Showing posts with label max hill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label max hill. Show all posts

Friday, October 7, 2022

French Weave

To weave the mirror's magic sights...
Tennyson, The Lady of Shalott

The appointed hour - the heure fixĂ©e -  is 12 noon SLT, let's call it 21 heure de Paris. The place, a marble palace on the tiny grid of Eden Cat, full of souvenirs, games, pictures, comfortable chairs, and music. The day - the first Thursday of the month.
It's time again for a regular get-together of anyone who enjoys the francophone community in Opensim. This month, half a dozen grids were represented among the participants, some with famous names, others bijou grids with only a handful of residents, some personal sanctuaries with a single  inhabitant.  It can be fun to have your own place, there's a lot to be said for it creatively and in terms of keep the drama to a minimum, but humans do tend towards gregariousness. Advice, encouragement, and some chill chit chat can make a welcome change.

Thursday, June 30, 2022


And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; 
and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. 
And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. 
And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language;
 and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, 
which they have imagined to do.  Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, 
that they may not understand one another's speech.
So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: 
and they left off to build the city.
Genesis 11:4-8
Arrival - Photo by Fitheach Eun
Ignis Fatuus grid, our second destination this week. Ustengrav is a new region from Max, Chip and Harthelie, whose prowess in intricate construction and textures is always mindboggling. The theme is Mesopotamian, proto-Mediterranean, with  a little pre-Columbian mystery in there for good measure. An idyll of idols, if you will. Colors and textures, layout and lighting, this is not a build that is meant to be immediately understood.
We were, how can I put this, informationally challenged, in that yes, there was an intro to the build, in

Friday, February 18, 2022

The Folly of Phaedra

Jeff Kelley:   how many avatars have we lost ?
Ernest Moncrieff:  I'm always lost
Nara Nook: thanks ... little bit lost
Ernest Moncrieff: are we in a Wormhole?
George Equus: I am still in one piece, even hat came along for the ride

This week's visits are split across two posts, because reasons. Why folly? Because if you don't go to see Phaedra for yourself you're nuts. Or maybe it's the folly of the Safari, thinking we could see more than a tiny part of this extraordinary build. 

It looks a bit like a folly, constructed in the form of a composite tower or Parnassus. Phaedra rises from the Ocean of Ignis Fatuus grid like a mountain surrounded by a solar wind. 

The first thing I heard on arriving on Phaedra with the group was Kelso, warning us about piranhas.  There had been a strange lag on the Safari clubhouse sim all day, so it seemed quite believable that around this strange towering installation, another brilliant creation by Max Hill, owner of Ignis Fatuus Grid, there might well be avatar eating fish.

It was going to be an epic Safari. This is part one of two great destinations and, as always, the addresses are at the end of this post.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

A Fact and Fantasy Safari

          Sometimes we think of it as a fail, but one of the virtues OpenSim is that it has no theme, beyond its variety, liberty and instability. Everyone does what they feel, and it's a testament to the inherent positive spirit of, well, humanity, that here are so many grids and regions that celebrate beauty, generosity and goodness, without being self-conscious or coy about it.
          This week, the Safari visited three grids, Saraneth region on Ignis Fatuus, ArcadiaShop on OSGrid, and three sims on Craft Grid, Hildesheim, Heritage and ESOC. HG Addresses, as usual, at the end of the post. Some builds are factual, some are pure fantasy either of an original form, or developing beloved stories or images, but all of them teach us something.