Thursday, December 26, 2024

Safari '25

 Another year of HG Safari trips is right around the corner, beginning in just six days from now on January 1 at the usual time, 12.00 Pacific time, or SLT - what time is that where you live? Answers in the comments!
The early spring season of HG Safari trips will last 10 weeks, as usual, so our final trip will be on March 5. Then after a break for a few weeks the fun starts again! As usual, each week the aim is to visit two interesting places on two different grids, accompanied by the person who knows all about the build, so that they can tell us their stories and answer out many curious questions. Where are we going? Here are a few hints - do you recognize any of these destinations?

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Novelties on Novale

Another splendid Canadian winter on sim Novale, with lots of familiar features and novelties for all to enjoy! Dabici Straulino and Kelso Uxlay of Creanovale have once again created an immersive snowbound experience for everyone in Opensim. HG Address is of course, at the end of the post - but you knew that already.
There is a fabulous mixture of real life places and fantasy elements on Novale, it's always been so, no matter the season. Revamping the var region to reflect the passing from spring to summer to fall to wintertime is a major job for these two very accomplished builders. It's also a real achievement that they combine novelty with those elements or landmarks that we've all come to recognize and love over the years. They make the place feel real, while never allowing it to become stale or predictable.
Snowglobe landing point
Dabici and Kelso love their Quebecois heritage and they feature the landscape and culture in every season - for example some Safari goers will remember the Maple Syrup Safari  tour we did back in 2022 where there was so much to learn and to enjoy. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Vela Turns Eight

 Vela dreams grid just turned eight years old last weekend, in opensim grid terms, that's a pretty venerable age. 
This small grid, run from home (the ddns in the name gives that away) is the creation of Cleopata and Myrena Rajal, and they celebrated with friends with a mixed event, starting with a fashion show, in collaboration with Loru Destiny.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Candoranien Romance

Roleplaying is romantic. Whether you're a player or not, it's impossible not to see the romance in the way stories are woven by minds working in sync to explore themes their shared experience brings together, so that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. 
There's something deeply romantic too in the commitment of friends, often over many years, not just to bop together to a few tunes, but to bring imaginations together, working to maintain a unique shared fiction. 
Candoranien is one of those places. It's doubly romantic because the theme is Medieval, with a nice wide margin each side, veering into the late Dark Ages on one hand, and the Early Renaissance on the other. pirates, Vikings, Merchant Adventurers, Damsels and Knights - it's all happening here - what's not to love.
This week a new exhibition was inaugurated on sim Path of Glory (HG Addresses, as always at the end of the post) and here you'll find a lovely tribute to the RP group, as the sign says " From Hohenburg to Candorania, a journey through the career of our role-playing world...

Sunday, December 8, 2024

The Warmth of Yana

It's no secret that Yana Dakota likes to be warm! Whether it's her signature Tahiti build, visited by the HG Safari group back in  or her take on what makes the ideal opensim gird, warmth is key. She discovered opensim by herself, and the experience wasn't all that positive at first.
Yana Dakota: I joined a grid that was not open for HG which had some serious problems and after 3 months I had had enough. Then I joined OSGrid and I didn't feel comfortable there either, that didn't last long. And then I come to AMV and it was a feeling of coming home. I was immediately addicted again, lol. What I look for in the owners of a grid, is warmth, safety, feeling safe under their wings, and that's what I found here.One big family, warmth, coziness, and especially love, because that is actually what life is all about, not only in RL but also here.
Yana on Tahiti
Yana's experience as a landscape builder began early in her virtual life - back in 2007 she got a job dressing sims for XiaoWang Yue of Tao estates - five regions, each with 16 parcels if you remember those. Plenty of work, then, in organizing them for rental use.
Yana Dakota:   I  think I worked for him for 3 years. Landscaping is a thing of mine.  All in all I got the hang of creating 3D. I put everything on the marketplace with a 3D picture and in no time everything was rented out with the result that he had to order more sims. Eventually I became general manager there.Then the recession in RL meant that he started selling his sims until there was nothing left. After that I had 2 more jobs and then took a big break from SL.

Friday, December 6, 2024

Advent Neighborhood

 Osgrid is back up, or kind of back up, not entirely convinced by it, from a performance point of view, but it's a good omen, and another promise of good times ahead is the start of the Advent build by Ange Menges and Nani ferguson. Ange and Nani have been consistently building festive, ephemeral regions for over 12 years in Opensim (and worked together before that back in SL) so they're used to the vagaries of the virtual. They have set up their latest creation Advent Calendar on two grids, Zetaworlds and OSGrid. 
When you arrive there's the usual poster board but this time, no HUD, it's just up to you to go out wandering around the snowy, bosky neighborhood and seek out structures with numbers on them. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Something for the Weekend

 Next weekend is going to be a busy one for opensim - isn't it almost always? For starters, it's the Opensimulator Community Conference held on a dedicated grid - this is the 13th year for the event that brings together educators and developers, with speakers like Valibrarian Gregg, Lone Wolf, and Sally Cherry.
Rhiannon Chatnoir and the team at Avacon organize the OSCC every year
On Saturday at 12.00noon SLT there's a panel presentation all about the Hypergrid International ExpoMal Burns, James Atlloud and I will be discussing how the HIE event came into being, some details about the history, technical aspects, and aims of the event. SO if you're available to come over and hear it, check the HG Addresses at the bottom of this post. OSCC events are filmed and streamed in Youtube also. Subscribe if you haven't yet done so, and visit the OSCC Expo Zone 2 to see more information about HIE. 
There's more going on this weekend though. 
It's the final party on Discovery grid, next Saturday. They have 4 DJs lined up. from 12 noon SLT, to serenade the grid offline, or should I say transitioning  to O3DE.