Sunday, August 11, 2024

3rd Wind, 3 Months In

 The 3rd Wind steering committee had just finished their meeting in the Infinity Classroom,  and were getting ready for the weekend community meet-up.  How lovely to be back at the Lyonesse Colony, now located on Zetaworlds grid.
It has been just about three months to the day since 3rd Rock, one of Opensim's oldest grids, closed its doors due to a series of events that had nothing to do with the solidarity and friendship of the residents.

As a group, they decided to find a new home (you may have read a bit about that process in this post). It's a story worth telling because, out of what could have been a huge tragedy, has come a great success story.It was so nice to meet up with old friends and new, the elected members of the 3rd Wind community steering committee. 
The committee includes Jedburgh Dagger, Ellemir Maven, Kestral Roffo, plus Dolfke Barbosa, who is Chief Security Officer in the Star trek Infinity group, and also there to help solve any issues 3rd Wind members may experience on the new grid. Then too there's Nila Mari who's the 3rd Wind Treasurer,  and produces the Starfleet Infinity Newsletter. And finally Alia Soulstar -  she is tireless in her work for the Starfleet rp group and the wider 3rd Wind community, doing a lots of building, organizing, researching and planning.
Kestrel Roffo, Nila Mari, and Dolfke Barbosa
Alia Soulstar: Nila is a community asset who just happens to be a lovely person on the side
Dolfke Barbosa: Nila does a few excellent jobs here for us all - we have a newsletter too, right Nila?
Nila Mari: for Starfleet Infinity we do
Dolfke Barbosa: Due to Alia's and others great work, I am able to call this here home again, Thirza, and much from 3RG is imported here, Land as well as Avatars
Touring the Starfleet Infinity build, you'd be forgiven for feeling nothing had changed for this RP group. In reality, after it became abundantly clear that the old grid couldn't be saved, a huge amount of work had to be done retrieving .oars, rethinking the way the new regions would be laid out, and transferring personal and group inventory. That was after the group did plenty of research and some serious thinking before choosing their new home, an enclave on ZetaWorlds grid. 

Friday, August 9, 2024

AviWorlds: Josh & Co

Sometimes, seeing is believing. AviWorlds owner Josh Boam discovered Second Life thanks to a friend who told him that 'there was a place you could live a virtual life and do anything create anything and meet people from around the world'.  
Josh Boam: I did not believe him it was all so much to take in so that night I went home and joined.
Josh Boam
In Second Life, Josh split his time between running RP regions and building stuff - JP Collections opened in 2008 and is still on SL Marketplace offering furniture, aircraft, buildings, and Josh's main love, yachts - he went on to build 100 different watercraft.
But, as we all know, SL is pricey!
Josh Boam: At one point our Friday Harbor RP had over 15 regions and the cost to run was just way too high, so in 2014 I was turn onto the open simulator platform by some friends.  It was at this point I could see the profit that could be made by running your own grid, and thus SkyLifeGrid was born.  I ran Skylife for many years and learned over the years more and more about the backend of opensim.  Having no previous knowledge of opensim or databases or anything I studied the code for opensim line by line during my working days and was able to develop a system that worked for me.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Racing in Pangea

Looking for somewhere new to put the pedal to the metal? Do you have the heart of a Marshal?
Whether you're an expert racer, or just a crazy driver, Pangea grid would love to have you come over and help test their new race track on a dedicated sim set up for an event set to be held in October, the Pangea Go-Kart Cup.
This competition will feature as part of the Pangea 4th birthday festival, they are planning a whole series of different activities. You will be seeing the details pop up in the socials, also don't overlook their website (worth bookmarking) called ...and right now, if you like your sport sitting down, you could be a huge help! 
What's the idea? Let's ask  Karsten Runningbear, the grid's script guru, what he and the Pangea Grid team, led by Grid Owner Marlon Wayne, have in mind.
Karsten Runningbear: you are welcome to try the track and give your feedback, so we can make the racing experience the best it can possibly be before the big day. In particular, there is an information evening tomorrow, Friday, 9 August between 11am and 1pm SLT (that's from 8-10pm, Berlin time). The focus of this evening is the planning and organization of our upcoming birthday go kart race. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Lil Bit More JOG

 Just as I publish a post about JOG, yet another cultural event happens there that's worth recording.
The summer festival called Obon, sometimes just called  Bon, is a joyful celebration of the dearly departed, and a moment of reflection about all the positive ways in which our ancestors near or far  have affected our lives, a sort of spiritual giving of thanks.
Looking down from the castle at the party venue
Mint B's region is a classic, with Cuteulala's castle as the backdrop to the main dancing area. There's a cool romantic midsummer moonlight feel to the sim, perfectly contrasted by the red and white colors of the festival - those are lucky colors!
I really love the little ghosties that dance around the central tower or yagura.  

Monday, August 5, 2024

The Jogged Heart

井の中の蛙 大海を知らず
A frog in a well knows nothing of the great sea

Doguu by Daiki Aabye 

On a hot day, there's a cool grid to wander through half a world away from Europe and on a very different planet, culturally. It's the Japan Open Grid, called JOG for short.
The main part of JOG is the great square continent, with the region Jog Central at its heart and all kinds of builds surrounding it, those closest to the middle have a permanent feel, like the 5 year anniversary Grand Staircase, the shopping regions and JOG Meet...
...and of course Dejima, 'Exit Island', as it was called, the one point at which, during the Edo period,  the West could interact with the Japanese culture and economy. We are talking the long period from the mid 1600's to the 1800's. 'Exit through the gift shop' comes to mind.
This, of course, was a period when Japan was trying to have as little as possible to do with outside cultures, in a bid to preserve their own culture and to repel the less attractive effects of western culture.  It meant, however, that the traditions and philosophy of the country were protected while a bit-o-bartering could go on undisturbed.   

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Torch For a Nation

Marcel Mosswood lives and works in Indonesia... and Opensim. She started in Second Life (SL) around the year 2010. Six years later, she discovered the flexibility of Opensim, particularly for its potential in terms of creating education-friendly environments. A lot of hard work, learning, building, organizing and networking, and today she has her own school grid, called, Suluh Bangsa.
Marcel Mosswood: it means 'torch for a nation'.
Arrival sim, Suluh Bangsa
This sim she put together in just five days... she is a quick worker, and the design is very bright, modern and airy. You'll see some familiar, elegant and modern architecture. There's a lot of energy on the sim, which is surrounded by a tramway, and the central torch has delightful images projected on the marble.
Lessons are taught inworld using Discord, because the quality is way better than Vivox, and Marcel has a group of teachers, as it would be impossible to do everything on her own. She learned building in SL and has also been studying Blender, plus so the look of the grid is unique to her vision of a place for learning. 
Since this is a school grid, set up to educate students aged from 7 to 17, it's not open to the public - Marcel kindly let me in with my own student avie - check out the shades!
Thirza Guest

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Will You Participate in 3px ?

DeReOs grid is approaching its 10th Anniversary very soon, and you're invited to participate! 
DeReOs grid
DeReOs is a beautiful grid of about a hundred regions. It is home to one of the oldest dance clubs in opensim, the Blue Wave, as well as lots of art. And pretty soon, there will be even more hypergrid art on show...
Akita Sonoda: We're looking for your wildest, most beautiful, and innovative artworks for an exhibition called "3px" (pronounced: Three Pix), which we'll be opening on our Grid birthday.