Thursday, May 11, 2017

It Takes Two

 They say it takes two to tango, but in the case of our second destination this week, it was really a case of three... we visited Condensation Land on Metropolis, to talk to Zonja Capalini Ludmilla Writer and Plastichansa Bade about collaboration in art and the journey these regions have taken from SL, to an eponymous mini grid, to their current home in one of opensim's favorite grids. 

Mal Burns: Hi Zonja, all
Juliette SurrealDreaming: wow Zonja, looking pretty cool there
Zonja.Capalini : Thank you!  It's impressive to see all of you coming at once :)
Wizard Gynoid: Hiya Zonja. We've met in the multi-verse years ago.
Juliette SurrealDreaming: yeah instead of mass exodus we are mass becoming
Thirza Ember: We just had a presentation about the Kokua Viewer, I feel smarter, yet dumber at the same time
Juliette SurrealDreaming: lol omg i know what you mean Thirza
Wizard Gynoid: Zonja and I first met prolly five years ago.  We are both Klein Bottle experts.
Zonja Capalini: First of all, Plastichansa, then creator and owner of BRBP, the wonderful island we were going to visit, sends his apologies ...A RL commitment didn't allow him to be present Anyway, he's left here an NCP of him
Ludmilla Writer: Explica que estoy presente pero no escribo bien en inglés, por favor, Zonja
Zonja Capalini: Actually, two of them :) There's an npc of Libdescent, an alt of him, at the bar
LibDescent NPC
Juliette SurrealDreaming: yeah that one is really nice
Zonja.Capalini: Then, also: we have Ludmilla Writer here. She's one of the creators of Arrabal Tango Club! The other one being Favio Piek, but he seems to have left virtuality, which is a pity... Inside you'll find some gifts, and some notecards informing you of some basic facts about Arrabal
Zonja Capalini: Plastic has also created this sculpture in the center, and the moving HG Safari letters, and a number of other things :)  What's in Arrabal? On one side, the tango club -- there's a dance ball stuffed with plastic's npcs, which we'll be able to try later. People who came here liked to take snapshots of the club,  and donated these snapshots so that we could make an exhib
Arielle Delamerlibre: do you have regular parties?
Zonja Capalini: No, not for the moment, Arielle. The exhibition is at the right of the club. I've also put six (iirc) TV sets over there. These TV sets will show you pictures of parties celebrated at arrabal, Even a wedding party :) Decoration was decided by Ludmilla and Favio... You can read the story of Arrabal here 
Ludmilla Writer: I love Arrabal... It's a very beautiful place in SL and Here, now, too
Arielle Delamerlibre: okay thank you a nice environment so far. has to come to life

Zonja.Capalini: And you will find tons of interesting pointers in the notecard, when you buy the HG Safari thing with the flashing light bulbs... In the exhibition you'll find photos from Andromeda Volare, Jaja Lubitsch, Ro8 Avro, India Leigh... Sura Abismo, Favio Piek, Ludmilla Writes, Mikil Tiki... Regarding the migration, we were caught in the Openspace fiasco, I was paying for two full regions, And converted one into four Openspaces, Then the price was raised from 75US$ to 125$, Obviously, there was ample outrage... First we migrated to Openlife. Then we created out own mini-grid,: Hosted in a shared machine, On a *slow* SDSL line,: But it worked, The mini grid allowed free registration and had up to 100 users at the time.
Ludmilla, 'Plastichana' (NPC) and Zonja
Arielle Delamerlibre: and why did you finished with the mini grid?

