Showing posts with label dj illusions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dj illusions. Show all posts

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Weekend Wolf Fest

Sometimes it pays to be cheeky - we asked and we got permission for the HG Safari group to get a sneak peek at a big event happening next weekend, the 15th and 16th of June. It's Wolf Fest, on Wolf Territories Grid, which has seen exponential growth in its relatively short life - with more virtual space in which to wander than even Second Life !
The Fest is all about celebrating the community, and under a deep blue sky, Lone Wolf and DJ Illusions were on hand to welcome us and explain all about it.
Lone Wolf: OK, I hope everyone's settling in.
Thirza Ember: apart from the nakedness, I'd say we are mostly here and good to go?
Lone Wolf: Uh. Nakedness. Ah, that's OK. There's always a bit of nakedness.
Thirza Ember: can never be sure if nakedness is a deliberate choice, or a glitch
Forest Azure: if it was only naked...