Thursday, March 16, 2017

Better Places

Stop me if you've heard this one.
Person A tells Person B about a great deal, or scheme, they're working on.
Person B gets excited, and tells their friend, Person C, all about it.
Person C invests.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Sun, Sin, and Saraneth

          To visit Ignis Fatuus is a bit like watching a French film. The scenery is beautiful, and invites long, sweeping, cam shots. The sound track is epic, the dialogue, rigorously atmospheric Gallic. After a while you begin to wish you'd sat up front in your French 101 class, and fear that the subtitles are missing something crucial, and then after a little bit more, it occurs to you that you're not following the plot because ...maybe there isn't a plot.

            Once you've embraced that - and most experienced Safarians figured this out about 2 years ago - what's left is a wonderland of photo ops, cute corners, and remarkable architecture. It's intime and indéchiffrable, not two words readily associated with a field trip, but we kinda made it work.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Escape Safari

          The second destination for this week's Safari tour was Escape! on Digiworldz.
          This is a region dedicated to the teaching of Spanish in an immersive 3D environment. Our guide was Eugenia Calderon, a language teacher living in Mexico, and the region's creator, James 'El Profesor' Abraham was also there. Here's the website.  And here's their Escape Facebook page and here's the page for 'Spanish with Eugenia'.
Colleagues Eugenia Calderon IRL Martha Eugenia Lino, and James 'El Profesor' Abraham
El Profesor: Hola!  I'm in a RL class, but I have my students working on an activity so I'm kinda here and kinda not....did you hear them?

OMG Safari

      This is the first half of this week's Safari which was split into two 90 minute destinations. First up, OMG... HG Address at the end of the post, as usual.

snik snoodle: welcome all to OMG!  it's short for One More Grid.  We have sailing at the docks where you can rezz a boat and go for a sail, rain and i thought we could either split the group into two, one group sail one explore and then say swap over in 30 mins or so. Do feel free to dance while you wait, if you wish or feel free to ask rain or I anything - should you have any questions.
Thirza Ember: Why did you decide to make your own grid rather than join a larger grid?

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Flakey Safari!

          Cornflakes Week, a seven day festival of silliness unique to OpenSim, began yesterday with a 3-stop party on Safari. If you missed the party, you can still go visit all 3 destinations, addresses at the end of this post.
          We started on HGSafari region on Francogrid, with a concert by Torben Asp

          His particle show and original music was a wonderfully smooth way to get us started on our - let's be honest - difficult trip around the Hyperverse.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Good Causes and Good Corsets

         A very musical Safari this week, with a trip to 3rd Rock Grid for the first two hours, to hear two musicians, and learn about the No Borders Festival,  a two-day concert for charity, which happened last weekend. Want to visit the places mentioned in this post? The HG addresses are at the end. Copy paste them into the Map feature of your viewer.
Truelie Telling, photo by Wizardoz Chrome

          First up, though, Truelie Telling warmed up the crowd at the Lodi Ballroom with some avatar-centric songs, in her inimitable style. She soon had the room hopping!

Friday, February 10, 2017

Safari Goes Canada

         This week, Canada! Opensim is a great way to explore cultures and places in the real world, and also see how people express their world view through pixels. 
         Our three destinations were on Pathlandia, GreatCanadianGrid, and Creanovale, all three with strong Canadian connections, although that might not be obvious from first impressions, and about 23 avies joined in the fun. HG Addresses at the end, as usual.
Nobody say 'I'd tap that'. 

          I was all ready to go - I'd even made mesh moose rack, and a Maple Syrup dress. But then disaster struck - I came down with the flu about 3 hours before the Safari and couldn't to join the group. So, how cool that John 'Pathfinder' Lester decided to Livestream the first hour!