Thursday, January 16, 2025

Super Scuba

 Safine Mahoe is an Opensim goddess, but you knew that already, this week for our second destination we visited her tour de force, an underwater build on Friends Grid,  called Aquamica.
We were delighted that Zazu Bahro and Tonykasjohny Resident were also present to welcome us to their fabulous grid, and join us on a walk through the water and help out with information, and when some of us got lost and needed a tp. 
Tony and Zuzu 
Safine outlined the plan for the day, and also reminded us of an important teleport requirement.
Safine Mahoe: I am going to take you to my underwater worlds which is two parts...first is  realistic because I am a rl diver, second part will be  fantasy. Please note,  this is IMPORTANT:  let's pretend that your friend asks for a tp cause they got  distracted.....rise up off ocean floor to tp them - you cannot tp to negative  number.
James Atlloud: oh!
On the landing spot, there's a beach hut with one or two outfits in it, for your convenience, as well as a tp board to use to find all the other excellent destinations on this grid.
Safine Mahoe dressed for the sea.
Safine, realizing we might not all be dressed for the occasion, set up a sort of hiking trail which was a genius stroke - if you lost sight of her, you could just follow the path and find her again - an important advantage, because at these depths, as she said, point to point or cam-and-tp teleports are ineffective.
Safine Mahoe: make things easier.....   I have pink shells for you all to follow.     The reef started because I wanted to show people what I have seen rl.    then my friends wanted I added them... feel free to  use the mermaid ao or dances
That said, it comes so instinctively to the Safari group to use radar or cam to teleport to people that we had a few upsets at the start. But we soon got the hang of it. Walk, swim, or fly through the water, don't teleport. But when upsets happened, Safine, Zuzu and Tony quickly got us back on track.
Thirza Ember: HAHAHAHA it tried to mess with us but we beat the system!
Safine Mahoe: yaaaay   thirza made it
Luna Lunaria: beats it we did
Safine Mahoe: i have tried to show many different  shapes of coral...very similar to what you will see in rl
Tonykasjohny Resident: All this is like a natural palace
James Atlloud: Did you tend to find things from all over the hypergrid, build yourself or a combination of that.
Safine Mahoe: ty Star.....originally i made this to share with opensim...and one day I woke up and realized that is selfish... it took me 6 months to make this.... I decided a better gift would be to make a huge store for opensim where people can find all this....and that is now at my textures trees and scripts store.   I still hope you visit...but now you have the tools
Lavia Lavine: You have done an amazing job here Safine.  I think David Attenborough would be impressed.
Luna Lunaria: I feel that 6 months :-)
Star Ravenhurst: That is indeed a wonderful gift. That is amazing. I have never been able to build anything in 66 months! :)
Thirza Ember: Safine, what is the best place you have ever gone scuba diving?
Safine Mahoe: many times on my rl dives....coral would be growing on walls....not on the floor of the ocean. As for the best place hmm...  clearest - Hawaii, best big animal....Belize.
Safine Mahoe: we are now entering the second reef here...I wanted to show caves and wreck the big difference is this cave is easy to get through
Thirza Ember:  I love the wrecks... I feel an affinity with any wreck...
Safine Mahoe: I have been in some very small caves....and stuck once
Star Ravenhurst: You are braver than I
Safine Mahoe: cave diving is fun....exciting and scarier than hell...  this cave opening was 3' by 3'
Lavia Lavine: So what was the most frightening thing that has happened underwater for you?
James Atlloud: snorkeling in barracuda waters got to me
Safine Mahoe: well....most scary thing...until I realized it I have only swam with a manta once this manta was bigger than my bedroom...  insane huge...but peaceful
Ankh Senaton: yes it is big, and so graceful
Star Ravenhurst: Frightening!!
Lavia Lavine: There are a lot of risks in scuba diving.
Luna Lunaria: ooohhh nice wreck
Taarna.Welles: Nice!
Safine Mahoe: wreck diving is very popular......and here I have an old ship you can swim through the ship is huge, but very small on this reef
Lavia Lavine: I will have to come here just to swim around and enjoy the beauty of nature in the Oceans.
Ankh Senaton: I will too
Safine Mahoe: this is a coral garden...located on top of the cave......very similar to what I have been on
Tonykasjohny Resident: The variety of colors here is a paradise for the eyes.
Safine Mahoe: in rl, we could not walk like this or even touch the coral...but here....we get to enjoy... any questions before we go to fantasy area?
Star Ravenhurst: I am too big of a coward to do this in RL, so this is perfect!
Nara Nook: Me too Star
