A nice techy-fun filled ride around today for our first stop on Safari where we got to learn (and mostly we learned that none of us should be let loose with vehicles of any kind) and that's always a bonus when you combine it with good friends and some hilarious scenes. We were on Pangea Grid - fill HG Address, as always at the end of the post - in an unusual venue for us, someone's private sandbox. Tat someone, Karsten Runningbear, a vital part of the Pangea Grid team, he is a scripter of talent, and many of the fine builders on the grid, like Bink Draconia, Tutz Zabelin, and Lampithaler Artist, just to mention three, rely on Karsten to animate their builds with travel accessories like trains, planes and automobiles.
Here we are, sitting in a large circle, since it was a big turnout this wiee with quite a few first time Safari trippers, including Koke of LFgrid, a Spanish-speaking singer, and Lynnestra Parker and Maldrul Smith who popped over from AMV. Welcome to all new recruits to the madness that is Safari! As you might expect many of the Pangea crew were with us, with made for a truly party atmosphere.
By the way, Karsten's region is a private sandbox, but you can try out his vehicles if you go to pangeagrid.de:8002:Waterworld - that's a public region on Pangea grid.
By the way, Karsten's region is a private sandbox, but you can try out his vehicles if you go to pangeagrid.de:8002:Waterworld - that's a public region on Pangea grid.
Karsten Runningbear: Welcome to my sandbox ! I will tell and show you today about phys vehicles. Its different from SL.We got in opensim 3 phys engines, and they work different. We in Pangea only use UBode, because it is close to SLs engine and all the vehicles here work best with this engine. Also we have 2 script engines in opensim, X and Y engines, we use y engine.In the new opensim version v0.9.3.x only y will be available - its a question of compatibility to SL, and y is closer In the middle you see a cube, it gives you all info about that.
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Karsten (center) fields our many motor questions |
Tosha Tyran: why is it important to be compatible to SL?
Karsten Runningbear: many people copy script from SL, and most are working with y engine
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Aston Martin running circles around the meeting spot |
Tosha Tyran: ok
Karsten Runningbear: the boats you see, I made in SL. Most are working with only a few changes. But back to the cube - you can see all important facts of the sim
Get Grid-Region Info: ############### GRID ################
Get Grid-Region Info: Grid name: http://pangeagrid.de:8002/
Get Grid-Region Info: Grid home: http://pangeagrid.de:8002
Get Grid-Region Info: Grid Gatekeeper: http://pangeagrid.de:8002
Get Grid-Region Info: Grid login: http://pangeagrid.de:8002/
Get Grid-Region Info: ############## Region #####################
Get Grid-Region Info: Region name: Baerchenland
Get Grid-Region Info: Script engine name: YEngine
Get Grid-Region Info: Physics engine name: ubODE 1.0-0.13.4
Get Grid-Region Info: Physics engine type: ubODE
Get Grid-Region Info: Simulator Version: OpenSim Nessie Dev Pangea Grid 800f47d718 (X64/Unix/DotNet)
Get Grid-Region Info: Simulator Memory: 609064 KB
Get Grid-Region Info: Region Size: <256.000000, 256.000000, 0.000000>
Get Grid-Region Info: Region created: Thursday, January 1, 1970, 12:00:00 AM
Get Grid-Region Info: ############## Region Stats #####################
Get Grid-Region Info: Sim FPS: 55.000000
Get Grid-Region Info: Physics FPS: 55.000000
Get Grid-Region Info: Time Dilation: 1.000000
Get Grid-Region Info: Root Agents: 22
Get Grid-Region Info: Child Agents: 0
Get Grid-Region Info: Total Prims: 6758
Get Grid-Region Info: Active Scripts: 558
Get Grid-Region Info: Script Events per Sec: 71.000000
Karsten Runningbear: that's the output
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Unexpected package in the Lifted pixel area |
Tosha Tyran: hehehehe, Lifted... hugging you package?
lifted pixel: haha i wanted to get the script out and look at it :3 but now it won't come off lol
Thirza Ember: that box makes you look fat, Jess
lifted pixel: my vertex count has gone up considerably
Karsten.Runningbear: you can get it just touch, its not for wearing :)
lifted pixel: have to wear it to get the script out since i can't rez ;]
Tosha Tyran: oh, i dunno - looks good on Pixel
lifted pixel: /me does a cat5-walk
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trying to do no harm in a go-kart. |
Karsten Runningbear: its a simple script, we built some vehicles for you you can use them all and test. You see the big arrows? The red one: go-karts. Try them on the rack or on ground to see the difference.
Karsten Runningbear: The green arrow cars, all are from opensim. The yellow: boats, left a sailboat. I used the Bwind script form SL and got it working here. The others are motorboats.
Thirza Ember: what does the BWind script do?
