Thursday, October 10, 2024

Marvelous Moonrose

The name Moonrose is such a romantic one. This week we had the opportunity to discover just how rich and varied are the regions on the grid, most famous for its Mall. This was our second destination of the day, and it had been really nice to see that Chrissy and friends were there to support Loru during our first stop, on the fascinating DestinyLore installation - you can read about that in a separate post.
Thirza Ember: Thanks you for inviting us, Chrissy and Dark!
Chrissy Coage: yw, I am very happy
Dark Wolf: just moment
Taarna Welles: Confession? :)
Dark Wolf: I'm NOT a owner. I made the technical side on the grid
Thirza Ember: well thanks for making a fast rez for us, Dark!
Arriving on Moonrose Welcome
Chrissy Coage: Welcome to the Moonrose Grid, My name is Chrissy Coage and I am the owner. 
Chrissy Coage: I came to Opensim from Sl in 2019.  I founded Moonrose in 2020. Moonrose Grid is a virtual world based on the OpenSim platform. This platform allows users to create and explore their own 3D worlds. Moonrose Grid offers a variety of regions that can be designed by users to create different environments and experiences.  Some of the key features of Moonrose Grid are:
  Ease of use: With osManager 4.5, users can easily access their accounts and manage their virtual worlds.  Diversity of Regions: Moonrose Grid's map shows a variety of regions of varying sizes, from small to very large areas.  Moonrose Grid provides a creative and interactive platform for anyone interested in creating and exploring virtual worlds.  My main feature is Moonrose Shopping and my newest region Moonlight.  Personally, I really enjoy designing avatars. Moonrose-Grid works with Adult-life and Mare Grid. Large projects are discussed and worked out together.  I would like to thank Darkwolf Gisela Daniels and Silver Mare for always supporting me
Dark Wolf and Chrissy Coage
Thirza Ember: Chrissy, were you all friends in SL or did you meet in Opensim?
Chrissy Coage:i met them in Opensim, but we are still sl players, I still have my brand Sugar design in SL,  and Dark and silver own a club
Dark Wolf: SL is important for new inspiration and ideas
James Atlloud : There was discussion of 'why SL' at the VWEC meeting today.  I said I'm still on SL because I was born there - virtually speakin'
Petlove Petshop: but OS gives us places to have spaces to our hearts content :))
Chrissy Coage: yes you are right
Loru Destiny: the combination SL and OS is absolutely great
Chrissy Coage:we start at Sakura Teleporter next to you
Thirza Ember: ok great, let's got to Sakura! if you don't see the tp board, it is by me and if it doesn't work, use the LM that says 'Sakura'
Mal Burns: #tks Thirza
Chrissy Coage: please use the windlight and start the stream. Sakura an Asian region was designed with a lot of love. A region that invites you to relax at the end, there are many little corners where you can discover. You should activate the music here. Asian sounds underline the surroundings. Sakura was built in collaboration with Gisela Daniels, please take a look around
Petlove Petshop: the translator hub is amazing!
The translator hub
Thirza Ember: it takes a little minute for all the mesh to rez, then you will find a huge number of lovely houses, and the sound... just perfect... this is a classic example of something you couldn't build in SL without spending a fortune
Dark Wolf: indeed
 Alex.Salamander: Everything looks very peaceful here
Thirza Ember: Chrissy can you tell us something about your philosophy  concerning freebies in opensim? you have a very popular mall here...
Chrissy Coage: freebies are super But many people forget that we also get the things and pay for them. My clothes that I pick up are always paid for by me. But as I said, many people forget that
 Thirza Ember: and of course we have some great original content creators for clothes, like Loru and Taarna, right here in opensim
Chrissy Coage: I know but that's not how I imagine an ava
Loru Destiny: Our options for making clothes in opensim are limited, I think
Chrissy Coage: yes, very much because rigging is difficult

