Showing posts with label Samira Samtanko. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Samira Samtanko. Show all posts

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Once in a Blue Moon

The Blue Wave Club is an old soul in opensim, and it carries its memories lightly, with long friendships.  The club is located under a pyramid that gives the sim its name, and under the sim water, that gives an unearthly light to the dancefloor. 
Unlike so many clubs which are as huge as aircraft hangars, making the dancing public seem like ants, this is an intimate, primmy, colorful space, with that warm, lived-in feel to it. Full HG Address at the end of the post, as always.
Cherry Manga: hello!
Elamanu Pastorelli: hi all
Samira Samtanko: hello all  welcome to the  Midweek Party

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Who Dereos Wins

            It's fun to visit new places, and in open sim, 'new' often means places that have only recently come into existence. This week the Safari took a trip over to visit the predominantly German language grid Dereos, founded by Akira Sonoda and a small group of friends, with the technical wizardry of Freaky Tech. We were there to wish them well for their upcoming first anniversary celebration, at the end of this month.
Malon's fabulous loft on Dereos
Fancy.Day: Can you see me ok?
Truelie Telling: yes, you got all your parts, hehe
Fancy.Day: Good. Never sure with this platform :)
Truelie Telling: but we haven't gone too many jumps yet
Unadecal Masala: there's still plenty of room for chaos and mayhem
Fancy.Day: I am using Radegast on a windows phone emulator
Unadecal Masala: that's really interesting, Fancy.  Are we all rezzed fine for you?
Fancy.Day: Yes all rezzed but the graphics are a little crude
George Equus: this new 0.9 code is sure making some stir in the pot
Lucy Afarensis: I have found that it causes asset problems if you let it run more than a few days
Truelie Telling: apparently, there are certain scripts that no longer work... including NPCs
Thirza Ember: una, didn't you say you couldn't find inventory you had bought on another grid?
Unadecal Masala: I did say that the inventory I bought at Clutterfly arrived corrupted at OSG... it arrived fine at my grid though.
Lucy Afarensis: never arrived at all for me
Unadecal Masala: Lucy it did arrive, but it generates XML errors and doesn't rez
Thirza Ember: sooo bizarre
       On that note, our first stop was Freakyo sim, home to Freaky Tech, who has developed the Arriba software, a fork of Open Sim, on which Dereos Grid is based. But first, some Teravus fun.
No nudes on Teravus
Lucy Afarensis: Am I naked ?
Thirza Ember: no Lucy
Aime Socrates: yes million years ago !
Lucy Afarensis: whew
James Atlloud: No naked avs that I can see.
Thirza Ember: I apologize for that James, maybe next time.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Safari on the 'Fly

          This week we went Back to the Future - in so many ways! Spike Sol invited us to join the party on sim Pyramid, OSGrid, organized by Samira Santanko at the Blue Wave Club. The mesh Delorean was without doubt the star of the evening, as well as DeeJane Samira's choice of music - which began with the soundtrack of the film. You'll find the info for getting to our destinations at the end of this post.
Photo by Spike Sol 
I guess it was a fair bet that this was not going to be a simple Safari. After 75 weeks, none of us expect things to be super smooth, but that announcement on the OSGrid splash screen 'mandatory update'  was bound to make the blood run cold.