Thursday, April 13, 2023

Safari Goes to The Good Place

It sounds so virtuous to say that you 'don't watch TV that much' and even if that's factually true and not a fib to make you look like a better person, there's a very good reason to quit the no-TV habit. It's called 'The Good Place', a comedy series that ran on NBC from 2016-2020 and later shown on other media platforms. Starring Ted Danson and Kristen Bell, it's the story of the afterlife, where people go either to 'the good place' or 'the bad place' depending on what score or rating their actions during life on earth has earned them - except there's a catch... well, go watch the show to find out about all that. Memorable characters, excellent acting, and a divinely funny script all make The Good Place a delight - but wait - there's more! Here in Opensim, there's a brilliant build by Bink Draconia that makes The Good Place an interactive game! The Safarians went to see what was up. 
The build is full of all the in-jokes, familiar characters, and catchlines of the show, which kind of makes a game in and of itself, to see how many you can spot, The build is on the German grid Pangea, famous for its art builds and the inspirational leadership of Marlon Wayne and Lampithaler Artis. What makes this build even more awesome is that Bink has made the whole thing bilingual, no mean feat!

Xzar Gazing

Last Sunday was the official opening of The Land of Xzar on Genesis RP grid, a region built by Star Ravenhurst, and this Wednesday it the Safari took the tour for our second hour of the 2 hour ride around opensim.  As lovely as opensim is at any time, there's nothing quite like visiting a sim with the creator and some friends to truly get the measure of what is meant by the fine pixels on show. You might say that this build (HG Address is at the end of the post, as always) is really several tales in one. 
It's the 3D representation of Star's novel, to be published on Amazon later this year, but it's also a story of a Star's talent and tenacity as a builder, with many original constructions and textures that she has put together over her many years in virtual. And it's also the chronicle of the many grids she has been part of, several of which have come to an untimely end, forcing her to regroup, rebuild, and re-imagine her regions in other worlds. That opportunity to glimpse and gaze into the creative universe of our fellow Opensimmers is one of the most exciting and interesting parts of the life virtual. Unlike most gaming platforms, it offers a unique connection between original imaginations - yours and theirs - and is infinitely fascinating, if on occasion hard work.
Youca Godel: I'm finding it neat that people are building sims based on shows and books.
Star Ravenhurst: This is based on my book Youca
Forest Azure: are there any fairytales sims? for a fairytale rp sim
Doctor Dave: There's a dead angel on the lawn.  Did anyone bring a first aid kit?
Star Ravenhurst: Is everyone here? I think we are missing Tosha... Welcome Tim
humbletim metaverse: hi
Star Ravenhurst: Well I will start pasting into chat what you need to know. This build is based on my upcoming novel by the same name. This is a visual of the land that has lived inside of my head for years. This is an ancient world that has seen war and destruction with many characters seeking power over time. 1000+ years have passed since the end of the world and civilization returned. The antagonist is Hadean the Executioner. He is a narcissistic, power hungry, sexual predator, brutal, and evil as they come. The hero is Michael McCall of Plano Texas who is angry with his father who has taken over as ruler of the whole planet due to advancements that he owns, sells, and controls the population with.
Lavia Lavine: You didn't tell me your novel was about my Ex husband.
Forest Azure: lol

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Virtual Recall: Welcome to Mars

 Straight out of our Star Trek experience on 3rd Rock, we leapt over to Neverworld to see a brand new build based on the film Total Recall. Another huge build, demonstrating the variety, talent, imagination, and humor that make opensim the best place in virtual. HG address is, of course at the end of the post. Thanks to all the Neverworlders who were there to welcome us, and to the 3rd Rockers who continued the fun by coming over from destination one to see this very different build.

