Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Mysteries of Atlas Island

Our first destination of the day was on Dorena's World, a German-language grid with a long history here in Opensim, and always a treat to visit. Dorena and Anachron, the grid owners, were on hand to greet us, along with friend of the Safari Jupiter Rowland and his sister Juno.
We've visited lots of sims over the years, including the Beatles themed Strawberry Fields, the art sim More than Lights, and the social destination GridTalk and so on, or und so weiter, as they say here. This time our visit was to Atlas-Insel.
Dorena Verne: So, this region created Anachron single-handedly :-)
Luna Lunaria: great to see everyone
SoA BAD: hallo Dorena, hello all
Thirza Ember: takes me a minute to see colors... But we are all here
Dorena Verne
Luna Lunaria: You forgot to switch out your eyeballs again Thirza?
Star Ravenhurst: Region rezzed fast, but avatars are slow to rez for me
Dorena Verne[de→en]: See you all in color and completely, nice :-)
Anachron Young[de→en]: As Bruce Lee once said: Look at your eyes!
James Atlloud: wait, do I have eyeballs? oh  I do.
Luna Lunaria: lol James
Anachron Young
Leonitas Lionheart: nice to see you again Dorena :)
Dorena Verne[de→en]: I'm very happy too, thank you :-)
Thirza Ember: oh here comes the clothes... it's funny there are 2 Thirzas and each one sees a completely different set of clothed/naked people
Juno Rowland[de→en]: Be smart, wear layered underwear.
Luna Lunaria: It was nakey land for a little bit there lol
Forest Azure: hair but no head...  not sure if that is an advantage
Tosha Tyran: head under the arm, Forest?
Lavia Lavine: I have the skinniest ankles in the world, they're so skinny they're invisible
Luna Lunaria: I see everyone okay
Jandira Dreamer: takes, a bit, for everything to rez
James Atlloud: Wow, this is quite the welcome area!
Dorena Verne[de→en]: Anachron, darling, how do you think we want to proceed with the leadership?
Anachron Young[de→en]: Can you all read me well? :-)
Kelsie Renoux: yes
Anachron Young[de→en]: I think getting you through the SIM as a group is almost impossible because there are a lot of narrow passages and teleport transitions... The magician's chamber, for example, is too small for more than 3 avatars... but everyone should go up into the tower and look at (and click on) the raven ;-D
Thirza Ember: we are happy to try!
Tosha Tyran: eternal mysteries of virtual worlds...
Forest Azure: ha, blame the mysteries!
James Atlloud: yes yes
Dorena  Verne[de→en]: First upstairs or the hall?
Anachron Young[de→en]: first into the hall....
Dorena  Verne[de→en]: Follow my husband^^

Anachron Young[de→en]: Welcome to the hall of the mountain king.  The door to my right leads to the tower (please only use it in small groups) on the other hand, be careful of vicious dragons !!
Forest Azure: this is not bad either :)
Jupiter Rowland: And James has nowhere to sit?
James Atlloud: Jupter, I'm at the scribe's desk... taking notes!
Forest Azure: oh wow!
Thirza Ember: siwas is dressed for the cold weather
Jupiter Rowland: Siwas is smart, and she's from Norway.
James Atlloud: I'm on top of the wooorld!
James finds a sitting spot on the globe, while Mal lounges on the throne
Anachron Young[de→en]: That's the problem I foresaw... when everyone tries to rush into the same cave, it's hard to push through ;-(
Dorena Verne[de→en]: then just look around...There's a lot more at the top too
Thirza Ember: It's fun to try Anachron
Anachron Young[de→en]: Yes, but I would have liked to point out a few “Easter eggs”.
Thirza Ember: please do!
Anachron Young: I am on the pasture with the Shepherd
Lavia Lavine: ::walks out with pockets full of gold.: That dragon was so nice.
Anachron Young: if you follow the river upward you will find it coming from a cave ... Gollum is sitting there and may (on click) tell you to leave ... don't listen to him ... there's another "inside" to explore behind... if you follow the river upward you will find it coming from a cave ... Gollum is sitting there and may (on click) tell you to leave ... don't listen to him ... there's another "inside" to explore behind
Taarna Welles: There is soooo much to look at. 
Luna Lunaria: found gollum
Nice caves on Atlas-insel
Exploring the river was well worth while, for its supernatural properties...
Anachron Young: the well is magic ... it can speak to you :-)
Anachron Young: anybody with me to go thru the elven-gate ?
Forest Azure: yes yes!
Ankh Senaton: I am a bit lost, I don't know where to go ...
Jupiter and Juno Rowland
Jupiter Rowland: Yeah, the sim is a kind of a maze. Doubly so when it's dark.
Loru Destiny[de→en]: superbly built
Luna Lunaria: I need wings lol
Anachron Young: lets cross the cornfield and explore Uluru... the caution sign says this is not finally done, but one can click the wall behind to enter anyhow
Luna Lunaria: This has Myst vibes
It was not easy to keep up with Anachron, he is pretty fast on his feet! I think Luna did the best job of it, because every time he stopped I would try to get a photo of him, but before I could take one, he had rushed off again. Still, the rooms were very interesting, with fantastic mosaics (I can't say the snake is nice, because I made that myself in Blender) and an air of mystery belonging to an older, ancient time.
Nara in a tree tunnel
Some of us ended up jumping much further away then we meant to - it can happen when there's a big group, radar and tp's can go a little awry - but it was all so lovely, it didn't really matter.
Hobbit houses are part of the legendary build
Thirza Ember: so what is the overall theme here Anachron? spirituality?
Anachron Young: Mystics
Thirza Ember: nice farm!
Anachron Young: The centaur looks grim but isnt too bad :-D
Star consults the Centaur
Dorena Verne: Anachron designed everything with a lot of love.
Naughty Nadia: you can see that. really well done.
Thirza Ember: it is a fantastic cross section of world mysticism
Luna Lunaria: I hear the cows talking to me 
Karsten Runningbear: what are they telling you?
Luna Lunaria: they're saying 'let us out'
Naughty Nadia: its only in your head ;)
Thirza Ember: the cows are saying, do you like my milkshake
Leonitas Lionheart: their milkshake brings all the bulls to the yard
Kelsier Renoux: it s a bull 0....
Anachron Young: hehehe
For a final photo op, we all jumped to the Atlas figure, holding the world on his back.
Dorena Verne: Tomorrow we start a multi-day event in our grid. 15 years Dorenas World.
Star Ravenhurst: Happy 15th Dorena! That is quite an accomplishment.
Luna Lunaria: Yes, happy 15th Dorena :-)
Karsten Runningbear: 15 years, that's a hard act to follow!
Leonitas Lionheart: 15 years is 2 or 3 opensim lifetimes, is it not? /grin
Star Ravenhurst: When I first came to OS, your world was one of the few places people could find content. So thank you for all you have done for OS.
Dorena Verne: Thank you :-9
Dorena Verne: Thank you for your visit!
Star Ravenhurst: Hugs
Tosha Tyran: what a wild beautiful region!
Francisco.Koolhoven: quite an amazing place!
Star Ravenhurst: Thank you for the wonderful tour and I wish many many more years for the grid!
Ankh Senaton: danke Anachron and Dorena!

HG Address:


  1. I would like to thank the many visitors, it was nice with you.

  2. This was an awesome visit. Thank Dorena, Anachron and Thirza.