Zonja Capalini: Then I had problems in RL, stopped caring, the machine had no maintenance, the database got corrupted, and finally we closed the SL version of Arrabal...  Because my RL crashed, and required a cold reboot :), I don't like to mix levels, but it was horrible. All my attention was required IRL
Arielle Delamerlibre: yeah sometimes it does
Zonja Capalini: Then, one year ago, Ludmilla by chance met Plastic. He told her that he was attempting to recreate the full Condensation archipielago from his memories alone! I entered SL and talked to him, I had lost all my technical expertise, but I still had some very old OARs. They didn't work with the then current version of Opensim.  After some iterations, we had Condensation running.: I asked Plastic to co-maintain Condensation with me, and he kindly accepted. And we have since established a creative partnership which is fantastic for both of us :).
Arielle Delamerlibre: I will see the further development and I will dance Tango here
Zonja Capalini: You can read a quite detailed account of the story of Condensation here And of course today's meeting will have a video and will end up in a TV set here :)
Thirza Ember:  We need more dance animations in opensim, for the Tango would be great... is this site any good for finding useful dance animations? compared with when we first found opensim, there are so many more free and opensource resources available
 Billy Bradshaw: I have used some action type animations, the dance routines require additional work
Zonja.Capalini: Yes, absolutely. Now the performance of Opensim is outstanding
Pathfinder Lester: very true...more content...better performance...
Zonja Capalini: Even in SL, in 2007, with so many people the sim would have difficulties
Thirza Ember: half the problem is tht we just do not know what free resources are out there
Pathfinder Lester: yes, finding the stuff!  lol
Zonja Capalini: And for a very reasonable price...: Metropolis isn't cheap, and still, 30€/mo for a 1024x1024 is a bargain...And with the introduction of mesh, you can have many more objects, since the land impact decreases... What I love of Opensim is that you can always come back and make it a little more beautiful, a little more detailed, a little more perfect. It's like a picture that you can always perfect more and more...
Thirza Ember: and unlike SL, there is less stress about money and time... you can take a long time to make your build
Zonja Capalini: Exactly.  The people I'm meeting here are much more focused on creating and sharing

Thirza Ember: I know, like Cendres,  Plastichansa is a big fan of the free share alike community, that's an important part of the experience,
Zonja.Capalini: Yes, he's so generous with everything he creates
Cendres Magic: for me, in opensim,  no chain
Zonja Capalini: Yes :) The only problem I have is that I can't log in as often as I would love
Cendres Magic: specially thanks to hgsafary helping to discover 
Thirza.Ember: We are having a big party on May 24 to mark the 3rd year of this's nice that Wizard Gynoid is here today....she was my first 'victim' on May 20, 2014
Pathfinder.Lester: guinea pig?
Wizard Gynoid: I thought Thirza was my first victim.
Thirza Ember: yes wiz, we were reciprocal victims
Wizard Gynoid: Thirza and I hosted the Safari every Wednesday without fail for a year.
Thirza Ember: To mark the three years of Safari, we will have 3 hours of music and I hope many will come... on FrancoGrid today, Nino Whitman made available a region, on its own server, it is another example of the generosity of opensim... so we can (in theory ) have 200 people... so spread the word!