Tosha Tyran: You can learn to rig, but clothes in general... I can do something good :D
Alex Salamander: That's a lot of work
Loru Destiny:  Then I have to do an apprenticeship with you, Tosha
Dark Wolf: the biggest problem are the outdated bodies... the old body dont fit with the new SL clothes
Chrissy Coage: I admire those who can do that
Tosha Tyran: well, and I also lack imagination
Tai Chi on Sakura
Loru Destiny: yes, Wolf, I only make clothes for Maitreya/Athena, if I worked for the other bodies I wouldn't have time to do anything else
Chrissy Coage: You wouldn't have any more time, Loru
Icelady Pearl: It would be great if you saw NPC with the right clothes
Yara Eild: I haven't tried it yet either
Thirza Ember: Chrissy, what occupies the most time in Virtual worlds for you - is it making clothes or building or socializing or
Chrissy Coage: Everything but clothing comes first... where I discovered building for myself... I also think parties are great, I go to Loru or Genie
Petlove Petshop: I've been camming around ...  your sim is absolutely gorgeous
Tosha Tyran: yes, chrissy I think so too it leaves me breathless
Alex Salamander: Beautiful light is here
Chrissy Coage: thanks
Plenty of details on this region
The  landscape on Sakura with its sweeping panorama is very lovely, with all the old rooftops and the surrounding mountains, but don't neglect the interior of the houses, one contains this collection of Netsuke - erotic statues that bring good luck - as well as some lovely kimono clad statues.
Thirza Ember: I think it's very interesting that you have a little 'federation' of friendly grids, it is a great way to organize yourselves within opensim
Dark Wolf : Chrissy, Silver Mare and i founded the Dark United Nation. That is the point that i missed in OS... build together, planning together and have fun together. We make everything together, so none of us is alone
arriving on Little Cuba
 We also touched on the unfortunate paradox of the  Opensimworld website, which due to thoughtless posts on the front page, doesn't always show off Opensim in its best light. Despite the best efforts of negative people, the website remains the best place to promote opensim activities, creations, and projects.
Dark Wolf: ok ladies and gentlemen, next stop little cuba
There's a great photo of James sitting in a very dangerous place, if you check out the HG Safari server on Discord.
Taarna Welles: Wow, what a difference in music... I was totally zen
Dark Wolf: yea it fits the sim theme
Thirza Ember: the contrast and the quality here are amazing and delightful
Petlove Petshop: I'm liking the buildings and their colors here
Chrissy Coage:Little Cuba my heart's region Cuba is colors waves beach Latin music just chilling and enjoying I'm planning parties with Latin music at Little Cuba
Thirza Ember: most people who are doing things in Second Life they do not want all the work and the challenge of maintaining an opensim grid, with all the possible bugs and problems... dealing with all that is one of the biggest differences between opensim and Second Life... I admire grid admins very much!
Chrissy Coage
Chrissy Coage: I started with a windows server and a manager for windows. After a year I switched to Linux and the Dark Wolf manager. For me it is important that everything works even for people with a not so powerful PC
Thirza Ember: can i ask a question about the Moonrose Mall? What motivated you to set it up, and how many people visit it... and what is the item that people ask you for the most?
Chrissy Coage: Well, fashion is what I can do because I've always done fashion in SL. The Moonrose Mall is very popular where I opened it and it still is today. At peak times I have 25 avas a day
Forest Azure: have you ever considered a fashion show, Chrissy? or maybe you did one?
Chrissy Coage: Now I have a new shopping region Moonlight which is also very well attended. I ade a new sim because wanted the mall to look different
Thirza Ember: What is the thing that SL has, that you wish we had in Opensim, and vice versa?
Chrissy Coage: I think so because I think you should always be up to date and get ideas. That's a difficult question because they are two different games and we should allow for more new things here.  But when I travel here I often see that a lot has changed for the better.
 Dark Wolf: The different versions in OS are terrible.
Forest Azure: /me chuckles and thinks that the standard should be: not flat
Mal dancing between Chrissy and Loru - check out those moves!
Thirza Ember: it's true when you go hypergrid travelling you really notice all the different setups on different grids
Chrissy Coage: yes, and that’s a good thing
Loru.Destiny: I made friends here, people came and went in SL, everything was rather impersonal
Thirza Ember: being able to modify objects and personalize them in Opensim is an important factor for me
Loru Destiny: For me too, OS is ideal for creative people
Chrissy Coage:I am very grateful that I am here Loru
Tosha among the pastel facades
Tosha.Tyran: It's also important to me that I can build gigantic ... living out my gigantomania ...
Loru.Destiny: yes, Tosha :-)))
Thirza Ember: This has been for me an amazing evening, such a lot of imagination and creativity
Chrissy Coage: Thank you and I am very grateful that you visited me
Forest Azure: thanks and see you all
Thirza Ember: it's been a privilege and a revelation to see these regions
Taarna Welles: Thank you for the tour. Until next week 

HG Address: Welcome

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