Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Spring Clean

 I'm kind of looking forward to the great OSGrid asset reset. Don't get me wrong, it's a lot of work going back over the 13 and a half years of precious things and junk. Hold on though... scanning through Inventory it quickly becomes clear that although there are 18,000 items in there, maybe half of that is duplicates / slightly modified versions of the same thing. Eliminate those, and the things worth keeping probably boil down to ten maybe 20 percent of what's left. Decluttering - yes please! 
By the way, if you know anyone who only occasionally shows up in OSGrid, or who doesn't follow the news much, then be a friend, and remind them that the OSGrid Reset will take place around March 21 - so now's the time to act!
This is definitely the moment to make sure any scripts you care about, any creations, anything that you have that's unique to your OSGrid avatar is in a safe place.
A big shout out to all the other grid owners who are helping out with the situation and offering places for people to go/put their stuff!

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Safari in the Clouds

 Neverworld Grid was our second stop this week, we were there to experience the grid's unusual and exciting weekly event, the Never Riders Club, on Cloudburst Roads. 'Club' in the widest sense of the word - locals and hg visitors are all very welcome, the only qualifications are an ability to ride a bike, and the desire to have fun.
Meanwhile, the Safaristas had their own challenges...
Taarna Welles: Am I headless still?
Thirza Ember: I see white people
Taarna Welles: I see James.... with clothes! :)
James Atlloud: OH? I see fewer clothes here than Risa!  lol
Lynnestra Parker: ღ¸.•* LoL *•.¸ღ

Best Resort

Our first stop this 6th week of the season was on sim Lothlorien, by Stormy Scorpio. We were there to see a piece of Star Trek paradise....
Moses and Stormy
Stormy Scorpio: welcome to Risa Forest... this is the ruins
Thirza Ember: the spaceship in the sky is so startling!
Stormy Scorpio: it is hovering over the planet,  hehe, a lot of shore leave right now
Star Ravenhurst: It looks fabulous up there! Beam me up Scotty!
Stormy Scorpio: I hope you all enjoy exploring risa there is a lot to see
Ankh Senaton: the pleasure planet ;)
Loru Destiny[de→en]: I like the story from Star Trek as a Picard on Risa vacation, very much
Lavia Lavine : Spock was my favorite character.
Loru Destiny: live long and prosper Lavia :-)
James Atlloud: Spock was a breath of fresh air to my young self.
Forest Azure: you have a young self, James?
James Atlloud: I do, really I do.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Karneval Is Koming!

Will your grid participate?
Pangea grid is gaining a reputation for art events, and also for its 'hands across the hypergrid' approach to social events, like RL festivals. Why do it? Grid owner Marlon says it nicely.
Marlon Wayne: carnival is a good thing to bring grids and people together.
In a big way, Pangea goes in for Carnival Cologne style ...or as they call it  Köln or, if you don't do umlauts, Koeln. It's a city that does a straight week of crazy days - a sort of teutonic Rio or New Orleans - with the highlight being Rose Monday, March 3 this year. Costumes, a lot of drinking, candy, more drinking, a parade and dancing, and some more drinking, are the main features of the day.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Fish Love Money

For our second stop this week, another take on the Japanese theme. Our host wasn't able to join us on the Isle of Nara, so the crew had to put up with some factoids from me, much like the time when we went to Yana Dakota's Tahiti sim and she had a power outage. The Safarians bore the burden with great stoicism.

Thirza Ember: This is a Japanese style GOR region owned by Shinji Takahashi. We are on CounterEarth grid. This is a Gorean community that moved to Opensim in the very early days, and was first located on OSGrid. Some may remember the sim Sardar Fair which was still exists, back in the day it was one of the few good shopping places in opensim. Some of the founding members of CounterEarth are content creators and offer their stuff for free in opensim, while selling it in  Second Life. We thank them for their generosity over the years!
Star Ravenhurst: I have been excited to visit! I am sorry they're not here though.

Yana's Samsara

 The circle of life - birth and death, and rebirth - that's Samsara, a process that leads over time and many repetitions, to the state of nirvana. Samsara is the name of Yana Dakota's var region on AMV, a region that's undergoing renewal and growth. HG Address at the end of the post, as always.
It was a pretty quick rez as the hordes of Safarians arrived - we've been having slow textures for a few weeks, but this time, they all arrived in the little dock house with seconds of lag only. It's a big region, so everyone tried to keep their draw distances and other bells and whistles to a minimum, of course.
Yana Dakota: Namaste to Samsara. Creating the Samsara region in the Alternate Metaverse has been a labor of love. My goal was to design a space that encourages introspection and spiritual growth. Every detail, from the high-detailed builds to the serene environment, was crafted to provide a peaceful and immersive experience. The music and viewer settings are optimized to enhance the overall atmosphere, making it feel more engaging and calming.
Elegant and lagbusting the ladies of the Safari are unbeatable!
If the name of this sim is familiar to you it's because there was an interview with Yana on this blog a few weeks back. This was an opportunity for Yana to show off her favorite pieces and also to explain so much about this belief system that is so close to her heart. 

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Crystal Craft

 Craft Grid is celebrating its Crystal Anniversary - fifteen years of community, international friendship, big art, lovely residences, educational projects, and a warm sociability that has kept its residents amused and absorbed all these years. It's a tightly knit community, with people from all over the world, though it's fair to say, a nice slice of Italians who will make you feel welcome in the grid's general Chat group whenever you log in. 
It's a grid that has always been generous - for example, for many years, Licu Rau, the owner of Craft, donated the regions for the Hypergrid International Expo. Licu has also invited the HG Safari group more than once to celebrate Cornflakes Week with him - here he is, dressed for the event, back in 2016. 
I asked Licu  what is planned for this birthday party on Monday 27 January starting at 12:30pm SLT on Jubilee sim.
Licu Rau: We will have a musical evening in an environment inspired by crystals. Being a moment of transition in which various technical changes and specific needs overlapped, we were not able to organize special events as done on some other occasions.
Thirza Ember:  What kind of changes? Tell us more.