Showing posts with label ubit umarov. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ubit umarov. Show all posts

Friday, July 22, 2022

OSgrid Turns Fifteen

 Fifteen is a great age, and in Opensim it's virtually prehistoric - just four years younger than the old Grande Dame, SL. 
Event Plaza
So congrats off the bat to the entire operation - the geeks past and present who have kept OSGrid up to date, the creators, and the entertainers, the testers and scripters and artists, and even more to all the individual contributors who with sums large and small have paid for it to stay online. Let's see what some have to say for themselves.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Safari goes to Hell and Back

Come quando la nebbia si dissipa,
lo sguardo a poco a poco raffigura
ciò che cela 'l vapor che l'aere stipa...
Dante, Inferno XXXI

Beth Ghostraven: Hi Ubit!
Luna Lunaria: Hiya Ubit :-)
Ubit Umarov: nice regions stress your arrival :)  You bring own chairs..  good idea.  i was about to rez a few boxes.. no need
Lux Tergeste: Thank you Thirza for the handy chairs :)
Beth.Ghostraven: this dress is stain-proof anyway