Showing posts with label dreamgrid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dreamgrid. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Victor's Great Gatsby

A great Great Gatsby build is taking shape over on FreeLife grid, and it has all that Long island loveliness that's a perfect match for the hot summer season of inworld exploration.
 It's built by grid owner, Victor DeAngelo. Free Life Grid came online approximately seven years ago, but Victor's virtual life journey began at another totally separate world from OpenSim called The Utherverse.  
Victor DeAngelo: That was eleven years ago.  It was there that I owned a large modern city where I rented out storefronts to business owners to provide links to their 3D stores.  The social life there was amazing but the graphics, compared to OS, are quite primitive.  It was one of the other builders, with whom I was associated as a provider of completed layouts, who first discovered OS.  She invited me to come and try it.  Of course, I was immediately hooked.  I rented a 3X3 from a grid owner who has since passed away.  After that, I was provided with the same size region by another grid that has since disappeared.  After those two situations, I made up my mind to own my own grid.  I downloaded Fred Beckhusen's "Outworldz" software which enabled me to set up Free Life.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Lannorra's Bayou Bliss

Lannorra Sion: Hello and welcome!
Marlon Wayne: Hello, ty
Tutz Zabelin: helloo
Lannorra Sion: while you wait you can take some handouts if you wish, i especially recommend taking the map, they are all on this table near me
Tutz Zabelin: i must start my translator, my english not so good
Marlon Wayne: you have it in suitcase?
Lannorra Sion: your english is better than any other language that I cannot speak LOL
Thirza Ember: hi guys!  The group is just forming at the Clubhouse. There is a lot of lag here.
Lannorra Sion: yes i was worried about that, i see some errors on the map giver
Thirza Ember: it is best if you sit down, and maybe Lannorra the best thing is to not give out any items at all until the server has recovered from our arrival... I'm warning all to lower draw distance and be ready for the sim to be a bit slow
Lannorra Sion: I've never done any load testing here. This is one of the most resource hungry regions, but I was hoping it would be ok. I've had 6 or 7 people at once here
Thirza Ember: it will be ok i'm sure, best is if they just sit in here for a little while, then we can move on, moving is very crashy.
Jessica livestreams Safari trips so you can see real time what it's like
Lots of people on Safari this week! We began as usual at the Clubhouse on OSGrid, where we gather to check on the last-minute details, to friend each other so that anyone new has plenty of people to ask if they need help, and to enjoy a few moments of calm before the storm. With us on this trip was Jessica 'Lifted' Pixel who livestreamed the event - nice to watch in playback, and it's worth following her channel so you can 'ride along' if you can't get inworld to be part of the trip. Jess was a guest on Inworld Review last week, talking about filming in opensim, together fellow guests Petlove Petshop and Marcus Llewellyn - it makes interesting viewing.

Thirza Ember: about 9 more trying to arrive... oh hello Forest's dress!
Forest Azure: lol
Jupiter Rowland: Okay, someone try to sit next to me. Taarna, here's a seat.
Forest Azure: room for 2, here at my dress
Tutz Zabelin: hi Taarna, hi Tosha, James, hi Patnha
Tosha Tyran: before I need a seat, I need my body... got it - body, soul and seat
Taarna.Welles: Hello peeps
Tosha Tyran: Hi Tutz, and James and Taarna and, and, and
Tutz Zabelin: hi Kelso, hi Unadecal
Beth Ghostraven: Hello, all you assorted body parts and pieces of clothing!
Thirza Ember: ok i see maybe 2 more coming... wow Lannorra, 16!
Taarna Welles: <<<<<< APPLAUSE>>>>>>

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Hairy's Style

He is a bit of a rock star for his amazing work maintaining a beautiful and diverse grid, Bridgemere. The stylish Hairy Thor - one of the coolest guys in opensim - kindly agreed to meet with the Safari band and tell us a bit about the Dreamgrid experience. 
For anyone unfamiliar with DreamGrid, the invention of Fred Beckhusen aka Ferd Frederix, you can't do better than to check out the information available on Fred's website .  
We met Hairy at the Welcome region of Bridgemere - HG Address as always at the end of the post. It's a 30+ region grid, where you can walk or sail from place to place, giving a strong sensation of connectedness, as befits the name of the grid.
Mal Burns with our host Hairy Thor
Hairy Thor: Welcome everyone to Bridgemere
Mal Burns: hiya hairy one

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Creature of Hobbit

 JRR Tolkein published the third and final part of Lord of the Rings on 20 October 1955, and this week the Safari decided to celebrate that 77th anniversary by taking our fellowship on a bit of a quest. There are dozens of LotR builds in opensim, we could only see two this time, those belonging to Ferd Federix on Outworldz and Roland Francis on ViBel. 
Way too many pictures for a single post, so this one is about Ferd's place, Roland's build is covered in 'Into the West'. HG Addresses are at the end, as usual.
And also, as usual, we met at the clubhouse. If you have never been on Safari with us, take 5 minutes to drop in at the region Safari. The set up is simple, we gather a couple of minutes before it's time to head for the first destination - it helps to know who's planning to be part of the trip before we leave, so we can tp you if you get lost. There is a big box right by the landing place, with LANDMARKS on it. Click to buy, you will get a folder with the LMs for the day, numbered in order of use, and a Notecard summarizing where we are going - simple as that. We head to destination one at 12 noon SLT, and destination two at 1pm SLT.