3DLES edugrid.3dles.com:8002
3rd Rock Grid grid.3rdrockgrid.com:8002
A Break From Life login.abreakfromlife. net:8002
A Virtual World avirtualworld.org:8002
Admeja admeja.net:8002
Adreans-World adreans-world.from-fl.com:8000
Adult-Life adult-life.de:8002
Adventure Bay login.nextreality.uk:8002
AI Grid ai.let-us. cyou:8002
Ailsa Dream ailsa.outworldz.net:8002
AIRE Mille Flux grid.aire-mille-flux.org:8002
Sauce, on Aire Mille Flux |
Al Capone Grid al-capone. homes:8002 (remove the space in this address)
Alexa World alexaworld.de:8002
Almost Heaven almostheaven.outworldz.net:8002
AlterEgo ego.ns0. it:8002 (remove the space in this address)
AlterLife alterlife.outworldz.net:8002
Alternate Metaverse alternatemetaverse.com:8002
Alterworld Gid hg.alterworld.us:7002
Ancient Rome ancient-rome.eu:8002
Angel Souls angel-souls.de:8002
AnKaBi Grid ankabi-grid.de:8002
AnSky login.anskygrid.ca:8002
Vulcan, ArtDestiny Grid |
Ardalia ardiva.ddns.net:8002
Argofantasy argofantasy.com:8002
Arkham Grid grid.arkhamgrid.org:8002
ArtDestiny artdestiny.de:8002
Astralia astralia.eu:8002
Atlantide real-3d.zapto.org:8002
Atlas atlasgrid.fr:8002
Ausgrid ausgridds.biz:8002
AusVirtual Grid pantheragrid.host:8002
Venezia, Astralia |
Avacon grid.avacon.org:8002
AvatarLand mikeland. ddns .net :8002 (remove the spaces in this address!)
Avi Resurrection aviresurrection. ddns .net:8002 (remove the spaces in this address!)
Aviarium aviariumgrid.com:8002
AviWorlds login.aviworlds.com:8002
Ayesha ayesha.outworldz.net:8002
Azeroth azeroth.lt-soft.com:8002
Baller Nation login.ballernation.us:8002
Barefoot Dreamers
Ieko's Never Ending Story, Barefoot Dreamers |
Bernicia opengrid.world:9000
Beta Technologies opensim.betatechnologies.info:8002
Binders World binders.world:8002
Bridgemere bridgemere.outworldz.net:8002
BritGrid britgrid.com:8002
Brogals World brogals-paradise.de:8002
Bubblesz bubblesz.nl:8002
Caledonia caledonia-grid.de:8002
Carima Welt carima-welt.de:8002
Catwoman Rose Grid catwomanrose.de:8002
The Lost Gardens of Apollo, Carima |
Chez Edenette chez-eden.venez.fr:8002
Chez Moi masim. madonie.org:9000
Clone Fantasy clonefantasy.ovh :8002
Concadia gridconcadia.com:8002
Continuum continuum.outworldz.net:8002
Conectados conectados. opensim. fun :8802 (remove the spaces in this address!)
Cooperation Creative hg.cc-group.cc:8002
Cosmo Planet cosmoplanetnew. ddns .net:8002 (remove the spaces in this address!)
Counter Earth jand.dyndns.biz:7002
Cozy Comforts Grid grid.cozycomforts.net:8002
Ivory City, Craft |
CreaNovale Grid login.creanovale.ca:8052
Cuon cyrus.de:8002
CyberCity cyberdatastorm.com:8002
Czech Grid opensim.cz:9000
Darkhearts playground.darkheartsos.com:8002:
Dark Shadows darkshadows.outworldz.net:8002
Decadencia decadence. ddns .net :8002 (remove the spaces in this address!)
