The fabulous Janice sang the opening set of what promises to be two evenings of delightful togetherness on the grid known for its tight knit community and many friends all over the metaverse - there were over 50 of us from 15 different grids at this Saturday night party.

Sim Tosca is, of course, the center of all the festivities, with its warm terracotta colors, many exotic flowers and of course plenty of fireworks, the mood was upbeat and elegant to celebrate Nasti Backerly and her team - you know who you are! your work is much appreciated! - for this achievement.
May Soul Grid have many many more years of community, caring and fun to come!
HG Address
Thank you Thirza for your kind words. It was once again an unforgettable evening at tosca, I thank everyone who made the evening so beautiful. Greetings Nasti