Showing posts with label wolf territories grid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wolf territories grid. Show all posts

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Fair Test

 Today was the OSWF test  and about a dozen or so showed up to see how the gigantic sim - the equivalent of 64 normal size sims, and now pretty much complete with all the exhibits, stages, and decorations -  was able to handle the heat.
If you're wondering why you don't see the sim listed on opensimworld, or find the address pasted all over the place, well there's a good reason for that. The team want to try to keep early bird visitors to a minimum. 
Their idea is that the crowd should get the full impact of the place on opening day, which is Saturday March 1, when they'll be having a vibrant range of 4 musical guests - DJs and a live singer -  doing 30 minute sets on different, themed stages, with a repeat show later, just to get energy levels buzzing. 
For full details of the Fair's schedule, which features at least one party or other gathering on every day of the thirty day duration, go to the OSWF website  and connect with their calendar. And once the event is about to begin, you'll get plenty of publicity about when and where to visit!

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Go Westeros

First stop of the day, and after an exhausting week, inworld and out, this was one of those absolutely perfect tours that we dream of on Safari. New hosts for us, but hopefully they will let us come and bother them again, on Wolf Territories. The sim is called Westeros Medieval RP and as always the HG Address can be found at the end of the post.
Thirza Ember: with all the osgrid thing happening we may be fewer than usual
Steve Zodi: yes, i was  expecting that a bit, but word of mouth is always the best way to let people know, so if a few people show up, even if only one, its good to spread the word
Thirza Ember: lol they can be chatty and rowdy like a bunch of tourists when first arriving... well... they ARE  a bunch of tourists
Steve Zodi: its ok, the important is that they have fun and yes they are
Steve Sodl on hand to welcome the merry band of Safari tourists
Thirza Ember: here they come
Tosha Tyran: all naked again...
Steve Zodi: Greetings to all, welcome
Taarna Welles: Hello Steve
Steve Zodi: yes losing our clothes when teleporting is part of the fun... chuckles
Mal Burns: hi all
Tosha Tyran: hahaha, Forest, I see I am not the only one with the lipstick wrapped around the thigh
Forest Azure: lol... if that was all!
Taarna Welles: why are the woman always naked after TP??? Well....?? *Grins
Tosh Tyran: howdy Mal... why don't we ever get to see YOU naked?
Forest Azure: do we want that, Tosha?
Mina and King Max
Safaristas. You can't take them anywhere. 

Friday, October 25, 2024

Fair Progress

 This week's HG Safari involved a visit to Wolf Territories to see how the Opensim World's Fair project is getting along. Several of the core organizers were on hand to give a warm welcome to the group! Most of the photos here are by Rosa and Kimm, you can also see some great pics by Star Ravenhurst on Facebook, and of course, the great Lifted Pixel filmed the whole event - you can watch that video on YouTube - don't forget to like comment and why not subscribe to her channel.
This is a massive sim, and the landing point has a 200m tall Observation Tower which seemed the ideal point to arrive  - don't worry, no stairs, there's a convenient TP down to ground level. The view from the top of the tower, when there are a lot of people, takes a moment to kick in, as you would expect of a well filled VAR  of epic proportions. The HG address is... yeah you guessed it, at the end of this blog post, where it always is.
Kimm Starr:  Hi and welcome to the Opensim Worlds Fair build.   Your presenters today are  Kimm Starr, Cooper Swizzle and Koshari Mahana along with our Entertainment Co-ordinator Rosa Alekseev.  We're excited to have you here today for an early sneak peak of the OpenSim World’s Fair, which officially kicks off on March 1st, 2025! This project is under construction and has been since February of 2024 and is no way complete. Everything has been designed to be conveniently close—whether you prefer walking, flying, or driving, all exhibits and entertainment are easily accessible. Directly below and surrounding the landing zone is the heart of the OpenSim World’s Fair, full of amusements, games, and rides. 
Dings Digital: I am looking forward to all this