Destinations zombiez.outworldz.net:8002
Landing point, Creanovale |
Destiny Grid destiny-grid.pleasecome.in:8002
DigiWorldz login.digiworldz.com:8002
Discovery Grid discoverygrid.net:8002
Dorena’s World dorenas-world.de:8002
Dormiamoci Su umalesean.outworldz.net:8002
Dreamscape login.dsgrid.nl:8002
Dreamwalker dreamwalkerworld.de:8002
Dynamic Worldz 2 grid.dynamicworldz2.com:8822
Dyvall's dyvall.de:8002
Story Book, Digiworldz |
EdMondo slw.indire.it:8002
EducaSim grid.educasim.es:8002
Encitra Home Grid home.encitragrid.com:8002
Endivatomic endivatomic.eu:8002
Endless Grid hg.endless-grid.org:8002
Equinox Grid equinoxgrid.net:8002
Escape escape. dynns .com :8002 (remove the spaces in this address!)
Esfera Virtual split.esferavirtual.com.br:8002
EthanWorld ethanworld. ddns .net: 8002 (remove the spaces in this address!)
Etheria Grid etheria.outworldz.net:8002
Eureka World grid1.eurekaworld.co.il:8002
login.exo-life. onl : 8032 (remove the spaces in this address!)
Celestial Japan, Discovery Grid |
Fae Farms alanna.outworldz.net:8002
Fearless Mysteries www.fearlessmysteries.eu:8002
Fibia fibia.fr:8002
Fire and Ice Grid fireandicegrid.net:8002
Floyd World floydworld.com:8002
Forgotten Worlds
Foto50 demogrid.foto50.com:8002
France RP francerpgrid.fr:8002
Francopholie francopholie.fr:8002
Free Life freelife.outworldz.net:8002
Freedom Grid
EZombie, Endivatomic |
Friends Grid login.friends-grid.com:8002
FuoriGrid fuorigrid.opensim. online :8002 (remove the spaces in this address!)
Furry World furry-world.de:8002
Galwendor Grid galwendor. ddns. net:8002 (remove the spaces in this address!)
Gay Pride virtualgaypride.com:8002
GBG World gbg-world. cloud :8002 (remove the spaces in this address!)
Genesis Global Journey ggj.world:8002
Genesis RP Grid grid.genesis-roleplay.org:8002
Gentle Fire Grid gentlefire.opensim.fun:8002
GerGrid gergrid.de:8002
German World
The Land of Xzar, Genesis RP Grid |
German World Grid germanworldgrid.de:8002
Gimisa 3d.gimisa.ca:9000
GorGrid gorgrid.ca:8002
Grid Life login.gridlife.nl:8002
Grid Nirvana grid.gridnirvana.net:4002
GridPlay Grid gridplaygrid.net:8002
Grimm decadence. ddns. net :8002 (remove the spaces in this address!)
Groovy-verse groovyverse.com:8002
Gyssy Grid gyssy.net:9000
Gimisa |
Hogwarts yo5e2ckwwkvavh3l.myfritz.net:8002 (remove the spaces in this address!)
Hypergrid Life hypergrid.life:80
Icelady Grid iceladygrid.de:8002
Ignis Fatuus ignis-fatuus.no-ip.biz:8002
Ikora’s World ikorasworld.outworldz.net:9002
IMA grid.metaversedepot.com:8002
Infinite Grid grid.infinitegrid.org:8002
Insight Concepts gcse. dyndns. org:8002 (remove the spaces in this address!)
Phaedra, Ignis Fatuus |
JamGrid jamgrid.de:8002
Japan Open Grid jogrid.net:8002
Jungle Friends Grid junglefriends.opensim.fun:8002
Kalasiddhi kalasiddhigrid.com:8002
Kater and Friends kater-and-friends. ddnss. de:8002 (remove the spaces in this address!)
Kindred Spirits login.kindredspiritsworld.com:8002
Kinky Haven kinkyhaven.com:8002
Kitely grid.kitely.com:8002
KittyBlue grid.xylinvale. space :9000 (remove the spaces in this address!)
