Thursday, October 10, 2024

Lore of Loru

This week for our first destination of the Safari, Loru Destiny allowed us to come see "DestinyLore", an installation she first mentioned to the public eight months ago, with this video on YouTube
Designed to be visited by one or two people at most, our trip was an interesting experiment in mass tourism in a confined space, and also an excellent load test. 
Loru Destiny: Hello everybody and welcome to my exhibition. I'd like to tell you about this exhibition a bit. DestinyLore invites you to enter my world. In this exhibition I have visualised personal experiences, thoughts and feelings with the tools that opensim offers me. Sometimes I have also worked with sounds or music. Some things here are interactive. So I ask you to follow the instructions. 
Loru (center) with her painter husband, Tryad Destiny
Loru Destiny: There is no guided tour. Like in real life you decide what you perceive, how you process it, and what you don't like or want.  I am only the narrator, you are the active ones. Sometimes there are texts. What I have written is not the final truth, it is my truth. I am happy to talk about it with you.
This build is divided into 5 parts, each has its own theme:
 - Opensim! (the place where it all begins)  - I am a human being  - Brainwalk - Find yourself  - Peace is an inner process   - Reality is what you make of it
Loru Destiny: I would like to thank all those who have actively supported me, for example Calvin Cohen. I would especially like to thank my husband Tryad, who provided me with some of his AI pictures, and Copper Tomsen, who supported me with his modified scripts. The exhibition has never had so many visitors at the same time as today. So I'm curious to see if all the scripts and installations are working.
Loru Destiny: Feel free to explore on your own. I'm joining a group. I'm sure we'll meet from time to time and I look forward to hearing your thoughts and questions. I suggest we meet at 12.40 SLT in 'Subconscious'. I'm curious to see if you can find that place hidden in all of us.
Thirza Ember: this is fun - educational and also a bit of a maze!
Dings Digital: thank you Loru, it already looks expressive and impressive
Das ist die Wahrheit: Love yourself, only then you can love others.
 Someone whispers - Jemand: whispers: Love me Isabelle.Sun
Loru Destiny: here is much with sound
Lots of voices calling, whispering, asking questions and making affirmations, this extra dimension to the artwork really fills out the experience. The questions being asked, and the observations being made, are some of the deepest; they're those things that are both incredibly individual, and at the same time universal concerns, regrets, hopes and reflections.
Dings Digital: I like this, could talk a whole night about it :)
Das ist die Wahrheit: Forgive yourself or do you believe you are perfect?
A nice voice: whispers: Please turn on stream for some music, sit down and do what you do every day  
Loru Destiny: perhaps you like some peace...  let's move
Thirza Ember: it's like you are looking into all the homes around the world
A nice voice: whispers: Please turn on stream for some music, sit down and do what you do every day  
Loru Destiny: yes, that's the idea, Thirza
Loru Destiny:  you can also open The door... this happens, too *g*
 Thirza Ember: yes, too much rl sometimes
Loru Destiny: yes!!
Dark Wolf and I contemplate the headache of RL calling
Loru's partner in RL is also her husband in the virtual, so I asked her, does that makes virtual worlds easier or more difficult?
Loru Destiny: it is easier with a RL partner here all I want is focussing on creating here and I can discuss all with my hubby, I can make friends and everybody know I'm not interested in any romantic relation, that's peace
Thirza Ember: and it's great to be able to dialogue about opensim creativity
 Loru Destiny: yes!! so true :-) we have a common passion/hobby that's great. It's good to be with someone who doesn't think, this here is childish business and it isn't
Loru Destiny: if you feel a bit lost, that's how life sometimes is
A nice voice: whispers: Sometimes we are disoriented, but what do we want to do? We'll keep moving forward until everything gets into place.Take your time to enjoy, Loru Destiny
Thirza Ember: did you use any PBR here?
 Loru Destiny: No, this is old fashioned made... follow me pls
Loru Destiny: I visit my places here often.  I am here and think
Thirza Ember: it's a lovely serene space
Loru Destiny: I love rivers, all is moving
Thirza Ember: "everywhere you go you always have the weather with you"
Loru Destiny: yes :-) one day I discussed with Tryad whether KI [Künstliche Intelligenz, in English Artificial Intelligence] is art. I said, no, but when we use it as material to cerate something new, it is art, these are Tryad's Ki creations and I made something new with it. I use it like you use pictures for a collage
Loru Destiny: was there too much lag?
Kem Micho: not too much
Aixa Joelle: i think i am lost... ( shivers )
Loru Destiny: pls follow me  here, tp to brainwalk
Yara and Alex with the crowd at the start point
Isabelle Sun: I follow you  :-)
 Loru Destiny: yes kem, this is is narrow space, it is where I started and first I thought that is enough, but it wasn't *g*
Aixa Joelle: this is the most mysterious mystery ever....
Having two avatars gave me the chance to leave one at the stat point, and the other travelled with Loru. The arrival point has some great art and thoughtful posters, but you really need to click on the multi colored tp buttons, and walk through some of the installations, if you want to see all the other skyboxes, some of which are on other sims. It's not always easy here to figure out where people have gone to, not least because our friends lists weren't working right, nor was the grid radar helping. All probably due to the general lack of reliability inworld, due no doubt in part to the terrible weather around the world in recent days. Some of us, like Ding, just embraced whatever confusion they felt and where possible, we TP'd people to the final stop.
James Atlloud: Have people left for someplace else?
Taarna Welles: Not sure
Thirza Ember: we're on Roselake, I would teleport you but I can't make it work, or even see you online with my other avatar, but if you look for roselake on the map and you'll find the next part of the build
Dings Digital: lost in the subconscious... the whole thing, so much to explore
James Atlloud: ok - found that to be the case too.  Will take the bus.
Arriving on Roselake sim
Under the water on Roselake, there's a hidden room, all golden and delicious. Go in, and start dancing among the bubbles...
Loru Destiny: I started where we met and then I had idea after idea and couldn't stop
Dings Digital: good for us
Mal Burns: wadda trip
Thirza Ember: yesss
Loru Destiny: and I am no drug addict, Mal
Mal Burns: ha ha
Petlove Petshop: i don't need drugs to trip either lol
 Forest Azure: /me does, need them
Loru Destiny: high five petlove *g*
Thirza Ember: the statue at the ground level is great too... we lost a lot I think, but this is a great build to explore
Loru Destiny: please come back :-)
Loru Destiny: we can do whatever we want here and in our head
Thirza Ember: i love the dancing on the ceiling
Taarna Welles: don't throw up please :)
Dings Digital: at least not on us
Loru Destiny: pls not, I don't have a charlady
Petlove Petshop: i think i can now re-evaluate what i can do instead of drugs to get high upside down!
Aphra Hendrix: oh ist schön hier
Forest Azure: /me is thinking dreamily of making something so big that she can't lift it
Loru Destiny: I love the combination gold and deep blue... did anyone see one of the films?
Forest.Azure: yes
Loru Destiny: ahh great, they are not AI generated
Tosha Tyran : they are fantastic
Dings Digital: yes
Loru Destiny: thank you Tosha
Forest Azure: love the bubbles
Tosha Tyran: the whole sim is fantastic!
Loru Destiny: and thank you very much for your speech this year when I couldn't take part at the HIE, Tosha
Thirza Ember: it's such a great collaboration build... but i feel like I missed a lot, we have only 5 minutes before it's time to go to Moonrose.... I will return for sure!
Dings Digital: This is wonderful German Prose: Manchmal sind wir orientierungslos, aber, was wollen wir tun? Wir gehen weiter voran bis alles sich fügt.

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