Showing posts with label koshari mahana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label koshari mahana. Show all posts

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Fair Do's

Opensim Worlds Fair (OSWF for short) is getting closer, and on Saturday at 12.00 SLT there was another progress meeting for people interested in this project. The steering team - Kimm Starr, Koshari Mahana, and the magnificent Cooper Swizzle, were on hand to share the news, confirm details, get feedback and explain how it's still possible for you to participate in the event - there is still time to get on board!
At the meeting took place on the huge sim on Wolf Territories Grid, with some unique chairs and couches provided for the public.... all the fun of the fair!
That hatted figure you see silhouetted in these photos is, of course, grid owner Lone Wolf. For the address of the huge region housing the entire World's Fair, feel free to scroll to the end of the post, the traditional home of all HG Addresses on this blog.

Monday, June 12, 2023

Coopersville Parade

Yesterday was the Coopersville Flotilla on Kitely, and after many weeks of planning, devising, testing and of course building, nine waterborne vehicles and about 20 people gathered to enjoy the show!

The event was coordinated by Koshari Mahana on her VAR region, Coopersville.
Coopersville is a historical region, with an emphasis on the early 20th Century American style - lots of clapboard, gambrel roofs, and opulent villas, and although this is not a RP region, it offers the opportunity to dress up in your jazz-age finery, or your best Edwardian top hat and tails, and soak in the atmosphere.
Coopersville offers opportunities for people to take up residence, or open a shop on the region, provided it's in keeping with the look of the place, so if you're thinking about sampling life on Kitely, it could be an option worth considering! Contact Koshari Mahana in person for more details.

Koshari Mahana - Beatles Yellow Submarine - Four Winds
And it was the lady herself who wins the 'Yellowest float' award for her Beatles inspired barge, helmed by the Fab Four and carrying a raft below it with a fabulous array of Pepperland-style plants and animals.