Showing posts with label hg safari. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hg safari. Show all posts

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Dismayland, Undismayed!

Dismayland is one of the most unusual regions in Opensim, for its 'ban' on attachments, for its insulting NPCs and many scripted rides, and for the risk to life and limb! For the HG Safari visit this week, which was also Cornflakes Week, Spax Orion, the grid owner and the magician behind all these rides, lifted the no Mesh no Attachment rule, and allowed HG Safari to come and visit. 
Spax Orion
Spax had also prepared a special flying saucer ship toshow off the rides from the air, with the idea that people will get a good glimpse at the park and return to the rides on other occasions. It's one of those places where you can spend hours enjoying the variety or imaginative machines, but also the funny NPCs chatting and arguing with each other. Here's the lovely Siwas, resplendent in her many Biker attachments, enjoying the Nuclear Haste ride, as the rest of us rode around in the sky.
This week Opensim has been acting weird (well it has been doing so for several weeks, as many have noted) and lots of people are getting kicked or banned messages from places for no discernable reason. Poor James Atlloud managed to get refused entry on avatars from 3 different grids! And similar problems were found by many others. These are almost all not intentional messages by the grid owners.
There is, I'm afraid, nothing that I or the grid owners can do about that except to invite you to try again at another time, and say we're sorry we didn't have your company... and invite you not to make a drama out of a technical glitch, if at all possible.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Going Stag

Our second stop on Safari this week was on a roleplay grid, where Lavia Lavine has made a pastiche of life in the days of the 'wild  west' where she reinterprets what has often been overplayed in movies, the less savory side of life. 
The sim is the setting for play but at its heart are some serious observations, making it interesting for any visitor as a cultural commentary on a famous part of US history. We arrived in the sumptuously glazed railroad station, close to the ticket office.
Lavia Lavine: Stag Hollow is located in the Oklahoma territory in the late 1850s. They were just getting the Trains and Telegraph in.  
Lavia Lavine: Stag  Hollow isn't just for RP though that is my hope but it is also for historical value. The western cities and towns were not the dustbowls that Hollywood portrays.: Most of them were actually like this with dirt and gravel roads.

Tosha's Timbuktu

Timbuktu is a thousand year old frontier town, the southern gateway to the Sahara. A slightly newer, slightly more accessible version of the city was our first destination on Safari this week, the sim of Timbuktu... HG address, as tradition demands, at the end of the post, where it belongs.
The name of the city has been synonymous with the utter limits of the world, an unknowable place in the middle of nowhere, and it's a reputation earned through the centuries, through the writings of people like Ibn Battuta in the 1300s and Leo Africanus two hundred years later. Timbuktu is protected by the port town of Kabara twelve miles to the south, on the Niger River, the chief communications route in this part of the world. Many a disappointed traveler in both ancient and modern times has been turned back at Kabara, adding to the mystique of the city of learning that few outsiders have ever had a chance to see firsthand.
Edinburgh born explorer, scholar, and soldier Alexander Laing is thought to have been the first European to see Timbuktu, hoping to win the 9,000 Franc prize offered by the Société de Géographie to the first non muslim to visit the city and come back with information about it. After a traumatic crossing of the Sahara, he arrived in town in the summer of 1826 and spent some time in the legendary libraries. Weeks later, as he departed the city, he was killed by the men he had paid to protect him, just a few months shy of his thirty-second birthday. 
Less than a year later, Frenchman René Caillié won the prize, bringing back a firsthand account of this almost mythical city of learning and culture. Today, travelers face very similar risks as those first journeyers did. The city has been on the edge of a war zone since about 2012, with the usual mix of tribal interests, global politics, poverty, historic resentment, opportunism, way too many weapons floating about, testosterone and religion all causing havoc to the fabric of the fragile treasures of the town.
For that reason, we're lucky to be able to visit the city virtually, on Craft Grid, thanks to builder Tosha Tyran's sim Timbuktu. It comes alive with NPCs and interpretive boards, making the experience one of the richest in opensim, if you like learning about exotic places. The biggest obstacle for anyone who hasn't teleported to Craft before, is a few clickies to authenticate your avatar. It can be a bit confusing, but no firearms are involved in the process! 