Karsten Runningbear: It's a sailing script, it gots its own wind inside no wind setter necessary, you can say in chat: 20, and wind changes to 20 kn, :9 you also can say N, and wind changes to north :)
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Tosha windsurfing |
Tosha Tyran: I will try it at the coast here tomorrow
Karsten Runningbear: all boats are in a rezzer, if you leave it it will disappear in 5 sec. The cars are not my work, that because i don't like cars in rl.
Sven Ingersoll: cars are over rated
Karsten Runningbear: Under the blue arrow you see my RL vehicle
Tosha Tyran: oh very cool bike under the blue arrow
Karsten Runningbear: the bike it is not ready, I am working on it
Tosha Tyran: but it looks great
Karsten Runningbear: also the soma cube, I love that game in RL,
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Karsten's bike and the SOMA cube game, both works in progress... plus someone crashing in the background. |
Lavia Lavine: Question on the sail boats, are you saying you can deliberately change the wind direction?
Karsten Runningbear: yes Lavia
Lavia Lavine: So no more sitting waiting for the wind to change so you can move again. I'm liking that.
Sven Ingersoll: I always put my boat on a broad reach b/c that is the fastest point of sail
Karsten Runningbear: you can sail in other direction, sailors call it kreuzen. If you like, take a copy of the sailboat, the BWind script in SL is a freebie
Another cool part of the build is the 'route' script in which an object - in this case a dragon - moves around following a pre-defined set of waypoints, illustrated here with cubes. I saw one of the planes crash into this dragon, which would have been an epic gif but sadly I was laughing so hard I didn't remember to film it. This is the fun of safari, you can do stuff or watch your friends do stuff, both ways it's hilarious.
Karsten Runningbear: last we have 3 planes, the purple arrow a waterplane, and 2 fokker DR at the white arrows, the left is from Arcadia, the right my one one
Tosha Tyran: wow, a triple decker, looks much like WWI
Karsten Runningbear: it's WWI true, the machine of the Red Baron !
Thirza Ember: let's see what happens when we all test the vehicles!
lifted pixel: yeah i can't wait to see this lol
Karsten Runningbear: yes will be fun i pray
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Forest sitting on the seaplane. |
Karsten Runningbear: feel free to try all, i will stay in the circle for answering questions
lifted pixel: Which is your favorite vehicle?
Karsten Runningbear: the bike :) but i also love the Fearless (boat), the fokker is only for one person the water plane can carry 2
Lavia Lavine: Karsten, can these scripts be adapted to bullet, or are they solely for ubODE ?
Karsten Runningbear: its possible, but in opensim version 0.9.3.x there wont be a bullet engine
Karsten Runningbear: i think they need a bit help at the boats
humbletim metaverse: help
James Atlloud: I can't seem to rescue myself
Karsten Runningbear: oh o
Thirza Ember: all those hours in driving school in Naples are finally paying off... I hit Mal and also Forest, apologies for that... Karsten, is it true that your seaplane can land on water? as in rl?
Karsten Runningbear: yes it only can land on water, on ground it will fly
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Karsten's fabulous seaplane landing on the water |
Star Ravenhurst: This is quite the playground... Ouch!
Lynnestra Parker: sowwy
Star Ravenhurst: haha Dangerous out there!
James Atlloud: Do we get a prize for the number of avatars we hit or the number of vehicles we crashed?
Nara Malone, always a class act, went for the Bentley, which has an unusual 'look through the windshield' effect. Or maybe she was just getting comfy? Not sure. With so many means of transport available, one wondered, which is more difficult to script, the cars or the planes or the boats?
Karsten Runningbear: planes and submarines uses 3 dimensions, but the script engine knows plane, so many is ready. I had to understand the differences between SL and opensim. I was long time in SL, some things are different.
Lavia Lavine: So which physics engine do you recommend Karsten?
Karsten Runningbear: for vehicles ubode, for combat bullet
Alex Salamander: help... start
Forest Azure: lol, i only managed to drive a car
Tosha Tyran: Ha, Forest, you did some pretty talented flying in the red baron
Thirza Ember: Is there anything that they have in SL that we cannot have in opensim, in terms of vehicles?
Karsten Runningbear: yes. SL uses Havok phys engine, some features aren't in Opensim. Its more realistic, but it isn't for free
Star Ravenhurst: Is it because the developers haven't put it in for OS or is it not possible?
Karsten Runningbear: in opensim only one person develop the engine, Havok has a big team.
Star Ravenhurst: There is a lot of talent in OS. Too bad we can't pull it all together and create more for OS
Karsten Runningbear: yes opensim tries to implement havok features, we all do this in our freetime, SL developer are earning money
lifted pixel: sadly bills are a thing ;.;
Star Ravenhurst: yes... bills...sigh
Tosha Tyran: some pretty nice sailing
Marlon Wayne: karsten do so many for us
Karsten Runningbear: thank you very much
Thirza Ember: it's really great here
Tosha Tyran: yes indeed, Karsten, very cool
Star.Ravenhurst: This all is amazing. Good work here.
lifted pixel: it's fun to see peoples sandboxes
This visit was so 'safari'! Crashing cars, planes and boats seems like something we do best!