Showing posts with label Kashi Takeshi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kashi Takeshi. Show all posts

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Sunshine in Africa

The beautiful Africa region was our second destination this week, and Sunshine Szavanna was on hand to welcome us to this sim, one of three she has on the grid Virtual Worlds Zone, owned by Kashi Takeshi. The talented Shenn Tao, who also has regions on this grid (you may remember the post about Tonglen   back in 2023, the sim has evolved a lot further since then) also joined us, showing nice solidarity with his fellow residents.  We came for the panorama and stayed for the music, and much info about Africa - an ideal combination. HG Address is of course at the end of the post.
Sunshine Szavanna: welcome all to my - never ready - sim lol...we wait for all to arrive and then we move on to the Jazz club
Sunshine Szavanna

We all piled on top on one another, at the tp point. Our Safari travels are wonderfully captured by lifted pixel on her YouTube channel, by the way, so don't miss out on that, and please remember to like and subscribe.
lifted pixel: classic safari stack... hello Sunshine! Thanks for  having us :D
Shenn Tao: namaste
Kashi Takeshi: :) toggle the music thingies to start the nice stream :)

Sunday, November 19, 2023

The Breath of Shenn Tao

It is a place born out of balance, it is a home to harmony. In a world full of bitterness and so much focus on the self, to the detriment of others, it is a haven for the mind.
Shenn Tao's region on Virtual Worlds Zone takes its name from Tonglen, a Tibetan word meaning more or less 'give and take'. The sending and receiving in Tonglen meditation practice is exactly the opposite to the way most business is transacted. It's all about breathing, and the idea is that instead of trying to take in pleasure and stay away from pain, you aim to receive other's pain by breathing it in, and on each breath you exhale, you're trying to send out goodness and wellbeing to others. Imagine if everyone gave that a go for a little while.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Forest and All That Jazz

This Sunday is International Jazz Day, first celebrated in 2011 to honor one of the most idiosyncratic and evocative genres of music. The term Jazz has an uncertain, but sensual and vibrant roots and was first found in print in the USA in the early 1900s, read more here if you're curious. Since Safaris happen on Wednesdays we felt free to move the annual festival up a few days, and have an all Jazz extravaganza this week.
Our first stop was on Virtual Worlds Zone, and grid owner Kashi Takeshi welcomed us to All That Jazz (HG Address at the end of the post, as always) which is a club on its own dedicated sim. We were lucky enough to have Forest Azure performing for us, she sings with a rl Jazz combo, and came up with a song list that was a beautiful blend of classy jazz, blues, and more. Songs were in Stream, and her commentary between the numbers was in Voice, which sounds complicated but actually worked as smooth as a Sinatra serenade.
Kashi Takeshi: welcome! Hope all is rezzing fast and okies... You can toggle the stream if the audio does not work.
Forest Azure
Forest Azure: funny to be 'on the other side' for a change
James Atlloud: It's good for the soul Forest (heh heh)
Youca Godel: A nice jazz club sounds wonderful.
Tosha Tyran: yes, it really has a lot of atmosphere
Kashi Takeshi: I built this club some time ago with the plan to start DJing nice Jazz tunes here. I was quite busy last months but will soon start every Sunday, Asha from Sunvibes will also jump in and hope Azure and other Jazz singers will like to perform here too.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Cho and Tell

Kashi Takeshi: Hello all, happy to see you and welcome at Heiwa. Heiwa is hosted on the Virtual Worlds Grid that was founded 2 years ago.  The grid is non-commercial and sponsored by the founder and residents. Heiwa stands for Peace and is the name I gave this region where I am making a little Japanese village. I do like the old Japanese ways instead of the modern cities, The ambiance and atmosphere breathes Zen.  That's what I am trying to create here on Heiwa. Heiwa is still being build and hopefully will be ready this winter ;)  Many people helped my out to gather the items you see around  you.  If you happen to like an item please send me a notecard and I will deliver it to you later.

Kashi Takeshi