Thursday, February 13, 2025


 HIE stands for Hypergrid International Expo and the main event, a conference in different languages, with talks about scripting, everyday opensim life stories, tales of the history of our platform, and art shows - 4 amazing performances! - is not until the first week of April. But the 'Expo' part of the event comes together long before that.
Mal Burns had the idea for the little booths back in 2017 for the first Hypergrid International Expo, as a fun and  crowd-friendly way for people to participate. Around the auditorium, the market-stall style creations brighten and enliven the place, but it's a trade-off between community and sim efficiency.... So... Many...Textures.
Yesterday we did a little load test to see if all this hard work has turned into a lagfest or not. It was a good day to choose, because the whole of opensim is in a state of trembles, with the ongoing OSGrid asset -cleaning event.
Mal Burns: this venue looks familiar!
 LadyKa 007: hello, everyone is good ?
snowbody Cortes: hello LadyKa, hey Minord:)
SoA BAD: hello all
Forest Azure: /me regrets it her horse did not travel with her
Taarna Welles: Put the horse in your Suitcase Forest. Just in case :D
Thirza.Ember: Welcome back to HG Safari Grid, this is our 3x3 sim called HIE. It is set up for the annual Hypergrid International Expo, which in 2025 will be held on the weekend from Friday 4 April (when there's an opening concert) and then the conference and art performances on Saturday and Sunday. The purpose of this conference is to give a chance to people whose first language isn't English to give a talk about their interests, their philosophy, or technical inventions or developments.

Go Westeros

First stop of the day, and after an exhausting week, inworld and out, this was one of those absolutely perfect tours that we dream of on Safari. New hosts for us, but hopefully they will let us come and bother them again, on Wolf Territories. The sim is called Westeros Medieval RP and as always the HG Address can be found at the end of the post.
Thirza Ember: with all the osgrid thing happening we may be fewer than usual
Steve Zodi: yes, i was  expecting that a bit, but word of mouth is always the best way to let people know, so if a few people show up, even if only one, its good to spread the word
Thirza Ember: lol they can be chatty and rowdy like a bunch of tourists when first arriving... well... they ARE  a bunch of tourists
Steve Zodi: its ok, the important is that they have fun and yes they are
Steve Sodl on hand to welcome the merry band of Safari tourists
Thirza Ember: here they come
Tosha Tyran: all naked again...
Steve Zodi: Greetings to all, welcome
Taarna Welles: Hello Steve
Steve Zodi: yes losing our clothes when teleporting is part of the fun... chuckles
Mal Burns: hi all
Tosha Tyran: hahaha, Forest, I see I am not the only one with the lipstick wrapped around the thigh
Forest Azure: lol... if that was all!
Taarna Welles: why are the woman always naked after TP??? Well....?? *Grins
Tosh Tyran: howdy Mal... why don't we ever get to see YOU naked?
Forest Azure: do we want that, Tosha?
Mina and King Max
Safaristas. You can't take them anywhere. 

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Safari in the Clouds

 Neverworld Grid was our second stop this week, we were there to experience the grid's unusual and exciting weekly event, the Never Riders Club, on Cloudburst Roads. 'Club' in the widest sense of the word - locals and hg visitors are all very welcome, the only qualifications are an ability to ride a bike, and the desire to have fun.
Meanwhile, the Safaristas had their own challenges...
Taarna Welles: Am I headless still?
Thirza Ember: I see white people
Taarna Welles: I see James.... with clothes! :)
James Atlloud: OH? I see fewer clothes here than Risa!  lol
Lynnestra Parker: ღ¸.•* LoL *•.¸ღ

Best Resort

Our first stop this 6th week of the season was on sim Lothlorien, by Stormy Scorpio. We were there to see a piece of Star Trek paradise....
Moses and Stormy
Stormy Scorpio: welcome to Risa Forest... this is the ruins
Thirza Ember: the spaceship in the sky is so startling!
Stormy Scorpio: it is hovering over the planet,  hehe, a lot of shore leave right now
Star Ravenhurst: It looks fabulous up there! Beam me up Scotty!
Stormy Scorpio: I hope you all enjoy exploring risa there is a lot to see
Ankh Senaton: the pleasure planet ;)
Loru Destiny[de→en]: I like the story from Star Trek as a Picard on Risa vacation, very much
Lavia Lavine : Spock was my favorite character.
Loru Destiny: live long and prosper Lavia :-)
James Atlloud: Spock was a breath of fresh air to my young self.
Forest Azure: you have a young self, James?
James Atlloud: I do, really I do.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Fish Love Money

For our second stop this week, another take on the Japanese theme. Our host wasn't able to join us on the Isle of Nara, so the crew had to put up with some factoids from me, much like the time when we went to Yana Dakota's Tahiti sim and she had a power outage. The Safarians bore the burden with great stoicism.

