Showing posts with label freebies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label freebies. Show all posts

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Present Joy

          A landmark is a bit like parmesan. It looks so solid that you think it will last forever, and it kind of does, until one day you open it and find it's gone off - or offline. Usually when you need it the most.

 Since returning to opensim, I have been checking out Freebie places old and new for this page Facebook, and for the updated Freebie LM  collection you will soon find inside this poster at the HG Safari clubhouse. 

          Someone mentioned that  Rayvn's Roost Concourse on My Virtual Beach was worth a look. I headed over there, and was lucky enough to find online Trizaria 'Trizzy' Hunter. She is co-owner of the grid, with her partner Rocky One. Trizzy kindly took a few minutes to tell a little of her story.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Jokay Unconferential

Yeah. It's a stretch. Today's HGAC meeting on Pathlandia was less about exploring and more about setting up for Jokaydia's Unconference, on from May 29 to June 26.
So what's this festival of unconferenciness all about?
Jokay Wollongong: The events can all be seen on our conference calendar.  We hope by letting the community generate the topics and activities, it will be more interesting than a scheduled conference, even if it makes for some chaos sometimes. It also always leads to interesting discussions. One of the challenges for this group is to get the different groups together a little more.We seem to have two almost separate communities sometimes; the daytime Aus people kinda miss you guys...
Pathfinder Lester: I love it when other folks put things on Google Calendars, because I can then easily add them to my own calendar. It makes it easy for me to figure out timezone stuff, since GCal just converts everything to my own local time zone.