Showing posts with label Wendie Blackthorne. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wendie Blackthorne. Show all posts

Friday, December 29, 2023

Safari Calendar 2024

 Another splendid year of opensim fun has drawn to an end and another is just gearing up - grid hopping in virtual worlds has never been more rewarding or reliable!  To celebrate the new year, here's a calendar that celebrates just a few of the loveliest people and places. 
This calendar is an inworld object, available at the HG Safari clubhouse, and if you hit the Calendar Info button, you will receive a Notecard that gives you the HG addresses and LMs to each of the places featured in the pictures. A big thank you to all the artists and builders who agreed to pose for the calendar, and to snowbody Cortes for invaluable help on the script. 
So who and where does this year's calendar feature?
Our cover artist is Luna Lunaria, seen here on her region Luxor, on Wolf Territories Grid. An absolute genius when it comes to texturing Luna is well known for her

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Safari Goes Under the Mountain

The second destination for this week's Safari was on Kinky Haven grid, run by Wendie Blackthorne who was there to greet us, in her cute spelunking outfit - surprisingly un-grimy considering the fiendishly difficult tunnel and cave system she had invited us to experience, the creation of her friend Lizzy Borden. No, she didn't have an axe. I know you were wondering. Well, that might not be entirely accurate...
Wendie Blackthorne, front, and Lizzy Borden behind her.

This is a huge region, so of course we were limited in how much of it we could see in our short visit, but the girls had organized themselves in such a way that we were able to get a good idea of the variety and magesty of the build without being rushed too much. 
The tunnel style build is one of the most difficult of all to pull off, as it's a tricky game of proportions when you are trying to create a closed-in atmosphere that is also cam friendly. The labyrinth needs to be at challenging but not so frustrating and cramped that the immersive feel is lost for the player-visitor.
Lighting, textures, sounds and objects all come together to surprise, spook, and delight throughout this enormous build, where every tunnel suggests more discoveries - and does not disappoint.
We met on the big plaza outside the mountain.
Lizzy Borden: Welcome to The Mountain. This is The Mountain of the Ancients who attempted to build a tower to Heaven in the shape of a pyramid.....but it collapsed along with their civilisation. What you are about to see is the remnants and evidence of attempt at restoration by the descendants.