Zonja Capalini: Well Condensation Land turns 10 this month... We'll be celebrating on Sat the 27th I think
Pathfinder Lester: congratulations!: that's quite a milestone
Zonja Capalini: It's an enormity :)
Thirza Ember: the great thing about opensim is even after 3 years we have not exhausted the number of places to visit, or revisit, because many times 1 visit is not enough to see it all
Zonja Capalini: Sure, it's so huge that you'll never finish it...
Wizard Gynoid: This avie has logins on dozens of virtual worlds.
Mal Burns: think am now 12 yrs - but that dates to before i escaped walled kindergarten
Thirza Ember: Mal you don't look a day over 9
Mal Burns: tks Thirza!!!
Zonja Capalini : But I don't move much, to say the truth -- I spend all my time creating and filming :)
Mal Burns: nice films Zonja
Thirza Ember: that is really the paradox of opensim... it's important to take time to be creative, but if we do not support each other, by visiting the builds in other places, then there is no 'audience' and the creativity can stall, it needs to be a flow of both making and sharing, also, because that's how collaborations can happen...for example: there is the Kroatan Photo competition... anyone from any grid can give a photo for the competition... the photo should be something funny or strange that happens in opensim... it can be taken on any grid... that's the kind of multi-grid experience that really helps the hypergrid to become one family 
Pathfinder Lester: Thirza, I remember back in the old days of the Hypergrid Adventurers Club, sometimes I would have trouble finding new places to go.  Amazing how that has changed...
Zonja Capalini: Exactly -- that's why Plastic and me are so happy to cooperate, we are each one the audience of the together one :) I think the HAC came once to Condensation, but I might be mistaken...
Cendres Magic: lot of things around - great
Zonja Capalini: Yes... It's very detailed... You can spend a whole afternoon here and not finish with Arrabal...That's why I'm trying to document it all.. It's a lot of work, but I think it's worth it
Billy Bradshaw: I will test the dance facilities
Zonja Capalini: Yeah let's go dance! :)The dance ball is on top of the bar. All npcs are from Plastic.
Billy Bradshaw: Big girl, but I shall mange :)
Thirza Ember: bad internet tonight...  it's like what we were saying with Gavin, talking about the Viewer.... when everything works perfectly, we don't appreciate it... it's only when there are problems that we notice
Zonja Capalini: Well we had router problems yesterday, I was so afraid that I wouldn't be able to properly host the meeting...So that I tried tethering using my phone's 4G. It works perfectly the end I've not had to use it, tho.
Billy Bradshaw: I find if I change my socks things go so much better
Thirza Ember: Billy's Universal Sock Theory also works
Billy Bradshaw: Quantum socks
Zonja Capalini: Yes. I'm used to a level of performance and smoothness that's vastly superior to the SL of 2007 here...
Billy Bradshaw: This chick tries to remove my specs I swear !!
snowbody Cortes: lol Billy
     Here is Zonja's vid of our visit, please, take time to watch it, it's beautiful, and some amazing quality shots, proving that HG Visitors do not necessarily mean impossible lag on a region.
Thirza Ember: Zonja are you going to make an avatar for Fest'Avi?
Zonja Capalini: Oh, I'm not good at making avatars. Plastic is great, tho. You should ask him :) And he's very unconventional, which is good... Look at the Libdescent npcs, for example, or the one I'm dancing with...
Thirza Ember: I think Billy is a bit at risk though
Billy Bradshaw: ha - live a little, Thirza
Zonja Capalini: Ah! Hadn't seen that one myself. It's superb!
Thirza Ember: that's the fun of group hypergridding, I find, the presence of a group is a sort of catalyst,: a load test but also it has an interesting effect on the way you see a region, changing its personality, somehow
Zonja.Capalini: Sure, one feels compelled to prepare everything so that it's beautiful...

HG Address: Arrabal Tango Club is on Condensation land on Metropolis: land

Safari: Art and Science

          On average, how many minutes a week do you spend thinking about the Viewer you use to access Opensim, or SL?  I bet it's not many. Like air, or legs, we tend to think about the viewer only when there's something wrong with it, and rarely remember how much we owe to this free resource. But this week, the Safari went to XMIR grid to learn more about one such Viewer, Kokua. We followed up the tech talk with Gavin Hird by going over to Metropolis Grid to met up with Zonja Capalini and Ludmilla Writer, on Condensation Land, you can read about that in the next post. How to get to the places mentioned in this blog? The HG Address is given at the end of the post.
Gavin Hird

Friday, May 5, 2017

Genesis Metaverse Grid

 Our second 90 minute destination was on the commercial grid, Genesis Metaverse.  It is a huge contrast to the opensource, commerce free feel of FrancoGrid with its almost decade-long history, that's the beauty of opensi, there is such a lot of variety here, and so many different ways to enjoy the hyperverse.
        The Genesis Metaverse website is hazy on specifics about its origins, but reading between the lines it seems to have begun in 2016 and the guys there seem to have been on a grid where customer service was not a top priority. But there is nothing hazy about the welcome you will get when you arrive on GMV, as they call it for short.
           Gage Logan was the GMV mentor who kindly agreed to show us around. Now usually, when someone agrees to act as guide on a grid, they choose to showcase their own regions. So is was quite remarkable - and a testament to Gage's commitment and love of his inworld family - that he chose to show us regions belonging to Roffellos Kisses(Angelorum Enim Est) Kit Capone and bonnie dean, (Bonova)  and Kim song and Fred Blogs (Perfect Waters).
       A bunch of people were on the Welcome sim to meet us, including grid owners Dragon Genesis and Candi Genesis The source of any lag experienced by those coming in seems to have been down to Vivox, not for the first time in Safari experience. I you're not planning on talking, it really pays to uncheck the Voice option in Preferences before hypergridding, it can save a lot of trouble. That, and anything scripted you're wearing.
Genesis Park

