Showing posts with label Folk cafe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Folk cafe. Show all posts

Thursday, November 20, 2014

A Tale of Two TPs

'Safari' means journey in Swahili, and the hypergrid safari is really two journeys in one. 
There's the sightseeing trip, of course...
...but there's also the 'I'm going to beat this 'Identity Not Verified' crap if it kills me' journey, and last night was perhaps our greatest ever triumph in that department. 
German Grid is a hypergridding Shangri La. Dabici Straulino summed it up in an IM.
Dabici Straulino
Dabici.Straulino: My curiosity is driven by the fact that I have never been able to visit German Grid and this what ever the multiple ways I tried.  I just checked using the LM to Folkcafe - same problem - unauthorized teleport.  and I tried with the second destination, Star trek - same message Any ideas why I experience this - and I am quite good with hyperjumps in general.