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

A Haven for Jimmy

Everybody hopes to have one, a little private haven somewhere in the virtual world. So many creative people share their fabulous sims with the general public and enjoy and allow strangers just to pop in at any time, and that frequently includes having lots of freebies in the form of art and assets - we're very fortunate to have them ! But it's also nice to have a place where you can kick back. 
This is Jimmy Olsen's hideaway, Tromsø, on Alternate Metaverse Grid.
You might have heard him called the Norwegian Elf, in reality Jimmy is Brazilian. That's a very un-Scandinavian country, where right now it's very hot! As a way to beat the heat, his inworld home sim is far cooler and darker than his RL experience. Jimmy has a special script that makes it rain on his region when it's raining in Tromsø (and it rains 234 days a year, on average) so no wonder he suggested I bring an umbrella when dropping in on him!
The EEP is everything to Jimmy. That's how he starts every build, with the feel of the sim, the colors and the shadows becoming an integral part of the construction - and incidentally, covering the occasional imperfection. It might seem impractical to some of us who prefer to build in mid daylight so they can see what they're doing. But too much stark daylight can crush creativity for some people. Which category do you fall into? Or do you do a bit of both?

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Jimmy's Europa

 Jimmy Olsen's Europa has expanded! Most of you have already been to see this imaginative cityscape with its great Mall, sci-fi architecture and gadgets, and fabulous taxis, and soooo much more.
 HG Safari did a little tour last year - it was the season premiere, and (since we only have about an hour for each visit)  we only got a taster of this huge complex around the central build.
And now four months later the build has expanded even further.
Boom! another eight regions surround the original Europa. Seven are visitable, the eighth is a Sandbox, and there are multiple ways to see this build. You can use this greenish TP board to jump to Europa Raceway, Farm, Ranch, Mines, University, Colony, and Spaceport,
Lots of transport choices on Europa
 Loving that font, too - just comprehensible enough to make you feel like you're reading a foreign language you'd almost forgotten. A trip abroad without leaving your chair! Imagine the savings.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Weekend Wolf Fest

Sometimes it pays to be cheeky - we asked and we got permission for the HG Safari group to get a sneak peek at a big event happening next weekend, the 15th and 16th of June. It's Wolf Fest, on Wolf Territories Grid, which has seen exponential growth in its relatively short life - with more virtual space in which to wander than even Second Life !
The Fest is all about celebrating the community, and under a deep blue sky, Lone Wolf and DJ Illusions were on hand to welcome us and explain all about it.
Lone Wolf: OK, I hope everyone's settling in.
Thirza Ember: apart from the nakedness, I'd say we are mostly here and good to go?
Lone Wolf: Uh. Nakedness. Ah, that's OK. There's always a bit of nakedness.
Thirza Ember: can never be sure if nakedness is a deliberate choice, or a glitch
Forest Azure: if it was only naked...

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Safari on Europa

 Second destination for the premiere of the Spring Season of Safari  - Europa! 

This region on Wolf Territories Grid opened a while back, (HG address is, of course, at the end of the post as usual) with a big party celebrating its Mall, stocked with avies, outfits andmesh objects with a sci-fi fantasy twist. 
About 15 of us made it over, and while the lag definitely played some tricks with outfits, Text chat, and people frozen here and there, on the whole it held up pretty well, and experienced safaristas will often just cam to where the people are even if they can't move. So it all worked out pretty well.
The arrival area was full of light, strange signs, and these dancing androids...

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Wolf Leaps Forward

 When a grid migrates its servers to a new rl location, it's often quite a tricky process. Just the words 'grid migration' have your average opensim resident shaking in their thigh length boots, admit it.
But that's not always the case... sometimes it can go as smooth as a silk, or the silky fur of a Wolf...
That was the case today, when Wolf Territories Grid announced they have moved their

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Crow Castle

At one time there were over 500 castles in Japan, but after the age of the shogun, the long series of civil wars came to an end and the country eventually unified under the ruling power of the Emperor. Most of the old feudal fortifications were either demolished or allowed to decay. Only 12 authentic Japanese castles survive to this day. 
This one is accessible without passport or jet lag... it's on Wolf Territories Grid.

