Showing posts with label whirli placebo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label whirli placebo. Show all posts

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Neo Rome

 Nexus Storm is a great builder! But you knew that already. Also, that the Neverworld family like to collaborate on builds - perhaps you remember the Total Recall region the Safari visited a while back. This time, we went to Rome -with a twist, a Neo twist.
Many people wonder, sure, when you read in this blog Safari people saying things like "I will definitely come back and explore" - do they really mean it? Well yes. Here's photographic proof. There were about 15  to 20 of us on the enormous region, and that of course made a certain amount of lag, even with all the possible precautions taken by the very skilled Neverworld teams - including turnings off their fabulous NCPs. Despite all their best efforts, Whirli found he couldn't move. So he simply waited for us to all leave, and for the region to be restored to its complete glory, and then he went back. Only to be eaten by a bear.
The build is an incredible mashup of all the best styles - roman bones, but its sinews and muscles taken from many fictional genres.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Whirli Placebo on HIE

Our second destination was a preview of the HIE build. The Hypergrid International Expo is coming this weekend, with 3 musical guests on the Friday (starting at 11am SLT and then two days of talks and artistic performances, starting at 9am SLT on Saturday and Sunday.
HIE Welcome.  Join the Group best for your language,
and then walk through the portal to the Auditorium

You can find the whole schedule here - HIEOPENSIM - and also read about the artists and the speakers. The event gives an opportunity for people whose first language is not English to be able to give a talk to a wide public. As they speak, the main points of their talks will appear in 'Subtitle' form. Join the Language group right for you and just read the subtitles in the Chat.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Key of C

If you're not familiar with the concept of Cornflakes Week, a totally Opensim event started in 2015 and unconnected with any national, religious, or otherwise real-world-based festival, and not limited to any one grid, or particular style of celebrating, then you can read about its Corny origins here and  here, and about the man who inspired the whole thing here and  here
Waiting at the Clubhouse before Go Time
Our first destination for our festivities was a new build, purpose made, by Nyx Breen, over on Pangea grid, HG Address as ever, at the end of the post. 
Nyx called the build 'Key of C' which works on enough levels that you can spend the next half hour enjoying the poetics of the name. A vivacious paradox of complex simplicity, the size and detail and laglessness of Nyx's work is always a treat, and met the 'standard' - if there is one - of a Corny venue. None better. 
Whirli Placebo agreed to sing for us which was so good on so many levels. If you don't know his music, or know it and want a wider window on his originals and covers, check out his Youtube Channel  and look for him at music venues in SL and Opensim and more.  You can even download yesterday's show here, if you like! Catch him in SL every Wednesday at 10 am SLT at Cafe Musique Whirli's mercurial masculinity always takes the long view of life with subtle sensitivity and chronicles its fragility and foolishness through a blend of his original songs and originally rendered covers. It was a perfect fit for this build

Thursday, February 24, 2022


 This week is Cornflakes Week, a festival of fun that is exclusively OpenSim. Only a handful of grids are  participating this year (we were up to 11 grids back in 2017) but maybe Cornflakes 2023 can prove to be BIG for original OpenSim silliness, if the world doesn't end up a cinder before then, 

Put it in your calendar just in case, February 22-28, 2023.

The idea of Cornflakes Week? It's not morbidly focused on one late lamented person. Goodness knows, so many dear companions, fine artists, and generous friends have left this virtual life and we miss them all. No, the idea of the week is that it's an open ended festival, in the sense that you can have your own home grown Corny party, it can be adapted to the style of any grid or region, it's not affiliated with the weather or time of day, or the local religious, cultural, social, or political goings on of any one corner of the planet. What the world needs now is more gentle silliness, more than ever, and Cornflakes Week is all about that in a uniquely OpenSim way. 

Just to show that the concept can be modded, brought forward from the aughts to the twenties, and from pure prim to magnificent mesh, Cherry Manga took a journey through the creations of Cornflakes and came up with her own take on gentle fun. The build is still visitable in the sky above our clubhouse on OSgrid, and guitarman Whirli Placebo agreed to sing for us. But before that, we popped over to see fireworks conjurer Wordofthe Wise, who kindly invited us to see a copy of the region where all the Corn fun began. 

As always, the addresses of the destinations are at the end of the post.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Non Stop Safari

       Nothing but movement, movement, this week - heck, even the musician was whirly  - Whirli Placebo, to be precise, but we will get to that later. All hypergrid addresses are of course at the end of the post, so you can go and see these places for yourself if you wish.       We started out at the Clubhouse, as we always do, on Teravus Plaza OSGrid, with 3 destinations lined up starting with Kodinpump, a prize hunt build simultaneously available on OSGrid and Metropolis. 

Friday, May 22, 2015

AAA Little Nightfire

          Flashing can be bad for people. But if you don't have a photosensitive health issue, then animated attached art - let's call it Triple A ! - is probably the best thing out there, especially when combined with live music. Fuschia Nightfire put on a cracking display for the HG Safari First Anniversary party this week, and it was interesting to hear a bit about what went into it. 
          First off, where did the inspiration for all the bright colors and attachments come from?
Fuschia Nightfire: I think it was Wizzy's idea actually. We were chatting about the party and said it would be good if we could get SaveMe to come, but realised that probably wouldn't happen, so we joked about making a NOT SaveMe performance, and I realised that with the dancing cat animation and the avatar starter kit, I probably already had some items that we could use. I also have some of her pieces on SL, so it was not difficult to look at those and make my own versions here, like the personal ban lines.
Thirza Ember: technically, did you find it a challenge?