Showing posts with label Minord Loup. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Minord Loup. Show all posts

Friday, July 5, 2024

Cool Poule

 Over the past weeks,  the group Les Theatreux has been working hard on a play called 'Et l'oeuf engendre la poule' which is a reference to the old expression 'which came first, the chicken or the egg', and Thursday night was the final performance. The whole thing took place in the purpose-built theater on sim EventSpace, on Minord Loup's grid, SV3D. The full HG Address is at the end of the post, of course.
Using as the soundtrack a radio broadcast of the  play from a few years back, the team took the story and interpreted it into 3D sets with appropriate lighting, poses, props, scenery and so on - all the bells and whistles of a theatrical representation. Kudos to the man behind the control panel, Tristan Dehaie
Tristan Dehaie, the man at the controls.
 It's a play by Jean Vilain - no, not the guy from the Expendables! - here's a potted autobiography by the author who has clearly had a long and entertaining career in theater in France. 

Friday, July 7, 2023


It's the world's 5th language, in terms of speakers, and comes in 4th for most-used language on the Internet. But in Opensim, the French speaking cohort often appears not to reflect those kinds of numbers. Minord Loup, together with friends LadyKa and Athena, would like to do something to redress the balance. 
The idea? Make it easier for people who speak French to find each other, and make opensim more attractive and user-friendly for Francophiles in Second Life who are contemplating the jump into other worlds.
It makes sense. It's already a pretty steep learning curve to leave SL for opensim if you speak English, imagine if your first language is something else. Francophones - often called 'frenchies' in this blog - are in reality from all over the world, not just France, and it can be hard for them to find a place in opensim where everyone speaks their language.
The First Thursday of the Month group
In an attempt to create a centralized point of reference, there is a once-a-month meet up for networking, catching up with the news or maybe asking for a bit of tech help, and occasionally exploring franco-friendly destinations. It's hosted by Eden Catharine on the first Thursday of each month at 9pm Paris time.  You may have seen the poster at the Safari clubhouse. If you know any French opensimmers, it would be a kindness to let them know, you can never have too many resources or friends.