Thursday, September 28, 2023


Madness? Well if so, mad in a good way! Yes, it's that lunatic Luna Lunaria with some more mind-blowing creations! Today was the opportunity for many of us to take a first dive into Luna's Luxor build on Wolf Territories Grid - HG address as always at the end of the post - and really absorb the out-of-this-world quality  that makes up this colossal build. It's Egypt with a twist, the sci-fictional version of the place in all its iterations.

Since "scifiegyptology" is too difficult to say, why not just call it "heka", the  ancient Egyptian word for magic, and be done with it.
It is, after all, a heck of a great build. Ouch, sorry, stopping right there. 
Glimmering in a golden dress with uncharacteristic dark hair, to fit the Pharaonic theme,  Luna Lunaria awaited us at the landing place on Luxor.   
Luna Lunaria
Luna Lunaria: Welcome to my home everyone! As the blurb said when you entered, this is not only my home but it was also created to be a place of meditation, mystery, and peace for spiritual pilgrims. As a visitor you are more than welcome to explore Luxor however you wish, whether by flying, camming, boating, walking or using the teleport boards. Keep in mind that some parts of the region reward those who actually go to that location. Some areas have quiet songs playing, like the one you're hearing now at the landing located inside the glowing lavender object. That song is from Blade Runner 2049. Those songs are not streams - just turn up your sounds to hear them. Other areas can only be found by walking or boating. We'll see a couple of those today. The EEP environment and the lighting here are as much a part of the total experience as the structures themselves. If you are not using shared environment and advanced lighting model, the region will appear washed out and much less interesting. As the sign here says, this is optimally how your view should look if your system will allow it. By touching the sign, you can get instructions on changing your graphics settings. And by all means, if you can extend your draw distance, you'll be glad you did.

Friday, August 18, 2023

The Art of the Wolf

 Wolf. There, quickly. What comes to mind? Perhaps the sleek fur, an indomitable intelligence, a pack working together. Or something shadowy, sinister, threatening and scary. Is the wolf for you part of the realm of the supernatural, part of endangered nature, or is it all these things? The relationship between man and wolf is as old as humanity, and wolves stalk world languages, popping up in metaphors and idiomatic expressions, proverbs and poems.
No wonder they make such a good starting point for AI art, which you can see - along with some original work by Lone Wolf, on the welcome sim of Wolf Territories Grid.
When you first arrive on Wolf Territories Grid, you'll find yourself in a circular space, full of information about how the grid works, how you can be part of it, how to get help, information, and find your way around this vast grid, which seems to be growing every day. 

Thursday, November 10, 2022


 The second destination for the Safari this week brought us into contact with great architecture, in every sense of the word! We were guests of Luna Lunaria, who specializes in mesh builds, often on a very grand scale, and she welcomed us into her Emporium on Wolf Territories grid, rather than her art installation  'Lunaria', because it is on Mobius, a grid that is sadly not open to OSgrid residents at this time.  It's a great strategy to have different pied-à-terres on different grids, because the ups and downs of opensim are never that predictable  and a presence on multiple worlds makes you nimble!

The very nimble Luna Lunaria

The Emporium is what the name suggests, a store full of creations, all original work by Luna, which she sells both here and on Kitely and in SL. 

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Safari goes Little and Large

This week was all about the great and the small. We started small, on Weelandia, Digiworldz grid - full HG Addresses, as always, at the end of the post. 
Small inconvenience getting to Digi - well, a very big obstacle for quite a few, who could not navigate the rather daunting ID process. So our group was not as big than it might have been, which is a shame, because Digi is a nice grid with lots to see. But that's part of the Variety of Opensim, everyone has their own strategies and concepts about grid security and community. You have to like difference to love the HG.

Because none of that could stop us from visiting with the lovely Nebby Newman, in company with aminata Potez, for an extraordinary visit to a true gem of a sim, Weelandia.