Dragon Genesis: have fun all :) and enjoy our homes
Candi Genesis: y'all will love Fred & Kim's place, amazing people those two
Aquarius Dragonella: they was the first couple I met here and we been like family since!
Getting to our first stop proved pretty challenging, but about half of us survived the crashing and made it to Roffellos Kisses' region Angelorum Enim Est. The lag kind of made it hard to raise draw distances too high, but he passed out a funny dance - so mission accomplished! I went back today to try and get some pics, sadly, the region was closed to outsiders.

        Our second stop was a shopping region called Bonova built and run by Kit Capone and bonnie dean.

        Lots of toys, carousels, trains and planes here as well as a store with clothes and so forth, all on sale for the local currency.

Sunbeam Magic: Cute place! I love the guy with the bagpipes.
Thirza Ember: Gage, tell us about this region
Gage Logan: This is owned by Kid and Bonnie... they are a bit shy lol
Kid Capone: Our land is not based on anything in Particular.  It's a mixture of all sorts of wonderful stuff we just enjoy building no matter what. There is a lot to see here. Make sure you visit Versailles !
Gage Logan: ...and if there is something you want ...they will make it for you!
The vast Bonova region, and beyond
  Finally, we got where the dancing was already hotting up, on sim Perfect Waters. What felt like dozens of local residents all made us feel very welcome. The music was supplied by fantasia Logan, whose rich, warm voice was the perfect match for a lively, noisy, fun-loving playlist.
The outstanding DJane talent of Fantasia Logan

Lady Lissa: this is Fred and Kim's region
Gage Logan: Perfect Waters consists of three units, the Mall, Blue Waters Ballroom and the H20 Nightclub. To see the region at its best it is set to midnight. The Mall is a small cozy affair with stores by RFF, Anna May, Hair by Ulrika, Velvet Rhythms, This and That and Cats Claws.  Blue Waters ballroom is for those romantic evenings, dining, music  24/7, chapel attached and couples areas on the balconies and surrounding areas. H20 Nightclub is possibly the best looking club in Genesis with regular live singers, dj`s, events and contests. A family atmosphere is promoted with everyone welcome. A good place to meet friends new and old.

Thirza Ember: i was taking a photo inside the ballroom, with the glass floor, very nice!
Aquarius Dragonella: the world would be an amazing place,  if everyone just got together and partied!
Kim song: feel free to look around
Sunbeam Magic: Love the bubbles and dolphin talk !!!round
Thirza.Ember: wow we are an energetic bunch, even after all that grid jumping, we still have the stamina to dance
Maggie O: AND to have Fantasia to DJ for us! what an honor!!
Isis.Ophelia: we had power drinks before we left
Thirza Ember: i had wine, I won't lie

Kim song: whoot
Gage Logan: hahaha
Our host, Fred Bloggs, came in to greet us too
Fred Blogs: WELCOME EVERYONE FROM HG SAFARI!! SORRY LATE..FUNNY THING CALLED RL WORK!!!  So has everyone had fun while I`ve been working???
       We couldn't deny it!
Lady Lissa: hey y'all, to keep up with the parties and events, check this link to the Genesis Events calendar...
      The secret of Genesis is the community.
 Gage Logan: When I first joined, I thought ok here we go another grid who has no one to help you find things or answer any questions i might have...BUT when I came on I was truly amazed ...landing here at this very spot ...and wow a what welcoming group!!! they all spoke to me ...showed me the freebies and asked if i needed anything else...They made me feel more welcome than anywhere I've ever been.  And boy, did I jump in...but yet they were right there...ready to help me matter what i did wrong and believe me i did wrong  and now I want others to feel like I did and this is why I find it such a pleasure and honor to show ya'll ....our lives here on Genesis!

