Showing posts with label pirate's atoll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pirate's atoll. Show all posts

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Auld Lang Safari

Safari closed out the year the way we began. Confusion, last minute changes, hilarity, friendship and a good dose of excellent luck.
It's a virtual world tradition that most people go offline for New Year's, but about a dozen Safaristas showed up for our final tour. Fuschia may have been disappointed when she discovered the promised pub crawl didn't materialize owing to all the pubs being closed, but she didn't complain *what a trouper* and we were delighted to welcome some complete and relative newcomers to the insanity.

 There was some hair outage, but most of it was transitory. First stop was a bit o' dancing on Strannik Zipper's grid, Pirate's Atoll.