Showing posts with label travel in opensim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label travel in opensim. Show all posts

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Safari Does Anarchy

So what's new, I hear you say... anarchy on Safari is our default position. But this is another genius build by SoA BAD who, together with his partner in - crime? no, creativity - SIWAS S, met us on the Sons of Anarchy sim on their grid CCI. HG Address at the end of the post as always.
SoA BAD: First of all, welcome to California, in Charming, the fictional hometown of the Sons of Anarchy. We are here at the original Sons clubhouse.
SoA BAD: Famous people of the series will find everything here on this sim that was important in the series and where the most important scenes took place, such as the Sons' weapons depot in the mountains, police station, hospital, horse farm,
SoA BAD: well as the "Casa Casa" in the red light district and the cafe and hairdresser in the center of town.
Star Ravenhurst: I love SOA! This looks awesome!

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Safari Countdown

 It's just ten days until the new season of  HG Safari begins, on Wednesday September 4 at 12 noon Pacific time. otherwise known as SLT or Grid Time. 
If you are familiar with our region on OSGrid, please be advised that the OSGrid region is no longer online. HG Safari now has a new home.
The new Clubhouse is located on the grid HG Safari, here's the address: Safari

Once again, we will have ten weeks of visits to different grids and regions all across opensim, visiting art and tech builds, some representing real places, others inspired by fiction and fantasy. It will be an opportunity to make new friends, meet builders, learn about projects, passions, and of course problems that all come together to make up the Opensim experience.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Safari Sees Scario

Craft grid was our first stop this week on Safari with a RL place, recreated, and some nifty reproductions of ancient technology that will make you think and wonder. The sim was NoiLab 2, we were guests of Tonino Lane, and the full hop address is, yes, as always, at the end of the post.
Tonino Lane [it→en]: follow me and take your place around the compass of the winds, I hope there are chairs for everyone, what a great group, I'm honored to have you here
The compass of the winds  is of course a great way to enter into the spirit of the Mediterranean world, and  to further facilitate our visit, Lorenza Colicigno helped out with some explanations in several languages in Local Chat so we could better understand the place. Some people think 'oh just tell the group to take a Notecard' but let's be honest, nobody reads notecards, especially long ones, and Notecard Givers fail due to the lag that a big group of people often makes, and anyway it's way more fun if you tell us about your build piece by piece, so we can absorb the information gradually, and ask questions. 
Tonino has been fascinated by virtual worlds and the possibilities of the digital worldwide community from the days of dialup, and his reputation as a builder covers the past 20 years in both SL and Craft Grid. We had arrived in the small port of Scario, about 150 km south of Naples. Tonino spent his summer holidays here for almost 20 years, and had a sailboat with which he used to sail around the Gulf of Policastro, reaching the wild and inaccessible small beaches.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Symphony's Mech Lab

Arriving on mech Lab in OSGrid is like stepping into a movie, or a high-end game. We were guests, for the second destination of this week's trip, of Symphony Vive, and she met the 20 or so Safari visitors at the Landing Point which sported a nice Welcome poster... always good sign!
The big white spheres are the cars that take you to the HUB
Symphony Vive: Welcome HG Safari Explorers! 欢迎 HG Safari 探险家!It will take some time  for the Region to load  for you to see... we will  soon move to a landing  HUB when we've all  loaded. This  will begin our  tour.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

HIE - Art on Craft

 The Hypergrid International Expo is an annual event where people whose first language is not English get the chance to speak about their grid, their projects, their inventions and their opinion- in their own language - with subtitles for the rest of us - about places in Opensim.
While the emphasis of the presentations is to give non-English speakers a voice, the HIE Park is full of publicity booths that celebrate and inform you about all kinds of places in opensim. 

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Xmas Mission on 3rd Rock

This Sunday, December 17 at 10am Pacific time is a huge milestone for a very special group, and you're invited to the adventure, and the party!
Starfleet Infinity celebrates one year on 3rd Rock Grid. It's a scifi roleplay group that is based on the format, structure, and values of the TV show and film franchise Star Trek. 
But wait a minute, first anniversary? Hasn't there been a Star Trek inspired roleplay place on 3rd Rock for years? Astraios... Lyonesse Colony... all that? 
Yes. For a long time, this group was an opensim colony of SL's United Federation Starfleet. Last year, the decision was made to break away, and form something new, dynamic, and vaster than before, right here on 3rd Rock, taking advantage of the talent and energy of the locals - in particular Alia Soulstar, builder, art curator, not to mention Captain of the USS Feynman, who has stepped up to create a fabulous website as well as inworld goodies. 
The move was a good one, they doubled their numbers overnight, and the past year has been an ongoing success story. Safari celebrated 'First Contact Day' with many of the crew and creative contributors of Starfleet Infinity last April and it was a delight to see how committed and organized and fun-loving they are.