Where Posh turns into Sleeze: Okay here you are after filling up on some greasy snacks with dust included, now go back through the blue light  alleyway and turn right ... you coming across an area that looks ... sleezier. Yup, you are closing in on Venusville.  It ain't the Hilton. Note to self- keep your valuables out of sight
Govega Sachertorte:  Hi everybody, big crowd
Joshua 7: Hi All, welcome to Mars!
Hope Lunasea: Bigger than what I was expecting. lol...
Beth Ghostraven: We crash sims for fun, lol, not so much lately though
Govega Sachertorte: Welcome to Mars. Mr Smokes, Nexus Storm, Ares Halostar, Alba Wyrril, they are the main builders

Star Turn on 3rd Rock

Thirza Ember: happy first contact day everyone
James Atlloud: and a first contact day to you too Thirza
Our first stop on this new season of Safari is the absolutely spectacular Star Trek colony on 3rd Rock Grid. a great crowd of 3rd Rockers were there to meet us, and the peerless Alia Souldstar gave us a wonderful tour. The HG Address for this wonderful build is, of course, at the end of the post.
Nila Shvaress: greetings everyone arriving
Georgina Mills: Hello everyone :)
Ellemir Maven: Hello Lucy, Lavia and Kitty
Dolfke Barbosa: pls take your time to let everything rez properly
James Atlloud: Hello!
Pauline NOVA419: ooo, visitors :)
Alia Soulstar
Alia Soulstar: Hiya Thirza and Safari people :)
Beth Ghostraven: Hi Alia!
Prodyck Theas: Helloo
Alia Soulstar: Is that everyone or are there a few still coming ?
Thirza Ember: ok we are good to go, APPLAUSE! for Astraios colony

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

A Mobius Spring

Springtime is here on Mobius Grid with lots of good news and innovation! 
The unusual and colorful Mobius grid, inspired by all things Sonic the Hedgehog has recently re-opened its doors to OSGrid  gridjumpers, just in time for their Easter Hunt event, held on their big Welcome sim.  Grid address, is, of course, at the end of the post. 
The look of the Easter Hunt game is unmistakable and charming - this is Cream, an NPC who is part of the fun. Green Hill Zone is the sim most visitors know best, but don't neglect a visit to Lunaria, the gallery sim  belonging to Luna Lunaria, in all its violet glory.

Along with its signature look, Mobius Grid is all about innovation and making the best use of all the features the Viewer offers, so when you arrive you can participate in an Experience rather than just going around doing your own thing.

Friday, March 31, 2023

Deadheads on Neverworld

Scott Beauchamp, Pacific Standard Magazine

He was only 53 years old when he died in 1994, but Jerry Garcia packed a great deal into those decades -  133 songs,  four children, 30 years with an iconic band, a place in the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame, that whole Haight-Ashbury thing, and of course the missing finger. Before the Grateful Dead was formed, Garcia studied art, and though it necessarily took second place to his music career, he created well over 2000 pieces.

Paintings, sketches and doodly drawings are all part of the rich pattern of Garcia's artistic journey, brought inworld for this event - completing the circle between internet and deadheads, digital and analog, pencil, paints and pc.
Govega Sachertorte
This week a special RL/VW crossover event happened on Neverworld Grid, organized by Govega Sachertorte. You don't have to be a big fan to the music of the GD to appreciate what it means for events to double up their realities, and slip the bounds of geographical being there... it's just a case of relax and enjoy.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Show Me the Monet

There are a lot of good builds in OpenSim, but some are beyond good - for the attention to rl details, for the exceptional building skills, for the atmosphere created on the sim. 
French creator Erwan Elan has a lot of lovely regions on his Serenity Grid, but perhaps the best of all of them is his bravura re-creation of Giverny, in Normandy, the famous home of the Impressionist painter Claude Monet. 
Inside and out, this is hands down the best Monet inspired build you are likely to ever see. Erwan's feel for his subject matter, his thorough research and dedication, radiate out of every texture, and his clever use of the excellent plant resources in opensim (Jimmy Olsen and Imperator Janus spring to mind) thoroughly meet the task he sets for them.
If you have spent any time at all at Giverny in the real world, you'll probably have a story to tell about long queues, an international crowd shuffling dully through the carefully organized garden trail, or about how you went there on a cloudy day, or when the flowers were not looking their best. That is a pretty common experience that you can totally avoid by going to this virtual version of the old farmhouse and two acre garden laid out by Monet and his family in the late 1800's. It is on Serenity Grid, the address is, as always, at the end of the post.