GMV Welcome sim            

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Safari: Vive la différence

      Our first destination was Conference region on FrancoGrid, to meet some of the FrancoGrid regulars, including the democratically elected Grid President Nino Whitman, and the technical guru Ssm Binder, as well as Ange Menges, Cendres Magic, Archael Magic,  and Cherry Manga who all wanted to tell us something of the grid's story, and its future. 
Francogrid Conference

          About thirty of us gathered inside the fabulous spherical building where the grid holds its annual meetings.
          Francogrid is a non-profit grid. There is no 'owner' as you find on other grids. It is run according to European law for non-profits; decisions are made by the Administrative Council, and residents who have paid the membership fee are consulted about changes and new ideas, for example, they can vote on the look and style of the new Welcome regions that will be coming soon. 
         You do not need to speak French to be part of the grid; the website is bilingual, translators are available, and everyone goes out of their way to speak some English. And of course, it does us all good to at least try to communicate in another language. While most residents are Francophone, 'foreigners' like Lucy Afarensis, Snowbody, and me, are made very welcome!

Cendres.Magic: bienvenue / welcome
Thirza Ember: so who here is the oldest Francogrid resident?
Cendres Magic: nino
Archael Magic (fr -> en): this must be nino, the current president of FrancoGrid
Thirza Ember: what is the story of Francogrid? how did the grid begin?
ssm2017 Binder: none of the creators are on the grid actually, the first region on the grid was "orion" by "vinc sonic" and it was at the begin of 2008  the grid was called "virtualworldgrid". After creating the grid, the name has changed and people had the idea to make an association to manage money to rent servers in 2009   first region was online during february of 2008, and the association was declared in 2009.
Archael Magic (fr -> en): ten years old next year ^^
Isis Ophelia: with how many people did you start?
ssm2017 Binder: i was not there at the beginning but the grid was made by 3 persons who are not here anymore: vinc, jm louche and a 3rd one (a belgian one whom i do not remember the name now)
Ange Menges: For those who were on SL in 2006/2007, JM Louche was Osiris on SL

Sunbeam.Magic: Who designed the current Grid logo ? and when was it first used ?  It's very clever and colorful !
ssm2017 Binder: i think that the logo was made in 2009 maybe by vinc or gill
Cherry Manga: Wasn't it Vinc Sonic, Ssm?
Sunbeam Magic: When did Franco open up the HG gates ?
Archael Magic (fr -> en): I've seen an archive today, in February 2008, vinc made the first jump hypergrid. at the time, he had to move on the edge of the grid to be able to jump.
Freaky Tech: sounds like 4095 limit
Sunbeam Magic: Are most of your current residents 'artists' and was that a planned goal or did just kind of happen ?
Cendres Magic (fr -> en): not only artists ))  I am only cubes ==
Harthelie Deux: tes cubes sont sympa cendre
Freaky Tech: I think a grid of sufficient size has at least some scripters running around
Cherry Manga: Absolutely, Nino scripts like a god, Claudius like sto script too, and Ssm is above gods, he can script us a wine bottle appearing irl right now
Cendres Magic (fr -> en): I think that with the hypergrid we get to share our knowledge, and hence the scripts

