Sunday, July 17, 2022

By Jupiter

 Dewdrops, on a sultry summer day, could not be more welcome. And when Azi Az and Danger Lytton put out the invitation 'Do drop in', the appeal is twice as strong, twice as compelling.

The Dew Drop Islands on OSgrid are delightfully mysterious. Make sure you have Advanced Lighting enabled in your graphics, or you will miss out on the spectacular sky that makes you feel like you've arrived on a moon of Jupiter. A watery, flower-abundant moon, where you begin to wonder... and wander... everything has delicious doubt written into it.
On landing, a question. Is this a dragon, or a sea snake, an illusion, a guardian or a greeter? 
It's beautiful, setting the tone of mystery and energy.
Everything here is living, from the magical mushrooms, reaching to the dark sky, to the floating islands that seem ready at any time to escape the gravity of the situation and fly off to pastures new.
Trees stream to the heavens, rooted in the rich wet earth, full of movement and color, see how it moves.
But just were are we going? there is a oat that may take you around the build, but walking is equally fun. You cannot tp here, so be ready to float, or step out briskly, or even fly if so inclined, to take in every part of the dream.
The dew drop plants, exotic and possibly poisonous, tempt you on every side. They simply soak in the rays from the giant planet, ominous but beautiful. How small are we, after all...
Keep hunting, and you will find the inhabitants of this globe, a happy family of giant land snails. Plenty to eat, plenty to drink, and everything hot, sticky, and bright. They are clearly thriving.
Keep exploring, and you will find treasures everywhere. Flowers, statues, photographs, and forest, all of it ready to put into question your concept of place in the world. How small are we, after all, if a candle can be as tall as a person, and a flower big enough to engulf your whole body.

From the island heights, you may espy the manta ray, or the phantasmic flight of moonbeams, shooting over the sky. the earth is dull, dry rock up here, but the view reveals all the riches of a volcanic past. Haven't we all. 
On the ground, aa dozen little magical touches make exploration a bewildering yet blissful epiphany.
You may not know what goes on here, but that is fine, for that, surely, is the beginning of wisdom.
Meanwhile the great grand Jove looks down on this  green globule of life. Impassive, enormous, unmoved, it puts everything into perspective. Giving you the tiny being all the space you need to show your heart, and be moved, by creatures such as this musical creature. 

Imaginative bliss, how refreshing.

HG Address: Drop Islands

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