KiWo Grid
Anniversary build, Japan Open Grid |
Kohime kohime.outworldz.net:8002
Koolpheller koolpheller.ddns .net:8002 (remove the space in this address!)
KubwasWelt grid.kubwa.de:8002
Kyle Archipelago kylearchipelago.com:8002
Lake Kindred Spirit Aderima.Outworldz.net:8002
Langalf’s Demesne langalfs-demesne. ddns. net:8002 (remove the spaces in this address!)
LeBourg lebourg.lcofrance.org:9000
Littlefield lfgrid.com:8002
Lost World lostworld-os.com:8002
Love Lemon
The Wizard, Kitely |
Majickal Life majickallife.com:8002
MajWorld peeps.troyjohnston.net:8002
Malu Grid malugrid.eu:8002
Maze of The Mind maze.outworldz.net:8002
Mentis Pacem Mentis-Pacem.outworldz.net:9002
Metaverse Concept login.metaverseconcept.com:8002
Metaverse Dimensions login.metaversedimensions.com:8002
MetaverseLife Grid metaverselife.org:8002
Micachee micachee.outworldz.net:8002
Midway midway.outworldz.net:8002
MisFitz Grid login.misfitzgrid.com:8002
Dalaran, Kinky Haven |
Mobius Grid
Moonlighting Grid moonlighting. ddns. net :8002 (remove the spaces in this address!)
Moonrose moonrose-grid.de:8002
My Virtual Beach grid.myvirtualbeach.com:8002
My Virtual Community my-virtualcommunity.com:8002
Mystic Bermuda mystic.bermuda.outworldz.net:8002
Nabila Grid nabila-world.de:8002
Nara's Nook world.narasnook.com:8900
Nave Metaverse
Pepperland, Littlefield Grid |
Nemesis 3D badsworld.com:8002
Neverworld hg.neverworldgrid.com:8002
New Genres Grid hg.ngrid.org:8002
New Hope Grid login.newhopegrid.com:8002
New Offworld newoffworld.de:8002
Next Reality login.nextreality.uk:8002
Nightmare two-world.net:8002
Nova Space novaspacegrid.outworldz.net:8002
Nymph nymphgrid.com:8002
Ocean Grid grid.oceangrid.net:8002
Green Hill Zone, Mobius |
Offworld offworld.eu:8002
Old Fuori Grid oldfuorigrid.opensim. online:8002
Open Mind Grid open-mind-grid.de:8002
Open Virtual Worlds apollo.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk:8002
OpenManniLand openmanniland.de:8002
OSCC cc.opensimulator.org:8002
Openvue virtual.aiai.ed.ac.uk:8002
OSgrid hg.osgrid.org:80
Otterland otterland.de:8002
Story island, Nara's Nook |
OzKanga Grid ozkangagrid.biz:8002
PaderGrid paderdesign. anydns. info:9000 (remove the spaces in this address!)
Pangea Grid pangeagrid.de:8002
Panda Grid panda.outworldz.net:8002
Paradise World paradiseworld-os.de:8002
Party Destination login.partydestinationgrid.com
Perfect Life grid.perfect-life.ca:8002
Phantom Rose phantomrose.outworldz.net:8002
Shapeshifter, OSgrid |
Phillip’s Grid
Planet 3L planet3l.com:9100
Power Angels power-angels.info:8002
Prerramos prerramos.outworldz.net:8002
PrimGrass primgrass.world:8002
Quintonia worlds.quintonia.net:8002
QC Grid qcgrid.mooo.com:8002
Rainbow World
Anatobotanica. Pangea |
Rebelworld rebelworld.outworldz.net:8002
Real3D real-3d.zapto.org:8002
Reserected Worlds reserectedworlds.ddns .net:9000 (remove the space in this address!)
Resurgence Grid resurgence.outworldz.net:8002:Resurgence
Rev World login.revengeofblood.eu:8002
Rezmela grid.rezmela.net:8002
Saar Harzer Grid saar-harzer.de:8002
Rocket World hg.rocketworld. top:9001 (remove the space in this address!)
