Thursday, February 2, 2017


          Goodwill. Stop and think about it. Why? Because that one word holds the key to the survival of the human race, and to your personal health and happiness. It's also the world's greatest time-saving gadget. Find a way to slip it into all those nasty sharp bits of your life. You'll be glad you did.
          Two builds that speak to the good in all of us this week, one is a celebration of pixel power, the other a meditation on what it means to lose your home in the real world. HG Addresses, as always at the end of the post.

          First, a crowd of us went over to Littlefield to see the new region, Goodwill. Shopping galore!

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Birthdays, Borders and Bunnies

        HG Safari is a hypergrid tour group. 
Every Wednesday we meet on the HGSafari region on FrancoGrid. About 15-20 people join each week, trips are organized in advance so we can meet grid and region owners. We go to two or three different grids each week, spending about an hour on each. The entire event lasts about three hours, some people stay for the whole thing, some people come and go, depending on other commitments. 
To make it easier for people to join us partway through the Safari, event details are posted on, G+ and Facebook.
To keep it interesting for all, there's a mix of destinations, from social to sporty, from arty to educational, from technical to theatrical. No one grid is promoted above all others, though we tend to spend a lot more time with people who are not in virtual worlds for the money. Cuz if we were into that, we would just have stayed in Second Life.
You will find the HG Addresses for this week's three destinations at the end of the post, should you wish to visit them yourself. You put the address in your Viewer's Map, hit Search, and then teleport. It's a simple low tech way of discovering opensim for yourself.
Building competition entry by XsiberiaX Ilfreddopurifica
         Craft Grid turns 7 on Friday, and there will be a big party from around 1pm Pacific time, which is ten o'clock in the evening in Europe. They will be awarding the prizes for the annual Build

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Golyfeydd... and other views

George Equus: as far as Safari goes, pretty successful one today  ;}

Two destinations this week. HG Addresses at the end of the post as usual.
 First up a Welsh Paradise, devised by Susannah Avonside.
Susannah Avonside
            Views of welsh scenery, and views about the future of opensim were on the menu this week. Although it almost seemed like we were going nowhere, at first. Seemed like none of us were entirely present from the very beginning, some of us foggy, George's trousers had gone walkabout again, and a new friend Spax Orion was just hair and a sword, leading us to wonder if he had remembered to put his mesh avie in his My Suitcase folder.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Scripts... and scripts

          Two very exciting projects in OpenSim that you will be hearing more and more about in the future!
          Ask most safari-goers, and they'll tell you they're into love, not war... but there are always exceptions, and Konk Combat is definitely exceptional. 

The King of Konk, Valerious Strongborn
          We ran over to Konk on Kitely (full HG addresses at the end of the post) to see what it was all about. There were almost 20 of us by the time all arrived, and it being Kitely, of course, everything rezzed super fast, except for the occasional person with some kinky cloud issues. 
          So what is Konk? We decided to ask the Man himself.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Safari Calendar 2017 - where, when, and why

          This year's calendar features 13 destinations visited by the Safari during 2016, with an emphasis on the landscapes we've seen.
           The calendar is available free and full perms inside the Clubhouse at Teravus Plaza, OSGrid - just 'buy' it from the box on the Rhino table. You can also get it if you visit the courtyard of the Safari Embassy at Mal Burns' Metaworld Township on Great Canadian Grid. And of course it's also available in the Safari Market on HGSafari sim in Francogrid.
          The calendar bit contains all kinds of opensim-relevant dates, the first hg experiment, the birthdays of most of the major grids, and so on, as well as real-world holidays.
          If you like to mix opensim with real life, you can also buy a high quality paper copy version at
            Choosing just 13 photos from the thousands we have from hundreds of places visited was a daunting task, and one that is never satisfying - we could easily have ten different versions of the calendar, and still find places and people have been left out.  But hopefully this goes some way to showing the wealth of variety that OpenSim has to offer.
             Not all of the places in the photographs are readily visitable. As time goes by, regions -and sometimes whole grids -  close, or change their look, or move beyond our ken. But these are all places where we had memorable Safari visits last year.

Vinyl, Copters, Oz... and Socks

          Three stops, on three continents this week, and three places you should definitely visit. HG Addresses and details at the end of the post.

Aime Socrates: first time here Roff ?
Roffellos Kisses: for the safari yes but i have been here this area befoe
Aime.Socrates: safari is a great experience, if you survive you are strong
Roffellos Kisses: lol well I like to explore so its a perfect thing for me to tag along on
Thirza Ember: so 3 continents this week... Europe, America, then Australia... I need some sandwiches
Aime.Socrates: know a lot about our first destination..right ?
Billy.Bradshaw: yes, it is my home :)
Aime.Socrates: insida a laptop..funny idea
Billy.Bradshaw: I am a funny kind of guy :)
Aime.Socrates: great! world needs this kind of guys nowadays
Billy.Bradshaw: the days of sat surrounded by noisy computers has gone for me
Aime.Socrates:Opensim way Of Life: just to be cool

Thursday, December 29, 2016

A Tale of Two Cities

       Opportunity City and Gotham City... or Metropolis, the choice is yours, the tour this week took us to two of OpenSim's most respected grids, TanGle ad Craft, HG Addresses at the end of the post        
Aime Socrates: coool party Leslie !!!
          It's all in the eye of the beholder. We arrived on TanGle grid somewhat late and in disarray thanks to ... well that is a long boring story you did not come to this blog to read about. 

          The lovely Leslie Kling had invited us over to Tangle's Expo Isle, which for today let's call Opportunity City, because you could use it as a way to get yourself and your creations known all across the hyperverse, This was not the Safari's first visit, we've been here to see the lingerie show, the Steam Fair and the Winter expos over the past two years, so it was nice to be back, enjoying the icy dance floor hidden away in one corner of the vast Expo region.