Thirza Ember: it must be hard to put all this together, searching for authentic looking assets, I wondered if that was difficult
Safine Mahoe: was extremely hard to find things, which is why I built the store.   my store is a 256 meter dome...all underwater stuff
Ankh Senaton: such a huge collection
Francisco Koolhoven: is your store on this grid?
Zuzu Bahro: Yes it is Francisco
Tonykasjohny Resident: I have a question, are corals very hard structures?
Safine Mahoe: there are hard corals., and soft corals
Tonykasjohny Resident: Thanks Safine
Thirza Ember: OK last question... what is your favorite fish to 1. look at and 2/ eat ... anyone can answer
James Atlloud: lol look at - lion fish
Star Ravenhurst: All of them to look at and none of them to eat. I have that gene that makes fish taste awful to me.
Safine Mahoe: ahi tuna fav to eat, Hawaiian trigger fish fav to look at
Luna Lunaria: to eat its Walleye - Walleye from lake Superior are wonderful
James Atlloud: +1 tuna
Lavia Lavine: Hmm  to look at?  all of them but I guess dolphin though it's not really a fish and the humpback whale. To eat?   Orange Roughy.
Thirza Ember: aww nobody said fish sticks or as they say in England, fish fingers
Neo Cortex: Fish finger to eat... do they even contain real fish?
Thirza Ember: mostly contains fingers
On the other side of the mermaid silhouette we entered a thriving fantasy paradise, beginning with these fabulous rideable seahorses - a perfect way to mark the change in theme. The style of this part of the build is just as lovely as the more reality-based environment. Many of the so-called 'sailor's myths' of sea creatures that were dismissed for centuries as exaggerations have, in the past few decades, thanks to advances in video technology, been revealed to be closer to true observations than anyone knew - giant and weird looking fish really do exist, though sadly, probably not motorbike-style seahorses... yet who knows what else that science hasn't yet documented. It led to an inevitable question.
Thirza Ember: Safine, have you ever seen anything underwater that you couldn't quite explain? Not a mermaid, exactly, but...
Safine Mahoe: I have seen some strange  creatures... jelly fish... moray eels
James Atlloud: when I was a kid I think I saw a nudibranch on a beach and thought it was an alien lifeform!
Lavia Lavine: When you're down by the sea and an eel bites your knee it's a moray.
Zuzu Bahro: hahaha!
James Atlloud: amore - lol
Safine Mahoe: for the fantasy area, I use different lighting... I wanted it to look beautiful, but eerie, sooo...the ocean is dark....but the objects are lit. One thing I try to do is hide a lot of details... look will see seahorses, and they are amazing in rl
James Atlloud: I see them!
Ankh Senaton: haa yes
Star Ravenhurst: Are all of the animals available in your shop?
Safine Mahoe: most....not all.   a couple are from kitely...but 95% is in my shop, the mermaids were custom made for us by Misty Falls, and they are in the shop
Star Ravenhurst: Misty is good at stuff like that.
Lavia Lavine: Is there any place you have not gone diving that you would like to?
Safine Mahoe: rl....Fernando de Noronha.....not exactly great diving...but huge dolphin place. Moving on, this is the ruins here......and I made some modifications to make it better for pictures... underwater ruins are  sooo fun to swim through. if you look, you will see about 40 different species of animals right here, beyond the wall is more ruins...they go on and on
Safine Mahoe: Jelly fish are soooo beautiful...but sooo dangerous
Ankh Senaton: no brain and hundreds of million years ;)
Zuzu Bahro: lol!
Safine Mahoe: we are now heading to one of my favorite areas....the ray colony i have been in the middle of a school, just like this. 
Safine Mahoe: Probably one of my special times diving, was when a huge sea turtle started swimming to me, kept coming closer and closer - I was getting nervous, this turtle was about 1,000 pounds. He got he a couple inches from my mask......looked at me....then slowly swam was magical
Ankh Senaton: woww he came to say hello  ;)
Safine Mahoe: sea turtles are like big dogs...very gentle.
 Safine Mahoe: I wanted to show a ship wreck here...but this is fantasy... I decided I wanted to have  pirate ghosts
James Atlloud: aww, so much treasure and they can't spend an ounce of it!
Taarna Welles: Twins!
Safine Mahoe: i cool technique I taught myself...but take your animesh...and play with transparency
James Atlloud: it works well
Star Ravenhurst: This has been such a lovely tour Safine. Thank you for such a treat.
Thirza Ember: thank you so much Safine, Tony, and Zuzu  for the tour and for all the interesting details
James Atlloud: Yes thank you Safine!  So awesome.
Mal Burns: wonderful experience Safine
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1 comment:

  1. I was really impressed with the design behind this place. It is open and easy to navigate and yet lush and beautiful. Thank you Safine and thank you Thirza.