Cherry Manga:  The grid takes its orientations due to the members, so it has been very educational, now it's more art oriented but it all moves with members, active or not here
ssm2017 Binder: for my opinion, artists are the ones that we see the most because they express themselves but there are other people hidden in their own home
Cendres Magic (fr -> en): it is the spirit that interests me = sharing - that's why I am here
Sunbeam Magic: I agree Cendres... it takes make individual skills to make a community
Thirza Ember: one of the most unusual things about francogrid is the way the various regions of the grid are on servers maintained by different members of the association, how did you develop that idea?
Cherry Manga: Well FG hosts some regions on its server, but like most of HG grids, it's possible to link its own server here so people who are interested to do by themselves link their servers to the grid and can host too
Cendres Magic (fr -> en): thanks to ssm, our technical support there is a cohesion of the regions and servers
Cherry Manga: When I arrived in FG, Gill hosted me, then I wished to learn a bit more, Nino helped me to figure out with server stuff and i decided to have my own, it's all about sharing knowledge
Ni Lemon: I would like to say thanks to Claudius [Utopy] who hosts my region Serenity here for veryyyyyy long...before it was on my pc
ssm2017 Binder: about the grid size, you can see stats in the right side of the webpage "infos"...sometimes more and sometimes less, but around 10... Technically we have some scripts to remove phantom regions and phantom avatars so i think that our stats are good... Every night a region clean is done and every hour avatar clean... Francogrid is hosting only few regions and most of them are hosted by other people who attached their regions to the grid.  The grid is using vanilla opensimulator 0.9 dev (version from february 2017) the grid is using everything from opensimulator (fsassets, groups v2, im v2, profiles v2...) In the past, we were using some custom php scripts for im, groups, profiles and assets but on the last year we have decided to only use everything from vanilla opensimulator... maybe we are one of the only grid using only opensimulator from a to z (except the website)

Archael Magic (fr -> en): and it works pretty well
Ange Menges: And if you have your own server, you are used to fight with the .ini ! SSM invented the francogrid.ini , hehe
Thirza Ember: question for ssm ... what is the most frustrating thing about doing the technical work on the grid.. and what is the most enjoyable thing
ssm2017 Binder: the grid is working fine, the most frustrating part is with simulator themselves. hypergrid is very modular... 
Isis Ophelia: ssm and what do you enjoy most?
ssm2017 Binder: what is the most enjoyable is when server scripts are working fine automatically and then residents are happy. Every year we have an irl meeting and this is maybe one of the best moments :)
Isis Ophelia: wow sounds cool to meet in RL
Archael Magic (fr -> en): I confirm, our annual meeting is the best moment of the year. It was  gill who has introduced this tradition of the annual meeting, an excellent idea
Freaky.Tech: if the core people of a grid know each other in RL helps a lot on grid stability
Cendres Magic: i agree freaky
Thirza Ember: so, can anyone attach a region to francogrid?
Cherry Manga: yes anyone can attach a region to FG, if they follow the rules of the association.
Thanks to Sunbeam who shared many of the photos you see in this post.

 Nino85 Whitman: Good evening everyone, sorry for my delay, welcome and big thank you to you, the whole francogrid community thank you
Ange Menges: Nino, rafraichis-nous la mémoire : au début de FG comment s'appelait le builder fou qui gagnait tous les concours de speed-build ?
Cherry Manga: ahhh Balthazar?
Ange Menges: voila
Archael Magic (fr -> en): and exactly to this topic, Nino, there is a lack of information on the birth of FrancoGrid, who are the founders ?
Ni Lemon: super une lesson d'histoire
Nino85 Whitman:  The first two, it seems to me Vinc Sonic and JM Louche. I arrived 1 week after its creation. the grid was created in feb 2008, it seems to me the association later. look at my profile :) 02/12/2008 ; (9 years 2 months; 3368 days)

Lucy Afarensis: Time flys when you are having fun
Ange Menges: mine is only 8 years 10 months :-( lol
Yara Eilde: mine is 8years and 5 months  :-) My start in the OS grid
Thirza Ember: wow .. you are so old...but you look so young!
Sunbeam Magic: Is the position of 'President' a democratic vote by all Franco Grid residents? and if so how long is the term of office ? and what is the difference between 'association' and 'citizens?
Archael Magic (fr -> en): we vote every year, the minutes of our meetings are public and searchable on the site, the members of the association have paid a membership fee (30 euros per year).  they have thus acquired the right to vote in our council. the board of directors shall elect each year a bureau composed of a president, a treasurer and a secretary.  Ssm is essential but has not always been the technical director, however, he assumed the dual role of technical director and president for a long time. thanks to his hard work, we have been able to evolve in the right direction. his role is probably the most complicated of the grid.
ssm2017 Binder: some people speak well to me because they are afraid that i cancel their account
Ni Lemon: hahaha
Cherry Manga: that's the administrative obligation with french law with association that makes us have to vote each year
Ni Lemon: democratic laws
Sunbeam Magic: Can anyone pay the fee and be part of the association ?
Cherry Manga: absolutely Sun, anyone can become a member of the association with an annual cost of 30 euros/year. Here is the Website

