without even leaving your couch.
Traditionally tonight is the lighting ceremony, and on you can be a part of the event, right down to the handsome devils dressed as country gentlemen and dancing divinely. This event in RL started as a horse trading event, so naturally equines, and the appropriate carriages, are peppered all over the region.

This minigrid, owned by Don Javi and hosted by Unadecal Masala, offers a home and venue for the Spanish speaking part of opensim, together with their fans and friends. 

Friday, April 21, 2023

Light and Drama on Pangea

Another fun event on Pangea for all who love art and enjoy good music in a vibrant, fun loving atmosphere.
 Nyx Breen's show is called 'Everything Flows and is in Motion".

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Safari Goes Under the Mountain

The second destination for this week's Safari was on Kinky Haven grid, run by Wendie Blackthorne who was there to greet us, in her cute spelunking outfit - surprisingly un-grimy considering the fiendishly difficult tunnel and cave system she had invited us to experience, the creation of her friend Lizzy Borden. No, she didn't have an axe. I know you were wondering. Well, that might not be entirely accurate...
Wendie Blackthorne, front, and Lizzy Borden behind her.

This is a huge region, so of course we were limited in how much of it we could see in our short visit, but the girls had organized themselves in such a way that we were able to get a good idea of the variety and magesty of the build without being rushed too much. 
The tunnel style build is one of the most difficult of all to pull off, as it's a tricky game of proportions when you are trying to create a closed-in atmosphere that is also cam friendly. The labyrinth needs to be at challenging but not so frustrating and cramped that the immersive feel is lost for the player-visitor.
Lighting, textures, sounds and objects all come together to surprise, spook, and delight throughout this enormous build, where every tunnel suggests more discoveries - and does not disappoint.
We met on the big plaza outside the mountain.
Lizzy Borden: Welcome to The Mountain. This is The Mountain of the Ancients who attempted to build a tower to Heaven in the shape of a pyramid.....but it collapsed along with their civilisation. What you are about to see is the remnants and evidence of attempt at restoration by the descendants.

Rinky Dinkie Fish and Fun on AMV

 Last season on the Safari we visited arguably the largest single vehicle in opensim, the luxury liner Aurora, and this week, we're back on AMV grid again to see a very differently proportioned build by Ted Junior - the Dinkies Funsize Resort. While the general rule is that you should have a small cat avie to participate on the sim, Ted and Sofee Supermarine made an exception for us, and we got a warm welcome on an impeccably organized and decorated build.
Ted Junior with Sofee SUpermarine on the right
The convenient landing place puts you down in a information area, where you immediately have access to the Dinkie town plaza and Main Street. Everything is appropriately proportioned, yet cleverly engineered so that normal height people don't feel like their camera is always crashing through walls. A group of AMV residents, including grid co-owner Clifford Hanger, were there to meet us, in their Dinkie personas.