Friday, October 6, 2017

Safari Does the Math

          Learning your sums has never been more fun! 
            The Safari visited Blanes on Craft grid this week (HG Addresses at the end of the post as usual). Themed around a Pirate Hunt game, Blanes is one of the regions where Edu3D bring fun and virtuality into education. 
         Craft grid is famed for the number of institutions that use its resources for academic purposes, and they have garnered a fine reputation for both security and stability.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Week 159 Details

This week just two stops, each 90 minutes.
 DESTINATION 1 is on Craft Grid, we visit the Edu3D group who organize learning activities on a number of regions. Our hosts are Giliola Giurgola, Salazhar Stenvaag, with Eva Kraai and Safari's own xSiberiax Ilfreddopurifica. The starting point for us today is Blanes, a sort of Pirate Island, where there is a hunting game. The presentation of Edu3D, its aims and plans for the future will be in English, the game is in Italian, so something for everyone there.

DESTINATION 2 is on OSgrid. Last week, the OSgrid admin and residents organized a fundraiser to try to replenish the coffers of this iconic grid, often called the Crossroads of the Metaverse. We drop in on the regular weekly dance party on Event Plaza to talk to Albertr Landar and Aussie Envee, to hear the DJ stylings of LaNani and Peter. Bring your questions and comments. How long have you had an OSgrid avatar and how have you seen the grid changed since your first arrival there? What's the most important aspect of OSgrid that you appreciate? What changes would you like to see? plaza

Thursday, September 28, 2017

A Bumblebee Safari

          They are large, noisy, and it was once thought that bumblebee flight defied the laws of physics. So, very much like the Safari experience, where anyone who is lag intolerant is going to fall at the first hurdle, but those brave souls who push through the freeze/chat lag/slow rez/crash/lost aspects of group hypergridding are rewarded by destinations that are positively blooming. This week we visited three destinations that are ripe, one might say, for cross pollination. Addresses at the end of the post, as always.

         Firstly we headed to Ignis Fatuus Grid. This francophone grid is without doubt one of the loveliest in the hyperverse. You could easily spend a month visiting the landscape and fantasy regions here, and still not see it all.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Week 158 Details

Three destinations, so brace yourselves... if you get lost or crash a lot, come back to the Clubhouse on Francogrid, and we will help you get back into the game!
Each destination lasts just 60 minutes.

DESTINATION 1 Versailles - a work in progress. 
On Ignis Fatuus, Max Hill, Harthelie Deux, Chip Angelvi, and Jeff Kelly are working on a mega project to build a virtual Versailles 
Four stops on this tour of Versailles:
  • Arrival in the Courtyard, with presentation
  • Salon des Glaces
  • King's bedroom and other interiors
  • The gardens
Super large build = lag for the group, so we begin on the grid's Welcome region, to load, then use the portal to go to Versailles 2 .
Ignis Welcome region

HG Address:
 ...and then look for the Versailles regions on your Map 

DESTINATION 2 How much do you know about TanGle? 

Meet Leslie Kling, ask questions, dance on the Grid's HG Station, and take a quick visit the Steampunk Expo. 

HG Address: Station 1 

DESTINATION 3 Racing on VarTown 
Hans Nerido invites us to his new grid, Vartown, for a super Load test. 

Part of the fun, RACING on his famous racetrack, ported to the new grid after 5 years in OSGrid, where over 3k visitors enjoyed the free cars and great curves.

HG Address: ...and then we go to the racetrack!

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Avatarfest 2017 Begins!

          AvatarFest begins today, it's a weekend of poetry and music, freebies and entertaining builds reflecting the creativity of Opensim. 
          The festival is the fruit of the hard work and imagination of Eryn Galen and Han Held, along with many notable opensim contributors...
Han Held

... like Arielle Delamerlibre, who set up the Avatarfest Event in Facebook, Danko Whitfeild,  the folks of Metropolis Grid, and the wonderful Neovo Geesink, an OpenSim hero - you have to go see his build, which has a bunch of useful script tools that you need!
The Fest is at

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Safari rolls with it

The transition is a keen one, I assure you, 
... and requires a strong decoction of Seneca and the Stoics 
to enable you to grin and bear it. But even this wears off in time. 
- Herman Melville, Moby Dick, Chapter 1: Loomings

          In his introduction to Moby Dick, Herman Melville explains the etymology of the word 'Whale' - it comes from a Teutonic word meaning 'to roll'... and we certainly were rolling all over the place on this week's Safari.
In the foreground Vivienne Clary, our hostess on PSSMG Sea, and Spike Sol
   It was Pirate week, and as part of the celebration,  we had a reading from Moby Dick by Emil Jannings of New Media Arts Inc (catch him soon at Avatarfest). The famous novel is a tale of obsession, disaster, and hardship, but also of friendship, resilience, and survival... something grid jumpers in opensim can heartily relate to.     

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Pirate Week - today's lineup

Yesterday was Talk Like A Pirate day, so we're doing the Pirate thing on Safari this week...

DESTINATION 1 Pirates on Dereos
Vivienne and Victor Clary welcome us to their seafaring regions, for a dance (and maybe some freebie shopping!) sea

DESTINATION 2 Pirates on Digiworldz
Strannik Zipper invites us to come dance on his region, Pirates Atoll, and also to hear a Dramatic Reading by Emil Jannings, taken from Herman Melville's famous novel, Moby Dick atoll