Showing posts with label Tonino Lane. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tonino Lane. Show all posts

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Lorenza's Women

 Lorenza Colicigno [it→en]: Welcome to The City of Women
Unadecal Masala: The City of Women??? I'm coming to live here
Arriving on NoiLab
This beautiful region is made up of historical backstories and fine Mediterranean architecture representing layers os history going back several thousand years. As usual the full HG address is at the end of the post. This is an opportunity to expand your knowledge of western culture, with a feminist bias, while being entertained by so many sights and animations, you'll barely realize you're learning something! Our hostess, Lorenza Colicigno, who together with Tonino Lane has put together one of the most uniquely useful and attractive builds on the hyperverse.

Friday, June 30, 2023

Lorenza's Ladies of Lit

 Lorenza Colicigno's build on sim NoiLab in Craft is the coming together of a project dear to her heart which she calls "A room of one's own - Ariadne's Labyrinth". A long name for a big build you can enjoy in diverse ways: exploring this region just for fun, because it's full of treasures with a feminist twist, or if you're in the mood for a deep dive, take a moment to soak up some serious info on women who by and large have gotten a raw deal in the pages of literary history.The build is a walk in the park, matching humor and elegance of style with a thought-provoking trail through time. It's got a circular feel - the landing point, and first writerly mentions (Hellenic lit) are a stone's throw from the Enlightenment-age Ca' Rezzonica
Castle of Isabella Morra Valsinni
Buildings abound, some of them are general representations of houses in different eras, some are much more specific, like the hilltop home of 16th century poet Isabella Morra

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Seaside Safari

Ernest Moncrieff: very 'hygge' here

This week's trip took us to a pair of maritime sims, first the bright  and beautiful city of Tromso, Norway, on CCI grid, then to Alanna, a boating venue on Craft Grid. HG Addresses, as usual, at the end of the post. 
SIWAS S: Welcome to Norge, I hope you will enjoy the stay
Beth Ghostraven: thanks SIWAS!
Ard Rhys: Hi Siwas
Angelic Kisses: Thank you
SoA BAD: welcome all