Friday, December 8, 2023

Five Bits About the OSCC

1. Eleven years The Opensimulator Community Conference  returns this weekend for another opportunity for everyone who enjoys virtual worlds to discover new friends, interests, projects, and tech tips. It is the annual gathering from across the hyperverse on a dedicated grid and this is the 11th edition of the event, which is a very long time in virtual worlds! The opening festivities are on Friday 08 December, and then on Saturday and Sunday, December 9 and 10, there will be talks and presentations from 7am until 6.30pm Pacific Time (SLT) - with breaks for meals, and all kinds of opportunities for socializing throughout the weekend. You can find the full schedule here.
The main seating area at the OSCC
2. Registration Around and about on Social Media, you may have seen notices about registering to attend the OSCC - and, oh boy, I can see from here your Opensim hackles

Monday, December 4, 2023

Coming Up Roses

It's December and what better time to start thinking about ...Carnival Season... wait, what?  The Xmas tree still hasn't been decorated! But you know, it's never too soon to begin thinking about your creativity for the coming year. What better way to kick it off, and to kick away the winter blues, than by entering a nice float in the Carnival Parade.
Sim Koeln
Why on Pangea grid? 
Well, it's one of opensim's premier arts grids, with spectacular regions by Tutz Zabelin, Lampithaler Artist, Nyx Breen, Bink Draconia and more. 
The grid owner Marlon Wayne is based in Cologne, where Carnival gets started way earlier than it does in most countries.  Consider this -  Mardi Gras, which is the big Carnival date for most people will be February 13 next year, but for the people of Cologne - in German,  Köln - the carnival season begins on November 11 at 11 minutes past eleven. Pangea has a region called Koeln, which is how you spell Köln when you can't use an umlaut. It's a cityscape that the Pangeans use for all kinds of community art events and a visit at any time will reward you with one  collection or another.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

The Breath of Shenn Tao

It is a place born out of balance, it is a home to harmony. In a world full of bitterness and so much focus on the self, to the detriment of others, it is a haven for the mind.
Shenn Tao's region on Virtual Worlds Zone takes its name from Tonglen, a Tibetan word meaning more or less 'give and take'. The sending and receiving in Tonglen meditation practice is exactly the opposite to the way most business is transacted. It's all about breathing, and the idea is that instead of trying to take in pleasure and stay away from pain, you aim to receive other's pain by breathing it in, and on each breath you exhale, you're trying to send out goodness and wellbeing to others. Imagine if everyone gave that a go for a little while.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Safari In the Den!

In the middle of a wild work week, a peaceful enclave is just what the doctor ordered. This week's safari took us to exactly that - an African themed region called Lioness Den on Genesis Roleplay Grid, as guests of Lavia Lavine. As always the full HG Address is at the end of the post.
Lavia Lavine: You're very welcome and if this is everyone we'll get started. 
Tosha Tyran: let's  ...whoever comes late, will serve as a dinner for the lions

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Lady Builds the Blues

A trip to Forest of Azure is a ride into the blue, to a world counterposed between comfort and cages, spanning epochs from Mid-victorian to Medieval, from Japanese to European. It captures the many moods of its maker, Forest Azure.

Your visit starts with art, on a sky platform above the main build. The theme is adult, about passion and desire, the human condition, the need to be wanted. Hot stuff, laid out elegantly in a crystal hall.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Dorena Forever !

 Our two destinations this week took us to places of great historical significance in the history of opensim, now reaching well into its second decade. Grids and projects, residents and regions have all come and gone over these many years, and the virtual is often dismissed as temporary - a fad, a transient pastime. But our stops on this Safari prove that the situation is to a large extent otherwise. Through the vicissitudes of  code and server reliability, in the face of drama and data loss, some regions and their residents have endured and flourished.
This week we celebrated with Dorena her birthday which is just a week or so separated from the 'birthday' of the Germán grid that bears her name. Anachron Young invited us to a party on a spot full of meaning for the grid -the original sim where the whole adventure began!.
Dorena1 Verne: nice to see you:-)
Loru Destiny: Hello welcome Safarians :-)
James Atlloud: 32 avatars!  wow

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Big Fun in Little Wales

The Belgian treat Speculoos is a sweet cookie, the name being derived from the Latin for 'mirror' referring to the way each cookie mirrors the shape and pattern of the wooden biscuit molds used to make them. In virtual worlds, Speculoos is a grid with Belgian roots and a long history, and it's home to Susannah Avonside, and a lovely build reflecting her native Wales. 
Apologies for the photos, turns out upgrading Firestorm was a bad idea - no big shock there.Susannah Avonside: Welcome! this is the second iteration of my build here, if you'd like an impression of what the previous build was like you can find an interview Thirza did with me some 11 years ago now on her blog. Those of you with avatars taller than 2m might find it difficult to enter the buildings, so it's a case of shrink, or do a lot of camming
Ange Menges: You are building all that alone Susannah ?
Susannah Avonside: yes, I do all my own building, this is just one of my projects, I have several on the go at the moment in OSGrid
Lavia Lavine: That's awesome Susannah, Well done

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Safari Starts

This week was the third outing of HG Safari, a new group nothing like Pathfinder's fabulous HGAC, which always seemed to work smoothly. The idea behind Safari is very different too: his Hypergrid Adventurer's Club mostly attracted seasoned, or semi-seasoned, grid jumpers and folk who already had their own grids. HG Safari is aimed at people active and experienced in Second Life, and maybe InWorldz, or anywhere in opensim from Kitely and OSGrid to the tiniest boutique grids, but who have not been out hypergridding very much. 
Reticulation on OSGrid
It's a rip-roaring clusterfuck of lag, miscommunication, disappearing skins, linden hair, and sheer determination. Not for the impatient or the faint hearted.
It's a slow process getting people started, and the aim is to assist SL artists and creators to reach a level of hypergridding savvy and new friends so they'll be able to make the most of the free uploads and masses of space that Open Sim offers, and then encourage and accompany their friends to see what's out there.