Cendres Magic (fr -> en): anyone can pay, Sunbeam  and help by this way to maintain the servers own by the association
Cherry Manga: yes , FrancoGrid is a non profit association, the money goes only to the association's costs, there is no profit
Nino85 Whitman (fr -> en): the role is the most important thing to be active on the grid without active members  we would not exist :)

Thirza Ember. Fest'Avi s probably the most famous event held on FrancoGrid, this Fall will be the 4th edition of the festival, can you tell us how it got started?
Cherry Manga: oh, the idea was to share creative content and imply hypergrid users to the project. Most of new comers don't know how to get a new avatar, find content, outfits... So it's a good way to offer them avatars. And the idea came to renew the proposal of FG's new accounts avatars that were quite poor at this time, then the Festival came more into sharing with all the HG community, in general. And why full perms, because we want people to play with them, redo them, mix them, and make new creative avatars with those bases.
Ange Menges: As we are in remembrances, I have a thought  for JM Louche who said 8 years ago "stop to pay SL to have your sim and come with us on opensim" and to Vinc Sonic who helped me to build my first server . I lost really good friends when they leaved. Sniff Nino :-)
Archael Magic (fr -> en): Vinc sonic has very long been a major player in the grid
Ange Menges: Search on youtube and you will find the videos of the beginning of francogrid made by JM Louche
Cendres Magic (fr -> en): and franco grid is a story of many people  who came and participated actively and you shows well the spirit -  sharing - knowledge, I hope that in 10 years; there must be a conference room of a 5-times larger!
Our next stop was on Genesis Metaverse Grid, you can read all about that in the next post

HG Address

Francogrid Conference region:

Friday, April 28, 2017

Film Noir

       Two destinations that delight this week. Grid addresses at the end of the post as usual.
        If you have not visited Avacon Grid yet, put it on your 'Must See' list.

         Not only is Avacon closely associated with the organization and prep work that goes into the annual Opensim Community Convention (held over on OSCC Grid), it is also home to some interesting regions, including the Building Tutorial region Primland, you may remember it being originally on Fleep Grid; some nice work-in-progress Library regions belonging to Rockcliffe University, and of course Nebadon Izumi's regions bursting with interesting free stuff, called Oni Kenkon Creations.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Safari Goes Down Under

 After Neverworld, this week our next stop was on the other side of the planet.  In these troubling times, I always find some comfort in being with Australians living, as they do, where Tomorrow has already safely arrived. This time, we were on U4Ria.
Uriah Heep: ok any of the teleporters can take you to a destination
Arrival on u4ria
Juliette SurrealDreaming: i made it!  lol thanks
Sunbeam Magic: and with your clothes on too Juliette
Uriah Heep: covers my eyes
Juliette SurrealDreaming: omg did i not have them earlier?
Sunbeam Magic: you did not lol
Juliette SurrealDreaming: giggles, free show!!! :-P

Safari and the Gum Trees

 Australia was again our destination for the final stop this week. Our hostess Gen, lives in Australia where it's the middle of the night when we do Safari, so she asked if we'd mind showing ourselves around. As always, you'll find the HG Address at the end of the blog post.

           This time Kitely grid, and the fabulous Australian Home Land, by the beautiful Genavieve Paige. The experience of this region is breathtaking, make sure you have sound on, and have your environment set to the region windlight to get the full effect.
Genavieve Paige

Thirza Ember: The Murray River is huge, more than 2500 km long, it is Australia's longest single river. It begins in the Australian Alps and winds its way out to the sea not far from Adelaide , so it has lots of environments, from the beaches to the wetlands, and she has tried to include it all on her region.