Showing posts with label building in opensim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label building in opensim. Show all posts

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Neverworld by Neverworlders

Never easy to get a group photo of the team that runs a grid, but somehow, Govega Sachertorte, owner of  Neverworld Grid  managed it - she's a bit of a wonder that way! I was curious to meet up with the team after seeing their latest promo video (it's at the end of this post, if you want to scroll right past the wordy bit). 
Here's the first 'class photo' of most of the Usual Suspects in charge of making the grid beautiful and helping residents get the best possible service. We were on a sim that the Safari will be visiting for our final trip of the season, ten days from now. The region is called Wild Kingdom and this seemed like the sweet spot to get their photo, in front of the ice cream van.
Left to right: Art Bell, Nine Zero, Joshua 7, Thom Invr,
Nexus Storm, Govega Sachertorte, Morgant Whelan.
So, why do people love the grid?
I asked around. Tig Eberdene has the lovely and recently refurbished Georgetown region. Birch Grove, Jamie Wright's region, is a must-visit on this grid.
Jamie Ann Wright:  I originally joined Neverworld in 2020 but it became my official grid home in 2021. The best features of the grid are too many to name but to summarise them I would say it’s a builder’s haven community of kindness with a high level of support by the Govega and grid admins. Everyone champions each other's projects and collaborates in a beautiful way that always makes it feel like home.
Tig Everdene: I've been here just shy of 3 years. The best features of Neverworld are the people and the amazing talents they have and share with everyone. The freedom I have to create as I wish. The grid staff and owner who do their best to keep everything running as well as possible, and support our residents.         
So the residents love the grid - what about the staff? Nosey, ain't I... well, let's see what some of them say.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Andron Rae's Brigadoon

 What a day this has been, 
What a rare mood I'm in...
"It's almost like being in love", Brigadoon, (Lyrics by AJ Lerner)

Our second stop on this week's Safari was to a magical place by Andron Rae, and the much missed Pasha Theas, a great builder with a big heart and a talent to match. The HG address for this build on Sharing is Caring is, as always at the end of the post.
The sim held up amazingly well considering the vast amount of detail here, much down to the grid owner, admin, and some sharp skilled building.
Chilli Bean: hi thirza n all newly arrived
Andron Rae: welcomes lifted, Jupiter, Forest, Thirza! welcome humbletim
humbletim metaverse: /me waves hello
lifted pixel: hello! thank you!
Andron Rae: there will be lots of things to click on though Thirza said let me chat in local i will walk you through most of the story, and if the sim crashes Chilli can reboot it for us lol
Chilli Bean: hopefully it will be okie lol
Andron Rae: i will shout like trouble did in the last place
Thirza Ember: i see bits of you all
Ayla Alvarez: no bytes yet, eh... the last place, everyone was naked for a bit. that was fun.
Andron Rae: i'll begin then :) Welcome to The Stories of Brigadoon region. There are several stories here, this is one of them - at the main landing 128,128 there is a hub that teleports you to any of them. This is a 2x2 region, the story was written and built by me, then landscaped with the enigmatic Pasha Theas who you may have seen from some other builds - The Caves, Crystalwind, and Shijima which is also here on Sharing Grid. Most of this sim region centers around a rewrite of the English/Scots poem ''Tam O'Shanter'' with elements from other Brigadoon legends (and some new ones!) Near us is #27 Royal Post, wherein begins your journey... you are welcome to walk inside though I will read everything off that you would click on :)
Andron Rae: shouts: Static NPCs speak on private local chat when you click on them. Other objects interact giving clues and backstory. A visitor would normally walk up the stairs and go inside to begin the tale, where you meet the postal clerk... it might be a tight fit as its a small building though feel free to step in... in this opening area the region lets you know many things are clickable.
Angelic Kisses: zoomed the decor

Thursday, May 9, 2024


The Safari's first ever visit to GermanWorldGrid was ever so lovely... we had the opportunity to tour sim Everlove, in company with Emma Florido, who together with her lovely husband Mick owns this gorgeous place. Many grid residents came along to join us, and it was really lovely not only to see beautiful pixels but also to glimpse the great atmosphere of friendship and fun that this grid clearly represents.
Emma Florido
Emma Florido: Hello everybody we welcome you at the Germanworld grid in Everlove
Drangur Kray: Willkommen zusammen
Emma Florido: im proud today to have you all here and i thank everyone for coming. I want to let you know a little bit of the history from germanworldgrid
Emma Florido: Germanworldgrid was founded by my husband Mick Florido in April 2019 because virtual life has always been one of his big hobbies and he wanted to offer residents from different countries a home. Over the years he gained a lot of experience and met many interesting people.
James atLLOUD: Wow, big group!
Rosi Taler: ⋞⋞⋞ ✜ ├┤ⓐllⓞ ✜ ⋟⋟⋟

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Tutz and Treasure

 Pangea Grid has a well deserved reputation for being home to some spectacular art, and this week's visit to Treasure Island, a region built by Tutz Zabelin, is no exception! 
After our visit to the Cherry Manga installation on Craft grid mentioned in the previous post, we were all ready for some more atmospheric environments, and jumping to this region to meet with some of the Pangeans - Tutz and Marlon, Lampi, Karsten, Mys, and Kitty.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Safari Watches Witches and Work in Progress

          There were two official destinations this week, but the hard-core Safaristas ended up on a third, and there was a lot more tail by the end of the adventure than we started out with. Addresses at the end of the post.
          First, off to Kitely, to get an idea about their regular WIP (pronounced whip) event, where builders and inventors can show off their latest Work In Progress.

 Serene.Jewell: So welcome to the Hypergrid Safari! So it's simple - you stand, you rez something and you talk about it.  It is one hour long only! Everyone will get 5 minutes today, I call the time when your time is up. We don't have many presenters so you will be able to jump in at the end. Nara Nook [aka Malone] is First!
Nara.Nook: I'm using Aine Caoimhe's PMAC system to make the cafe in the Greyville Writer's colony more interactive.

          Nara explained how the cat keeps writers company, and can be easily modded with poses and animations. It looks complete, but is a work in progress because she is still looking for animal animations, rather than the human ones she is currently using (although they looked great to us). The audience loved it.