Showing posts with label ignis fatuus grid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ignis fatuus grid. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Calendar Guys

 Another year, another calendar, this year "Men of Opensim"... no, no nudes, you can get them anywhere with depressingly banal results, instead here the focus is on guys going places, or well not exactly going but staying places and making stuff that you can visit. Of course, the number of interesting people in Opensim is uncountable, but these  just represent some of the goings on in the virtual.
You can get the calendar for free at the HG Safari clubhouse, and it's a gift offered in the Notices if you belong to the HG Safari group on OSGrid. The calendar part is a MOAP or media on a prim, linking to the Safari's Google Calendar, which will show you our upcoming seasons of events, plus the grid birthdays of many places on the Hyperverse.
So, who's in the calendar?

Thursday, September 14, 2023

A Spirited Safari

 The spark that sets alight creativity in Opensim can come from lots of sources. A desire to celebrate favorite movie or fictional character, a vivid dream or memory, or perhaps to walk through famous landmarks from around the world and meditate on their history and culture, or relive an idealized holiday landscape. And of course, there are those who eternally orbit the interior of their underwear. 

Our first stop on this second Safari of the season was on Ignis Fatuus grid, and the build we visited is by Nadir Rae, who didn't join us, but instead the lovely Max Well, owner of the grid, took us around the build. 

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Off the Chart

 After the big German welcome we got over on Carima Grid, while visiting the Amazoniens, our second stop on this 17th Safari tour of 2023 was to Ignis Fatuus grid, the home of  Max and Nadir. Lots of fellow frenchies were on hand to welcome us, which was lovely especially if you speak French, and if you want to get that full gallic - mayhem feel, you can watch a vid made of our visit by Prodyck Theas over on Twitch. The HG Address of the build is, of course, at the end of this post.

The region, on arrival, is immediately identifiable as an Ignis build - fantastic towers and tranquil seas, and that sense of all not being quite as it seems. 

Thursday, June 30, 2022


And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; 
and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. 
And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. 
And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language;
 and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, 
which they have imagined to do.  Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, 
that they may not understand one another's speech.
So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: 
and they left off to build the city.
Genesis 11:4-8
Arrival - Photo by Fitheach Eun
Ignis Fatuus grid, our second destination this week. Ustengrav is a new region from Max, Chip and Harthelie, whose prowess in intricate construction and textures is always mindboggling. The theme is Mesopotamian, proto-Mediterranean, with  a little pre-Columbian mystery in there for good measure. An idyll of idols, if you will. Colors and textures, layout and lighting, this is not a build that is meant to be immediately understood.
We were, how can I put this, informationally challenged, in that yes, there was an intro to the build, in

Thursday, June 9, 2016

A Fact and Fantasy Safari

          Sometimes we think of it as a fail, but one of the virtues OpenSim is that it has no theme, beyond its variety, liberty and instability. Everyone does what they feel, and it's a testament to the inherent positive spirit of, well, humanity, that here are so many grids and regions that celebrate beauty, generosity and goodness, without being self-conscious or coy about it.
          This week, the Safari visited three grids, Saraneth region on Ignis Fatuus, ArcadiaShop on OSGrid, and three sims on Craft Grid, Hildesheim, Heritage and ESOC. HG Addresses, as usual, at the end of the post. Some builds are factual, some are pure fantasy either of an original form, or developing beloved stories or images, but all of them teach us something.

Monday, May 30, 2016

True Grid

 Matilda Charron came on Safari!
Matilda Charron at the clubhouse
          Now that is true grit. The Safari begins at like 3 am, Mati's time, and we were so glad she decided to join the fun and games this week.
          And what a game of it we had.  Generally speaking, hypergridders like to be able to jump directly from A to B. Having to go through Welcome sims or make multiple leaps to reach one's destination is not a huge burden, but obviously, if somebody builds a region and wants people to visit, then it would be good if they made that as easy as possible. Is that dumbing down? I hope not. The 'idiot-proof' opensim viewer we're always being promised doesn't matter to me, mostly because I'm not that interested in meeting idiots. HG accessibility is, however, key to making it worth your while to build worthwhile, quality installations and regions.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Safari on the 'Fly

          This week we went Back to the Future - in so many ways! Spike Sol invited us to join the party on sim Pyramid, OSGrid, organized by Samira Santanko at the Blue Wave Club. The mesh Delorean was without doubt the star of the evening, as well as DeeJane Samira's choice of music - which began with the soundtrack of the film. You'll find the info for getting to our destinations at the end of this post.
Photo by Spike Sol 
I guess it was a fair bet that this was not going to be a simple Safari. After 75 weeks, none of us expect things to be super smooth, but that announcement on the OSGrid splash screen 'mandatory update'  was bound to make the blood run cold.