Showing posts with label art in inworldz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art in inworldz. Show all posts

Friday, September 7, 2012

IMAB Begins

The Intergrid Metaverse Arts Biennial isn't just a mouthful, it's also an interesting art project headed by Velazquez Bonetto and Josina Burgess
They want to raise awareness of multimedia art in all grids. They are based in Second life (with a presence on the Metropolis grid) and the IMAB ball rolling with a performance of The Change, a mixture of music, scripted scenes, costumes, particles, and general-mind blowing virtuosity. 
The show will be repeated each Sunday at 2pm PST on sim Benvolio (SL)so don't worry that you missed the premiere, which was timed to coincide with the centenary of visionary scientist Nicholas Schoffer. More about the opening night on the IMAB home page.
 Tonight, the fun continues with another show on another grid, this time on InWorldz.