Thirza Ember: This is a Japanese style GOR region owned by Shinji Takahashi. We are on CounterEarth grid. This is a Gorean community that moved to Opensim in the very early days, and was first located on OSGrid. Some may remember the sim Sardar Fair which was still exists, back in the day it was one of the few good shopping places in opensim. Some of the founding members of CounterEarth are content creators and offer their stuff for free in opensim, while selling it in  Second Life. We thank them for their generosity over the years!
Star Ravenhurst: I have been excited to visit! I am sorry they're not here though.

Yana's Samsara

 The circle of life - birth and death, and rebirth - that's Samsara, a process that leads over time and many repetitions, to the state of nirvana. Samsara is the name of Yana Dakota's var region on AMV, a region that's undergoing renewal and growth. HG Address at the end of the post, as always.
It was a pretty quick rez as the hordes of Safarians arrived - we've been having slow textures for a few weeks, but this time, they all arrived in the little dock house with seconds of lag only. It's a big region, so everyone tried to keep their draw distances and other bells and whistles to a minimum, of course.
Yana Dakota: Namaste to Samsara. Creating the Samsara region in the Alternate Metaverse has been a labor of love. My goal was to design a space that encourages introspection and spiritual growth. Every detail, from the high-detailed builds to the serene environment, was crafted to provide a peaceful and immersive experience. The music and viewer settings are optimized to enhance the overall atmosphere, making it feel more engaging and calming.
Elegant and lagbusting the ladies of the Safari are unbeatable!
If the name of this sim is familiar to you it's because there was an interview with Yana on this blog a few weeks back. This was an opportunity for Yana to show off her favorite pieces and also to explain so much about this belief system that is so close to her heart. 

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Ana's Paris

 Our second destination for Safari this week was in Paris! What a fantastic venue on NewLifeItaly grid which despite the name s home to people from many parts of the world and different languages. HG Address at the end of the post, as always. 
In case you don't know, you can find out about upcoming Safari trips by joining our group in Facebook, or by checking the Events calendar in Opensimworld, where it clearly tells you which will be our first and second destinations each time. 
I generally send out a reminder in the OSgird group for HG Safari about an hour before our trips, but since the event attracts interest from many grids, not just that one, social media is a much better way to stay informed. The glamorous and versatile sim owner AnaMari Maggi met us at the sim's starting point, and we also had the company of a big group of locals, including the sim builders, Nadir and Max.
AnaMari Maggi, the region owner
Anamari Maggi[it→en]: good evening everyone
Nadir Rae[fr→en]: Welcome to all of you,  remember to accept the translator and put your native language there please
Angel Dark[it→en]: hi welcome everyone to Paris
Thirza Ember: Nadir you look so cute, very Parisienne- nice baguette!
Nadir Rae: yes I am a Parisian and I have a newsboy near me
It took us a little while to rez, because we came into a large crowd of welcoming NewLifeItalians, there to join the tour. While the region is owned by AnaMari Maggi, the tour was conducted by Nadir Rae, who together with Max Well of Ignis Fatuus Grid, brought the sim into being. We met outside the sim's reconstruction of Notre Dame.
Nadir Rae, our guide - easy to see in the crowd
Nadir Rae: Friends tonight I'm going to be your tour guide we will discover this place together, Welcome to all of you on the New life Italy grid.  We thank Thirza for choosing this place for which Max and I have a particular attachment. Thanks also to Adry, the owner of the Grid. This evening we offer you a unique tour of the memories of Ana who, born in another country, lived her childhood there. This sim is an interpretation of our capital and not an exhaustive restitution. I insist on this point
Nadir Rae: Ah Paris… French capital of gastronomy and love,  Paris enjoys an incomparable historical and cultural heritage. This is what the millions of tourists who come to visit Paris each year appreciate.  But it is not enough to be a foreigner to love Paris, because even if you live in the capital,  it is not uncommon to be surprised by discovering or rediscovering one of the wonders that the city has to offer.  With so much to see and do in Paris, it's difficult to put together a list that gets to the essentials while still having a realistic experience of everything Ana's sim has to offer. 

Domadun Fun

Thirza Ember: here they come!
Within a few seconds, the population of  Bubblesz Grid, which is a small personal grid belonging to mesh maven Taarna Welles, went from two to fourteen. You could positively feel the nerves - Would the grid be able to take the strain? Would we all be standing frozen in a pool of lag? Worst of all, would Locat Chat fail us? You know how we love our banter.
Taarna Welles on a quidditch teleporter
You may have read about this grid in an earlier post on this blog - this was a chance for the whole group to take a look, and the sim is open any time, if you want to explore it.
Bubblesz Grid Welcome Region
People kept on coming, - we met on the grid's Welcome sim, the HG Address is of course at the end of the post -  and for once, everybody brought their clothes with them! Each week, Safari goers are encouraged to dress in a lag-friendly way, keeping complexity as low as fashion and good taste will allow. You can do that in a lot of ways - use the original body, not mesh, check you haven't got one of those Hairs with an insane complexity (those may look good to you, but they're best binned, if they exceed 100k complexity, because chances are everyone else only sees a tornado of bits flying around your head), if you have mesh clothes that contain a lot of texture changing scripts, make a reference copy for safekeeping, and then delete all the scripts from the clothes you wear... there are lots of other common sense ways you can help the group. If you have a favorite strategy, put it in the comments.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Super Scuba

