Friday, January 5, 2018

Poetry and Particles

                The poetry of big, collaborative art - that was the theme of this week's trip, once again two great destinations, both highly recommended, HG Addresses at the end of the post as always.
Karima Hoisan on The River of Forgetting
                 First up, an invitation from Karima Hoisan to visit Kitely. It's always a joy to visit Karima's many regions on this grid. They are as varied as they are colorful, and The River of Forgetting is a special place because it's where Karima and Natascha Randt filmed their latest machinima, which they have entered in the prestigious SLartist@UWA Machinima competition in Second Life.

Friday, December 29, 2017

2018 Safari Calendars

            This year, there are two Safari Calendars.
             As always, the calendar features many of the people and places who have made the past year so varied and vivid. From Furries and Burlesque, to literature and fine art, to racing and relaxing beaches, this past year has certainly proved that OpenSim is full of wide open spaces, and lots of friends too.
            Both calendars are available inworld as free, full permission items, at the safari clubhouse.  and they'll be available at other venues over coming days.

You can also buy a real world version of both on  if you are so inclined, then you can feel like you are inworld even when your internet goes wonky.
The Women of Opensim                                     The Men of Opensim
           The calendars inworld come complete with the Landmarks for all the destinations photographed, so you can go and visit the lovely and in some cases little known corners of opensim. Inevitably, there are more destinations and more intrepid grid jumpers than there are months in the year, so all our models consider themselves representatives of the wider world of interlocking grids.
           A big thanks to all the models for their time and patience and trust. I leave it to you to pick up the calendar and see if you can identify all the victims...

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Puzzles and Poles

                  A unique gallery and a brand new game were the destinations for this week's Safari adventure, the last for 2017. Both places you'll love, so look to the end of the post to see the HG Addresses.
Antonio Salamander
               First, we headed off to Antonio Salamander's region on OSgrid. It's called Art of Puzzles, which really tells you everything about the subject matter.                 It was a particularly international event, as Antonio speaks German and his native Spanish, while most Safari regulars are fluent only in typonese and gibberish. 

Sunday, December 24, 2017

How the Groac'h Solved Christmas

On Francogrid, for the holidays, there is a beautiful winter hunt called Loureedia. Built by Nani Ferguson and Ange Menges, it's a little seasonal gift to all of opensim.
Groac'h is a sorceress who's not a fan of Santa.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

The Jewels in the Crown

HGLuv and Creanovale were the diamond destinations for this the 170th weekly Safari trip. Both gorgeous, both worth your time, and oth HG Addresses at the end of the post.
Hyacinth Jewell
Hyacinth Jewell is at the heart of HGLuv. Hya and some of the Luv regulars were waiting for us on Luv Plaza, the Welcome sim and a brilliant sampler of the regions you can visit here.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

HIE is today!

The Hypergrid International Expo is today!
The address is
This multi language conference begins at 9.00am SLT, 18.00 CET (that's the time in Paris, Berlin and Rome, if you're wondering). 
The event is on Craft Grid, courtesy of Licu Rau. 
You can see the program of events on our website (courtesy Phaandor Pertwee) at 
The Auditorium build is by Mal Burns, with beautiful design details by Arielle Delamerlibre.

The Moderators for this event are Cheops Forlife, Tosha Tyran, Loru Destiny and myself, and along with xSiberiax Ilfreddupurifica, they've all done so much work to make this event happen - thank you!

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Safari Repels All Borders

Borders, not boarders... this wasn't a Pirate event (another one of those is coming up in the New Year, though) but rather, two 'border' events, as you'll see... First up, a trip to 3rd Rock Grid, then, a load test on HIE. The HG Addresses are at the end as usual.
            Alpine, on 3rdRock Grid, is full of winter sports. You can ski, skate,  try the sled race, and throw snowballs here. We met up with the 3rd Rock crew, including Michel Farrell, whose real world radio show 'The Music Cafe' is a great feature the grid, and well worth a listen, even if you're not inworld!.