Showing posts with label aurora ship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label aurora ship. Show all posts

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Ship Trip

Admiral Hanger says: Welcome back. It's nice to have you back. Please enjoy your stay.
Ted Junior: Bonsoir Ange :) Bienvenue
Yara Eild: A real cruise ship
Ange Menges: Merci Ted, bonsoir. Bonsoir Yara
Ted Junior: Welcome Everybody, I am and I'm your guide, today for the Aurora Cruise Ship here on AMV. If its not rezzing good, just walk around a little then it pops up
Forest Azure: /me is getting seasick already
We were at SevenSeas on AMV for the prnultimate destination of this season, and delighted to be on the biggest ship in opensim !  Ted is one of the Staff on AMV and kindly took on the job of showing us around. He has forearms, I swear, but like Yara's legs, and Ziggy's torso, they chose not to reveal themselves to my viewer. The joys of HG - but back to the tour.