Thursday, September 21, 2023

Kitely's Fifteenth

From brainchild to booming platform, 15 years is a big deal for any grid in opensim. Our second destination for this week's Safari was Kitely Welcome, to meet with Ilan Tochner and learn more about the motivations, interests, innovations, and passion that has kept the man and the grid so central to the opensim community for so long.
Ilan Tochner: We started working on Kitely in Sep 2008. We opened our doors to the public on Mar 27, 2011.
Lifted Pixel: 15 years of Kitely? is that right? I remember when it was new and the whole 'spawn an instance when needed' was the new hotness. I assume the grid still uses that?
Ilan Tochner: Yes it does, Lifted. Though we do offer one always-on option (the Dedicated Server option).
Thirza Ember: what do you think is the secret of your success?  
Ilan Tochner: I think our attention to technical details and ability to modify OpenSim code when needed had a hand in it. Also, I've been told that my personal involvement in the day-to-day needs of the people who use our services helped :-)

Safari In the Den!

In the middle of a wild work week, a peaceful enclave is just what the doctor ordered. This week's safari took us to exactly that - an African themed region called Lioness Den on Genesis Roleplay Grid, as guests of Lavia Lavine. As always the full HG Address is at the end of the post.
Lavia Lavine: You're very welcome and if this is everyone we'll get started. 
Tosha Tyran: let's  ...whoever comes late, will serve as a dinner for the lions

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Safari goes Tropicana

To OSGrid for our second stop on this week's Safari. On hand were some Tropicana residents together with Tropicana's Mike Townsend and Blancanieves Levee, dressed for the weather - and the wildlife! 
Blanca and Mike
Mike Townsend: Thank you everyone for joining us
whirli placebo: thank you for being here!
Mike Townsend: Thank you for visiting the Tropicana Safari region on the OSgrid. Today we will take a look at this region but please feel free to come back and explore our many other regions. The Tropicana group consists of around 700 Second Life style regions. There is plenty to do and see. Most regions are 3 x3 in size so they take a while to explore. We also have two 10 x 10 regions with tropical islands and city landscapes.
Mike Townsend: Tropicana consists of a main hub and privately owned regions who all work together for the benefit of the community. You can find out more about us at

A Spirited Safari

 The spark that sets alight creativity in Opensim can come from lots of sources. A desire to celebrate favorite movie or fictional character, a vivid dream or memory, or perhaps to walk through famous landmarks from around the world and meditate on their history and culture, or relive an idealized holiday landscape. And of course, there are those who eternally orbit the interior of their underwear. 

Our first stop on this second Safari of the season was on Ignis Fatuus grid, and the build we visited is by Nadir Rae, who didn't join us, but instead the lovely Max Well, owner of the grid, took us around the build. 

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Magic in Panthalassa

Kayaker Magic, armed and dangerously clever
Our first Safari of the season continued on Discovery Grid with a... Safari destination! Lost World Safari is just one part of the vast Panthalassa region developed by Kayaker Magic. 
Take a moment to Favorite his Website, it's full of treasures, explanations, and hints.
 As you might expect the scripter extraordinaire had endlessly entertaining details for the group to enjoy, as we gathered together at the Lodge, perched high above the dinosaur enclosure. Panthalassia isn't the first 8x8 var region we have visited, but it's the first on Discovery Grid, so that may have contributed to the cloudiness, and - interestingly - selective nudity, that the group enjoyed. 


A hillside village on the edge of the sea was the first destination for the Fall 2023 season of HG Safari. We're on Discovery Grid, one of a handful of grids that require you to make a quick trip to their website to accept the terms and conditions before you teleport over. It's a small and painless step, and you only have to do it once, on your first visit, but interestingly, the idea can be off-putting for some grid jumpers. That's a shame because Discovery Grid contains some gems well worth seeing. We were on Discovery for both destinations, something that rarely happens on Safari where we tend to jump about like crazy. 
If you're thinking of opening your region to a Safari trip, that's great news! Please don't hesitate to get in contact. Please also read and review carefully the 6 main points explained on this page. They are the fruit of many years experience of group hypergridding, and will offer some simple low tech tips that will improve the Safari experience for both yourself and your visitors.
Here we are, a cloudy but enthusiastic crowd, in the main town square of Weefolkenshire
ShalHeira Nailo: I want to thank everyone for joining us today, it really means a lot

Monday, September 4, 2023

Getting Hie in Opensim

 October means beer, pumpkin spice cheesecake, leaf peeping, and gearing up for Halloween with outrageous sims and costumes. This year, add HIE to that list.  
HIE = Hypergrid International Expo
It is a weekend event from October 6 - 8 and it's part conference, part performance, part exposition. oh, and part party. It's not a music fest, although there will be music. It's not an art show, although there will be art. This is a conference and Expo where opensim residents - not 'hobbyists' or 'amateurs' but everyday users - Natives if you will - share their experiences of  life on the grids.
Maybe you know that for over a decade, each year, the English-language Opensim Community Conference allows folk from all over opensim to tell about their projects, art, inventions and work experience in opensim. 
The HIE is kind of the same, but focused on Opensim residents who are more at home in other languages - French and German, Italian and Spanish.