 Safine Mahoe is an Opensim goddess, but you knew that already, this week for our second destination we visited her tour de force, an underwater build on Friends Grid,  called Aquamica.
We were delighted that Zazu Bahro and Tonykasjohny Resident were also present to welcome us to their fabulous grid, and join us on a walk through the water and help out with information, and when some of us got lost and needed a tp. 
Tony and Zuzu 
Safine outlined the plan for the day, and also reminded us of an important teleport requirement.

The Mysteries of Atlas Island

Our first destination of the day was on Dorena's World, a German-language grid with a long history here in Opensim, and always a treat to visit. Dorena and Anachron, the grid owners, were on hand to greet us, along with friend of the Safari Jupiter Rowland and his sister Juno.
We've visited lots of sims over the years, including the Beatles themed Strawberry Fields, the art sim More than Lights, and the social destination GridTalk and so on, or und so weiter, as they say here. This time our visit was to Atlas-Insel.
Dorena Verne: So, this region created Anachron single-handedly :-)
Luna Lunaria: great to see everyone
SoA BAD: hallo Dorena, hello all
Thirza Ember: takes me a minute to see colors... But we are all here
Dorena Verne
Luna Lunaria: You forgot to switch out your eyeballs again Thirza?
Star Ravenhurst: Region rezzed fast, but avatars are slow to rez for me
Dorena Verne[de→en]: See you all in color and completely, nice :-)
Anachron Young[de→en]: As Bruce Lee once said: Look at your eyes!
James Atlloud: wait, do I have eyeballs? oh  I do.
Luna Lunaria: lol James
Anachron Young
Leonitas Lionheart: nice to see you again Dorena :)
Dorena Verne[de→en]: I'm very happy too, thank you :-)

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Going to the Goddess

Our second destination of the week was over on Alternate Metaverse Grid, with the lovely Lynnestra Parker showing us around. We were sorry to learn that Maldrul Smith, a good friend of Lynnesta who DJs regular music events on Lynn's region, wasn't able to be with us due to RL. We were able to learn a lot about the sim from these informative boards when we arrived... this is a place of spirituality, myth and healing... with a fair dose of humor and fun thrown into the mix.

Thirza Ember: Thanks for agreeing to show us Airmid, Lynnestra!
Star Ravenhurst: I am excited to see it!
Lavia Lavine: It's positively gorgeous here. It's very relaxing
Lynnestra Parker: In Irish mythology, the goddess Airmed (also given as Airmid) was one of the Tuatha Dé Danann. With her father Dian Cecht and brother Miach, she healed those injured in the Second Battle of Magh Tuiredh. I created this Armid to give people a place to relax and possibly heal.

Safari Does Anarchy

So what's new, I hear you say... anarchy on Safari is our default position. But this is another genius build by SoA BAD who, together with his partner in - crime? no, creativity - SIWAS S, met us on the Sons of Anarchy sim on their grid CCI. HG Address at the end of the post as always.
SoA BAD: First of all, welcome to California, in Charming, the fictional hometown of the Sons of Anarchy. We are here at the original Sons clubhouse.
SoA BAD: Famous people of the series will find everything here on this sim that was important in the series and where the most important scenes took place, such as the Sons' weapons depot in the mountains, police station, hospital, horse farm,
SoA BAD: well as the "Casa Casa" in the red light district and the cafe and hairdresser in the center of town.
Star Ravenhurst: I love SOA! This looks awesome!

