Showing posts with label dorenas world. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dorenas world. Show all posts

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Safari visits the Strawberry Fields

The arrival point on Strawberry Fields sets the scene for a Beatles build that takes you through the major sites associated with the Fab Four, and it's by JohnWinston Vandyke,  who came inworld to show us around, and thank goodness he did, because this build is as full of detail as it is ingenious.
This trip was made possible by Dorena Verne, of Dorena's World, without whose assistance we probably would never have been able to meet JohnWinston in person. Thanks Dorena!
JohnWinston Vandyke: wow..I am impressed. Hello everybody
Jupiter Rowland: Hi everyone!
Dorena Bree: Hello
Thirza Ember: wow quite a quick rez for me! impressive, dorenas world
Mal.Burns: faster than last for sure
Thirza Ember: everyone please meet JohnWinston he made this build all about the beatles
Juno Rowland: Hello!
Tosha Tyran: Hi John
Thirza Ember: hey Archetyp
Archetyp Jung: Hello! :-)
Jupiter Rowland: You may want to turn on the music stream. It's always worth listening to on John's sims.
Whirli Placebo: great idea, thx jupiter
Thirza Ember: I have been in love with this build for about a year! it is a really clever use of space.
Star Ravenhurst: Made it! I had to go to the club house first.
JohnWinston Vandyke: I am sorry, I neglected it for a long time, because I built my star wars planets the last 2 years... so let me tell you about this place a few things. Since I was a young boy I am a huge Beatles fan
Whirli. Placebo: love the reprise best
JohnWinston.Vandyke: Well I started to play the guitar, I always wanted to sound like John Lennon, in the end it turned out to sound like Bart Simpson 

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Still Standing

The dance floor at HG safari clubhouse
Kelso Uxlay: Good idea to warm up safari goers before going.
          Dancing really does do it. This week, two animated destinations, a big crowd of avatars, and a roaring success for our hosts, Dorena Verne and Anachron Young on Dorena's World, and Karima Hoisan and the scriptastic Dale Innes on Kitely. 
Addresses of the destinations, as always, at the end of the post. 
It really helps if you come to the clubhouse on HG Safari, OSGrid and get the LMs before we depart at the top of the hour, and thanks to everyone who showed up, including Lux, Dabici and Kelso who entertained us by dancing so well. A good omen...

Thursday, September 22, 2016


          So, this season of the Safari, we are going to be promoting builds with some kind of - let's not call it educational benefit, that sounds too dry, but the idea is that we all come away from our tour feeling like we now know something we didn't know before. First up, Anachronia sim on the German language grid, Dorena's World.
          HG Addresses at the end of the post, as usual.
          Dorena and Anachron, the grid-mama and grid-papa were there, along with other residents like Uwe Furst, Lureen Persephone, and the lovely builder and creator Klarabella Karamell, an authentic opensim heroine. We first sat down which really helped with the lag that comes when a region is bombarded with a dozen or more avatars arriving from multiple grids.

Thursday, July 31, 2014


So, the days of Disappearing  Attachment Syndrome are numbered, and in many places already a thing of the past! 
And who do we have to thank for that? The lovely people of Kitely Grid, who have donated a patch to OpenSim core that fixes the problem! 
Obviously, older versions may still give you pause (or not give you paws, if you see what I mean) but this week's Wednesday Safari was a hair-tastic treat. If you want to know 'how' they fixed it, and can read Simulatorese, look here.

We had more than thirty avatars from eleven different grids joining us at the Clubhouse this week, which was officially called 'ContraptionFest' and this event looks like becoming a regular feature of the Safari, because it was thoroughly entertaining (once you got a handle on how gears work). 
It is great to play around with vehicles by yourself, or with a pal, but when you're on a gigantic Varregion, with a huge group, it adds a whole other dimension to the experience. Lifted Pixel shared a scripted toy comprising blue blocks which was hilarious, and I'm sure we will do many more physics tests in future Safaris.
Everyone had their own take on Contraptionfest, and their choices revealed a little bit of their personality. Some used the two vehicles included in this week's LM package, while others went to the mall and brought back a variety of land and flying machines, hovering above us or landing among the crowd. 
Sandbox Plaza is the size of four normal sims, with no sim boundaries. It's breathtaking to be there on the sand, it's like a proving ground in Nevada or on another planet.
At Lani Mall (that's sim Lani on OSGrid) you will find a couple of dozen small shops by a host of different scifi creators producing avatars, weapons and tools, skins, just about everything you can think of inspired by all your favorite Tv shows, movies, along with original ideas. The mall is one of the Landmarks you will find at the Clubhouse on Teravus Plaza, if you want to retrace our steps. We're talking quality and fantasy. Contraptions like the spaceships of Pete Camino, the spankingly cool Tron bike of Tina Bey, and the physics-enabled Curiosity Rover and Bullet Gocart of Cuteulala Artis. 
We set up some prims on SandboxPlaza III in OSGrid, and played around there. Turns out Fuschia Nightfire is deadly behind the wheel, and doesn't care who knows it. I on the other hand, crashed my vehicle and then abandoned it. Gears schmears.
          But ContraptionFest was sandwiched between two other outstanding destinations.  30 made the jump from OSGrid to Dorena's World, our first stop.
DorenaVerne and Anachron Young with Mal and two Art Blues
 Anachron Young, Dorena Verne and other native Doreneans made us exquisitely welcome with a party, lots of dancing and some great music, the perfect start to the trip.
I think we were all amazed by the experience not only of getting there but also of begin able  to cam around the lovely builds, while dancing... or sitting at the bar...
And after ContraptionFest, we moved on to Joe Builder's USS Enterprise. 
 This amazing ship is on 4 sims, and is only one tiny part of the Lost World Joe has put together. From the Welcome region I counted more than a dozen portals leading to themed areas including a wonderful junkyard, an abandoned city, a terrarium and way more.
Joe Builder
He made available free to copy 3 of his impressive collection of ride-able vehicles, a flying bus, a helicopter, and a jeep, and we entertained ourselves on the Bridge, with Wizardoz Chrome wearing that fabulous Predator avie - which goes invisible... this is a pic taken through her.
I got to use the all 40 of my Star Trek sounds... 
and with Serene, found the bar! And no, I can't share the photo of the handsome barman with you. That would be illogical. Go see for yourself.