Thursday, November 2, 2023

Lorenza's Women

 Lorenza Colicigno [it→en]: Welcome to The City of Women
Unadecal Masala: The City of Women??? I'm coming to live here
Arriving on NoiLab
This beautiful region is made up of historical backstories and fine Mediterranean architecture representing layers os history going back several thousand years. As usual the full HG address is at the end of the post. This is an opportunity to expand your knowledge of western culture, with a feminist bias, while being entertained by so many sights and animations, you'll barely realize you're learning something! Our hostess, Lorenza Colicigno, who together with Tonino Lane has put together one of the most uniquely useful and attractive builds on the hyperverse.

Timeless Ariadne

 This week we were able to visit another super region on Groovyverse, by Sam Timeless. His creative skillz are many and varied, this time it was a perfectly proportioned Safari-sized stroll in and around a volcanic lake. As usual the HG address is at the end of the post.
Ariadne on GroovyVerse
But first... If you've ever wondered what happens before the Safari gets started, we all basically sit around the fire and talk nonsense. Like this.
Tosha Tyran: can't anybody set the poor little lama free?
Thirza Ember: he's a drama llama, he needs to stay put, Don't feel sorry for him.
Nara Nook: poor baby
Tosha Tyran: look at its sad, sad eyes, and the bucket is not full of water - its full with his tears
Nara Nook: I used to do a website for a llama farm. They spit at you when you try and get their picture... after all the spit and trouble, turned out no one wanted to eat llama burgers so the job didn't last long
Tosha Tyran:  oh... but aren't they normally used for therapies? the people cuddle them and go for walks with them. I think they are just the friendliest looking, nicest animals - next time I come with some signs and start a demo: free the animals
Thirza Ember: not if they spit, I suppose... walk and wash all in one
Nara Nook: lol

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Halloween Haven

 So much happening on one build, thanks to a foursome of builders - Wendie Blackthorn, Johanna Haven, Freya Blackthorn, and Lizzy Borden - you may remember Lizzy's Mountain build we visited a while back - with that devilish maze, and Wendie's magnificent recreation of Dalaran..
These photos only give you a glimpse of one of this year's highlights in terms of Safarying. The address is as always at the end of the post, and of course, don't delay, Halloween season is limited.
Wendie and Johanna on Welcome duty!
Wendie Blackthorn: you see the burning wicker man we have here, those will be placed all over Kinky Haven on the 5th of november for bonfire night

Ankhtyfy Fun

Our first stop this week was on OSGrid, a Hunt by Francophone creators   Nani ferguson and Ange Menges. It began with a bit of a hiccup, as the region kind of threw a loop when 20 people showed up. This almost never happens on Safari any more, luckily we could easily regroup at the Clubhouse and just jump back after a couple of minutes when the server pulled itself together.

Arriving on Ankhtyfy
Lucy Afarensis: Interesting start today
Thirza Ember: lol that was a quick safari!
Forest Azure: maybe i should do some exercises meanwhile, since i'm dressed for it
Thirza Ember: lol Forest you are ready for a quick getaway
Taarna Welles: In the meantime I'll make a cup of tea. Brb
Mal Burns: all i found was a TP gate which unleashed loadsa monsters when i touch it, this quest gonna be hard I think... hope reboot wait is not part of quest lol
James atLLOUD: isn't it all though? Ankhtyfy is fairly close to the region.  World map doesn't show it offline.
Thirza Ember: osgrid map is notoriously slow, James
Ange Menges: Sorry for the problem . So we are late
James atLLOUD: I don't think avatars were harmed tho
Forest Azure: /me's toes are hurting from standing on them all the time
Minord Loup: re bonsoir a tous

Friday, October 20, 2023

Halloween Treats

There are always so many things to do at Halloween in Opensim, it brings out all the ghoulish genius of our many builders. Even if you're not generally a Halloween type person, there is plenty here to admire - and if you love the scary stuff you'll be in heaven!  (Or should that be the Other Place?)
The pumpkin patch on Themed region of escape2reality
Here are three suggestions of fun ways to enjoy the spookiest time of the year. All HG Addresses and hops are, of course, at the end of the post, and the links to the region's pages on Opensimworld are posted as links - so don't forget to click on the links, Like, Review, and Bookmark if you're so inclined - it's a great source of positive feedback for our wonderful creators.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Safari visits the Strawberry Fields

The arrival point on Strawberry Fields sets the scene for a Beatles build that takes you through the major sites associated with the Fab Four, and it's by JohnWinston Vandyke,  who came inworld to show us around, and thank goodness he did, because this build is as full of detail as it is ingenious.
This trip was made possible by Dorena Verne, of Dorena's World, without whose assistance we probably would never have been able to meet JohnWinston in person. Thanks Dorena!
JohnWinston Vandyke: wow..I am impressed. Hello everybody
Jupiter Rowland: Hi everyone!
Dorena Bree: Hello
Thirza Ember: wow quite a quick rez for me! impressive, dorenas world
Mal.Burns: faster than last for sure
Thirza Ember: everyone please meet JohnWinston he made this build all about the beatles
Juno Rowland: Hello!
Tosha Tyran: Hi John
Thirza Ember: hey Archetyp
Archetyp Jung: Hello! :-)
Jupiter Rowland: You may want to turn on the music stream. It's always worth listening to on John's sims.
Whirli Placebo: great idea, thx jupiter
Thirza Ember: I have been in love with this build for about a year! it is a really clever use of space.
Star Ravenhurst: Made it! I had to go to the club house first.
JohnWinston Vandyke: I am sorry, I neglected it for a long time, because I built my star wars planets the last 2 years... so let me tell you about this place a few things. Since I was a young boy I am a huge Beatles fan
Whirli. Placebo: love the reprise best
JohnWinston.Vandyke: Well I started to play the guitar, I always wanted to sound like John Lennon, in the end it turned out to sound like Bart Simpson 

Kitely's Cave Man

Lascaux, in Perigord, is one of those amazing places that says so much about humanity. Everyone knows the cave paintings, their size, vivid colors, and pure artistry speak to us across the gulf of ages. The tragedy of the caves, discovered during the Second World War, as their fate. They were monetized and rendered world famous in 1948, when a staggering 100,000 visitors flocked there every year for a while. The germs, humidity and light that all those tourists brought with them soon left its mark, and within 15 years the fragile environment was irreparably damaged. Undaunted, however, work began on copying the art, and today you can go to Montignac and take a ...dare I say it, virtual tour ! Today with all the mod cons of the 21st century traveller, you can absorb the prehistoric mood in a full-size, mathematically precise replica of the caves and their contents. 
Lascaux on Kitely has the same starting point, but a different configuration, and a very different and intriguing purpose. The Safari went to see what was what.
lifted pixel: some of you are missing bits and pieces but they're rezzing in now
Roffellos Kisses: if anyone lost some boobs they just shot past me
Angelic Kisses: Hahahaha
Tosha Tyran: if somebody finds my body - please return it to me - I need it, sniff
Forest Azure: gimme back!
Roffellos Kisses: strange wildlife here
Aba Brukh: ahhhhh, there I am
Cooper Swizzle
Thirza.Ember: applause for Cooper Swizzle - Kitely's own Cave Man
Cooper Swizzle: Thank you Thirza... Hello and welcome to The Lascaux Cave. I am Cooper Swizzle, and it is my pleasure to share my interpretation of the Lascaux Cave located in southwestern France, near the village of Montignac. I am a consultant and train adults on Leadership Soft Skills using 3D immersive environments in collaboration with Carla Kincaid-Yoshikawa, owner of Training in the 21st Century. As you will see, this is a sample of how we use the environment to train people.