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Crazy like a Phos

The second destination on this tour was also very special - a chance to meet a builder and storyteller from Mobius Grid. We were on sim Phos - as always, the HG Address is at the end of the post - and the arrival point is a small island, just off the main build... from here you walk down onto the dock and through the teleport - first accept Experiences, which allow you to get the full effect of the sim! 
The teleport takes you to the giant tower which is full of portals taking you all over the sim, to places high in the sky as well as many neat places at ground level.
Knight Knox, also known by his Display Name KAZO the FOX (Mobius is the only grid in Opensim that we've visited so far to have SL style Display Names enabled) immediately began by giving us a bit of the backstory.
Knight Knox, aka KAZO the FOX
KAZO the FOX: The story of Phos on the planet Daqtheion can be best told starting like this:  Phosfortia was the first planet in the system that started the story, but that planet was destroyed by a threat from space (cyberspace).   Now that planet is the destroyed one you see in the sky over the Desert Zone.  The main resident here Kaze the Fox got in his spaceship and escaped Phosfortia before it got pulled into the void. He traveled through space looking for a new home and found Daqtheion. Its named that because its a place that has multiple climates that range from hot to cold. The name is unique but the original languages it was made up from is lost to time.
Thirza Ember:  I love these awesome teleport rings, look at the image in the middle...  it's really fancy
Lavia Lavine: almost mystical
Thirza Ember:  we're in the heart of the sim now...
Karsten Runningbear: i hear the beat : )

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Calendar Guys

 Another year, another calendar, this year "Men of Opensim"... no, no nudes, you can get them anywhere with depressingly banal results, instead here the focus is on guys going places, or well not exactly going but staying places and making stuff that you can visit. Of course, the number of interesting people in Opensim is uncountable, but these  just represent some of the goings on in the virtual.
You can get the calendar for free at the HG Safari clubhouse, and it's a gift offered in the Notices if you belong to the HG Safari group on OSGrid. The calendar part is a MOAP or media on a prim, linking to the Safari's Google Calendar, which will show you our upcoming seasons of events, plus the grid birthdays of many places on the Hyperverse.
So, who's in the calendar?

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Safari '25

 Another year of HG Safari trips is right around the corner, beginning in just six days from now on January 1 at the usual time, 12.00 Pacific time, or SLT - what time is that where you live? Answers in the comments!
The early spring season of HG Safari trips will last 10 weeks, as usual, so our final trip will be on March 5. Then after a break for a few weeks the fun starts again! As usual, each week the aim is to visit two interesting places on two different grids, accompanied by the person who knows all about the build, so that they can tell us their stories and answer out many curious questions. Where are we going? Here are a few hints - do you recognize any of these destinations?

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Safari Finale 2025

 And so here it was at last, the Season Finale of HG Safari - in fact, the finale for the whole year, and where better to end our long journey than at a futuristic build most definitely not possible in real life even with all the cool light effects that galleries and concerts now can give people, none of it really compares with Nyx Breen's combination of 3D objects and environments, lights, particles, animesh and EEP. If you're not sure what EEP stands for, there is a nice big fat link for you. 
Nyx Breen wearing a special shiny outfit designed to enhance the Finale experience
It's been, what, two years, maybe a little more than that, since this new way of manipulating the environment in your sim was launched, and for many residents and builders, it's probably seemed a bit too complicated, so they have perhaps grabbed some freebie EEPs to liven up their sim, and left it at that.
Not so Nyx Breen, who in his RL career is a photographer of great talent and so is preternaturally in tune with the importance of ambience in terms of light and density. He has turned EEPs into such an art form, on sims that the folks over in the other place can only dream of - vast cathedrals of color are here in Opensim for us to enjoy, to wonder at and of course, to dance in.

Vets in Neverworld

 Tig Eberdene: If you wish, you can click the box by the sign here and receive a poppy to wear. Remembrance Day is one holiday that everyone should celebrate. I am a Canadian veteran so I very much agree
Beth Ghostraven: Remembrance Day is one holiday that everyone should celebrate ...maybe "celebrate" isn't the right word - I think I mean "honor)
For our first destination of the day, the HG Safari crew landed in neverworld to explore ways to remember those who have served in the Military, with two veterans, Tig and Troy. Though each served ina different country, and have independent regions on Neverworld, they have found unity of purpose in the way they'll celebrate on Monday the many lives dedicated to the various branches of the armed forces. The event will be posts on Opensimworld and Facebook, and the HG Address to get to Georgetown (and to Troy's aviation collection, on Painted Sky) you'll find at the end of the post, as always.
The commemoration area is right next to the forced landing spot on sim Georgetown
Tig Eberdene: As you arrive in Georgetown you can see we are set in autumn right now. The setting is to be as how it is in Real life Northern Ontario.  Georgetown is a special place, named for my father George Thomas Wilson. He was a WW2 veteran and my personal hero.  My aim in Georgetown is to make it feel like a real place. There are 3 2x2 sims here, which are all based off a combination of places I have been or lived in RL. This sim is the downtown area. The sim directly to the North is homes for anyone who wishes to live in Georgetown, as well as a small lake and Provincial Park.