Saltwaterbay saltwaterbay.com:8002
Sant World santworld.outworldz.net:8002
Mount Grace Priory, The Science Circle |
Seconds secondsdw.outworldz.net:8002
Servex Grid servex-grid.lffl.de:8002
SFgrid sfgrid.ddnss. org:8002 (remove the space in this address!)
Sharing Is Caring sharingiscaring.family:8002
Shasiya Dynasty shasiyadynasty.outworldz.net:8002
Sheikah sheikah.org:8002
Shinobar shinobar.server-on.net:9000
Welcome, Outworldz |
Snowdrop Grid
Social Mouse grid.thesocialmouse.net:8002
Soul Grid soul-grid.de:8002
Space Grid spacegrid.online:6002
SpartaGrid sparta.outworldz.net:8002
Speculoos speculoos.world:8002
SSGrid ssggrid.org:18235
Stefanies World stefaniesworld.de:8002
Summerwood separate.outworldz.net:8002
Suski Grid suski.redirectme.net:8002
SV3D sv3d.fr:8002
SV3D Welcome |
Swiss Grid swissgrid.opensim.ch:8002
T-Grid hg.viewtwo.net:8600
Takland takland. ddns. net:8002 (remove the spaces in this address!)
Tangle Grid tanglegrid.net:8002
Techland techlandgrid.it:8002
Tedesco hajos-welt.de:8002
Terra Nova terranova.outworldz.net:8002
The City thecity.inworldz.net:8002
The Devil’s Grid
Cornflakes-Tribute, Scripted Artwork
The Haven Grid thehavengrid.outworldz.net:9002
The Public World thepublicworld.de:8002
The Shirelands seasofthassa.outworldz.net:8002
The Grid grid.p7.de:8002
The Kaz thekazgrid.com:8002
Thug os.thug.tv:8002
Tomi’s World tomis-world.de:8002
Trinity’s chaywin.outworldz.net:8002
Tropical Isle
Weltraumbahnhof, Soul Grid |
TUIS opensim.tuis.ac.jp:8002
Twilight twlght.com:8002
Twisted Grid twistedgrid. xyz:8002
Unbetween hg.theunbetween.com:8002
Utopia Skye utopiaskyegrid.com:8002
Uzuri Virtual uzurivirtual.zapto.org:8002
V.B. Creations bcreations.outworldz.net:8002
Vamp Grid vamp.grid-berlin.ed:8002
Vela Dreams vela-dream.de:8002
Vibel grid.vibel.eu:8002
Vida Dupla
Vibel |
Viewtwo hg.viewtwo.net:8654
Virlands virlands.net:8002
Virtual Ability
Virtual Grid virtualgrid.us:8002
Virtualife grid.virtualife-grid.it:4577
Virtual Life Brasil login.virtuallifebrasil.com.br:8002
Virtual Life Style login.virtuallifestyle.com.br:8022
Virtual Melody login.virtualmelody.net:8002
Virtual RBM login.virtualrbm.com.br:8002
Virtual Worlds Zone virtual-worlds.zone:8002
Vivo hg.vivosim.net:8002
Virtual Worlds Zone |
VR Escape grid.vr-esc.com:8002
Waybridge waybridge.outworldz.net:8002
WestWorld Grid westworldgrid.com:8102
WestWorld Outworldz westworld.outworldz.net:8002
Wiccan Grid WiccanGrid.outworldz.net:8002
Winxtropia Grid bloompeters. ddns. net:7002 (remove the space in this address!)
Wolf Territories Grid grid.wolfterritories.org:8002
Wonder wonder.outworldz.net:8002
Wyldwood Bayou wyldwoodbayou.com:8002
Gardenia Town, Winxtropia |
XTalent :9023 (remove the space in this address!)
Yippee Ki-Ay yippee-ki-ay.com:9003
ZetaWorlds login.zetaworlds.com
Zone Nations login.zonenations.com:8002
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