Showing posts with label star ravenhurst. Show all posts
Showing posts with label star ravenhurst. Show all posts

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Dreams on the 10th Dimension

All is like a dream
Star Ravenhurst's new grid Tenth Dimension is home to her art gallery Le Beau Retrouvé, and there's a big new show scheduled for September 29. 
You're still just about in time to participate. If you make art this could be your chance to exhibit alongside the likes of Tina Bey, Xenon Darrow, Remmy Ravenhurst (no relation), Savannah Joy, Forest Azure, Arcfury and a huge multimedia install by Cherry Manga  and Nico Kailani. The deadline to submit art is September 23, although the sooner you do it, the better it is for Star's nerves! Organizing art shows can be onerous, so why does Star do it?
Star Ravenhurst: It can be difficult to get into a gallery in the real world and most artists never get that opportunity. In fact, they are lucky if anyone beyond their family, friends, or instructors ever sees their work. Having my own grid, I can now give them more opportunities to showcase their work in virtual.
If you're a regular dipper-in to this blog, you may remember reading about Le Beau Retrouvé here although bear in mind, the location of the gallery has changed since then (just part of the way opensim is always in flux and keeping it interesting), and perhaps you caught the episode of Inworld Review where Star spoke about the gallery, among her many other projects. 
Star Ravenhurst:  What does the gallery mean to me? I am an artist in RL and have formal education in Fine Arts, Graphic Arts, Art History, and Design. During college, I worked for an art gallery and learned a lot during my time with them and also took classes in Marketing and Professional Practices to help me learn the business side of art. I do not have the funds in RL to open my own gallery, but in virtual, everything is possible. I have seized the chance to create an art gallery that is welcoming and supportive of new artists as well as established artists. 

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Le Beau Retrouvé

 Tomorrow Sunday 28 is the grand opening of Star Ravenhurst's new gallery called le Beau Retrouvé. It's on Genesis RP grid - the Address is as always at the end of the post - and it's a project she has spent many months putting together. It's beautiful!

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Shining Xzar

Star Ravenhurst: I JUST got nervous!  
Ms.Cal: hello Lucy,  Mal
Star Ravenhurst: Hugs Lucy! Thirza you may want to move. They will be landing on your head
Roffellos Kisses: she likes it
Star Ravenhurst: Welcome James, you may want to move. That thing will keep going off when you are near it
James Atlloud: A welcome message!  I feel very welcome. Do you recommend region environment or something else?
Tosha Tyran: wow, how lovely
Star Ravenhurst: Shared environment.  Some of the parcels have different EPP settings, so with Shared on, you will experience the changes in climate as we walk... Hi Marlon. Welcome. Hi Kelso. Hi Tosha

Friday, December 29, 2023

Safari Calendar 2024

 Another splendid year of opensim fun has drawn to an end and another is just gearing up - grid hopping in virtual worlds has never been more rewarding or reliable!  To celebrate the new year, here's a calendar that celebrates just a few of the loveliest people and places. 
This calendar is an inworld object, available at the HG Safari clubhouse, and if you hit the Calendar Info button, you will receive a Notecard that gives you the HG addresses and LMs to each of the places featured in the pictures. A big thank you to all the artists and builders who agreed to pose for the calendar, and to snowbody Cortes for invaluable help on the script. 
So who and where does this year's calendar feature?
Our cover artist is Luna Lunaria, seen here on her region Luxor, on Wolf Territories Grid. An absolute genius when it comes to texturing Luna is well known for her

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Xzar Gazing

Last Sunday was the official opening of The Land of Xzar on Genesis RP grid, a region built by Star Ravenhurst, and this Wednesday it the Safari took the tour for our second hour of the 2 hour ride around opensim.  As lovely as opensim is at any time, there's nothing quite like visiting a sim with the creator and some friends to truly get the measure of what is meant by the fine pixels on show. You might say that this build (HG Address is at the end of the post, as always) is really several tales in one. 
It's the 3D representation of Star's novel, to be published on Amazon later this year, but it's also a story of a Star's talent and tenacity as a builder, with many original constructions and textures that she has put together over her many years in virtual. And it's also the chronicle of the many grids she has been part of, several of which have come to an untimely end, forcing her to regroup, rebuild, and re-imagine her regions in other worlds. That opportunity to glimpse and gaze into the creative universe of our fellow Opensimmers is one of the most exciting and interesting parts of the life virtual. Unlike most gaming platforms, it offers a unique connection between original imaginations - yours and theirs - and is infinitely fascinating, if on occasion hard work.
Youca Godel: I'm finding it neat that people are building sims based on shows and books.
Star Ravenhurst: This is based on my book Youca
Forest Azure: are there any fairytales sims? for a fairytale rp sim
Doctor Dave: There's a dead angel on the lawn.  Did anyone bring a first aid kit?
Star Ravenhurst: Is everyone here? I think we are missing Tosha... Welcome Tim
humbletim metaverse: hi
Star Ravenhurst: Well I will start pasting into chat what you need to know. This build is based on my upcoming novel by the same name. This is a visual of the land that has lived inside of my head for years. This is an ancient world that has seen war and destruction with many characters seeking power over time. 1000+ years have passed since the end of the world and civilization returned. The antagonist is Hadean the Executioner. He is a narcissistic, power hungry, sexual predator, brutal, and evil as they come. The hero is Michael McCall of Plano Texas who is angry with his father who has taken over as ruler of the whole planet due to advancements that he owns, sells, and controls the population with.
Lavia Lavine: You didn't tell me your novel was about my Ex husband.
Forest Azure: lol