Showing posts with label susi soderstrom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label susi soderstrom. Show all posts

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Meet the Amazoniens

Have you ever enjoyed a movie or series where a band of heroes, living in a land of fantasy and antiquity, enjoy adventures, laughs, dangers, magical and build lasting bonds of friendship? 
Imagine you too could be, not a spectator, but a participant in all that, and you have Role-playing in virtual worlds. This week - the Amazoniens! HG Addresses as always are at the end of the post.

Opensim has a bunch of RP groups, spread out over many different grids. You can find accounts of several if you look in the archive of this blog, running the gamut of genres - from the Star Trek group on 3rd Rock, to the Gor world of Counterearth, to mention just two - and we'll be visiting the Brigantia Isles group on Wildwood Bayou Grid at the end of the month. Roleplaying means commitment and preparation, with long and complex storylines, but these are not closed communities, for new people and crossover events are welcome additions to keep the creativity on the cutting edge.