Showing posts with label zetaworlds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label zetaworlds. Show all posts

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Playing with Infinity

On sim Sirocco, one of the VAR regions belonging to the 3rd Wind community, on Zetaworlds, Han BoShi, Dolfke Barbosa, Jed Dagger, Ellemir Maven,  Nila Mari and Alia Soulstar awaited the arrival of the Safari crew. What better time to confirm or deny a popular myth about Star Trek 
Dolfke Barbosa: am I the only one wearing a uniform?
Thirza Ember: my other avatar has a red uniform on... does that mean I'll get eliminated in the first scenes ?
Nila Mari: /me chuckles
Alia Soulstar: yes, our priority is to thin out security every mission
Ellemir Maven: There was an analysis done that said red shirts are not actually more prone to death and dismemberment.
Left to right, Jedburgh, Alia, Nila and in red, Security Officer Dolfke Barbosa
Dolfke Barbosa: they tend to seed death and dismemberment
Ellemir Maven: lol it does seem to be true of the original series.  I have not checked these numbers... Being a "Red Shirt" on the USS Enterprise is one of the most dangerous jobs in any (imaginary) military. Don't believe me? SiteLogic founder Matt Bailey crunched the numbers: 13.7% of Kirk's crew died during their three-year televised mission. 73% of the deaths were Red Shirts.
Jedburgh Dagger: but as a whole there were more redshirts on the crew
Ellemir Maven: /me gets dol a second red shirt to wear
Dolfke Barbosa: thx for that, Elle, I will wear it with care at my funeral
Alia Soulstar: the dangers of space are best represented by the violent deaths of security
Dolfke Barbosa: Tasha Yar her dead was not necessary for the plot, and she wore yellow
Ellemir Maven: It was necessary for her contract though
Dolfke Barbosa: are you offering me a contract, Elle
Alia Soulstar: with a Christmas bonus... if you reach Christmas

Sunday, August 11, 2024

3rd Wind, 3 Months In

 The 3rd Wind steering committee had just finished their meeting in the Infinity Classroom,  and were getting ready for the weekend community meet-up.  How lovely to be back at the Lyonesse Colony, now located on Zetaworlds grid.
It has been just about three months to the day since 3rd Rock, one of Opensim's oldest grids, closed its doors due to a series of events that had nothing to do with the solidarity and friendship of the residents.

As a group, they decided to find a new home (you may have read a bit about that process in this post). It's a story worth telling because, out of what could have been a huge tragedy, has come a great success story.It was so nice to meet up with old friends and new, the elected members of the 3rd Wind community steering committee. 
The committee includes Jedburgh Dagger, Ellemir Maven, Kestral Roffo, plus Dolfke Barbosa, who is Chief Security Officer in the Star trek Infinity group, and also there to help solve any issues 3rd Wind members may experience on the new grid. Then too there's Nila Mari who's the 3rd Wind Treasurer,  and produces the Starfleet Infinity Newsletter. And finally Alia Soulstar -  she is tireless in her work for the Starfleet rp group and the wider 3rd Wind community, doing a lots of building, organizing, researching and planning.
Kestrel Roffo, Nila Mari, and Dolfke Barbosa
Alia Soulstar: Nila is a community asset who just happens to be a lovely person on the side
Dolfke Barbosa: Nila does a few excellent jobs here for us all - we have a newsletter too, right Nila?
Nila Mari: for Starfleet Infinity we do
Dolfke Barbosa: Due to Alia's and others great work, I am able to call this here home again, Thirza, and much from 3RG is imported here, Land as well as Avatars
Touring the Starfleet Infinity build, you'd be forgiven for feeling nothing had changed for this RP group. In reality, after it became abundantly clear that the old grid couldn't be saved, a huge amount of work had to be done retrieving .oars, rethinking the way the new regions would be laid out, and transferring personal and group inventory. That was after the group did plenty of research and some serious thinking before choosing their new home, an enclave on ZetaWorlds grid. 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

In the Mix

You won't find Abyssinia on a modern map, unless it's a map of Zetaworlds of course! After some time on the Science Circle Grid, Skip Dahlgren , known as Aba Brukh inworld, has moved his build to a new grid, and a new start. 
'Abyssinia' as a geographical place is more or less the current land territory of Ethiopia and Eritrea. 
A term used in the West from around the 1600's, in the 1970s Haile Selassie nixed the name 'Abyssinia' because it has unflattering roots in an arabic word meaning mixture. 
Politics and deliberate slurs aside, this rich tapestry of an area, sometimes called the Horn of Africa, was undoubtedly enriched by the miscellaneous trade in goods, cultures, religious and philosophical influences, and DNA from three continents, Africa, Asia, and Europe, all passing through the area of the Red Sea. Not to mention a very mixed fortune over the centuries as powerful people came and went, leaving their mark on the landscape.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Into the 3rd Wind

 It's almost here!!
The 3rd Rock Grid community  - they're retiring that name and going with "3rd Wind", wind being the next element after rock - are moving to an enclave on Zetaworlds grid.
This decision was taken after a lot of thought not only about finances but also grid security, size, and atmosphere. Considering how many different solutions were proposed to them, it's fair to say it wasn't an easy decision, which speaks well to the amazing solidarity and opportunities that opensim offers these days.
3rdRock Grid will become the
3rd Wind Community located on
Zetaworlds Grid
What was the best and the worst part of this experience? I asked two well-known members of the community, David and Alia, to give me some background.
David7 Bravin: The worst is on course the fact that 3rd Rock Grid is having to close after so many years. The best thing that has happened is that Alia Soulstar took up the challenge and has managed to find the 3RG Community a new home on ZetaWorlds
Alia Soulstar: Yes,  it was an extremely hard decision. 
David7 Bravin
Thirza Ember: how did the transition process work ?