Showing posts with label scifi in opensim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scifi in opensim. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Vive la Evolution

 Mech Lab on OSGrid, by Symphony Vive, has a cool teal vibe to it, and thrilling motto: 'are you ready for the cyborg evolution? '  If you weren't when you arrived on Mech Lab VAR region, on OSGrid, you will be very soon!

In the parlance of manga and anime, the term 'mech' or 'mecha' refers to, well, machines! Robots and large, pilotable vehicles, with their beauty lying in their complexity. 
An inspiration for Symphony is the 2011 movie Real Steel, with Hugh Jackman, Evangeline Lilly, and some rocking boxing robots. But mostly, it's just based on personal childhood dreams of futuristic builds.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Snoots in the City

Mal Burns: Hi Snoots
Alexina Proctor: hi da Snoots.
Prax Maryjasz: Hello da Snoots
Sun Tzu: Greeting Snoots and thanks for having us
Sun Tzu: Odd my text does not show up in local for some reason
Kelso Uxlay: Hooo laggy
Snoots Dwagon: There are LOTS of textures and thousands of prims.  So it may take a while to rez.  Please walk in little circles to help it. :D
Thundergod Thor: It's been a while since I've been here but it's an awesome build.
          Lag is blamed on lots of things, on bandwidth, on less than stellar graphics cards, on poorly compiled scripts, on the Viewer (always a favorite), on server configuration, on voodoo - the list is exhaustive and exhausting.  That makes it an interesting experiment to have two avatars inworld, both on the same computer and using the same viewer, both having loaded the region previous to the trip, but each experiencing the sim very differently. 
          Safari Regulars will not be at all surprised to learn that the Thirza who arrived before the rest of the group had zero lag either in chat or in textures (call it 'owner's eye' - the way the sim creator experiences their own build), but the Thirza who was one of the last arrivals suffered the classic symptoms: seeing clouds, falling through floors, rubber-banding, and stuck in chat lag limbo. Immensely frustrating.
          It's handy to see the Safari this way,  it's a reminder that our trips have something of the quality of the bumblebee - flying in the face of all probability. 
Snoots Dwagon: Let me know when ready to start Thirza. :D
Thirza Ember: if you're suffering lag, friends, bear in mind the poor old server is trying to hand out hundreds of textures to everyone, so give it a chance 
Snoots Dwagon: There's THOUSANDS. :D
Lucy Afarensis: I sat but I am not
Alan.Scot: orange clouds everywhere :(
Dabici Straulino: even chat is laggy
Lorin Tone: yes
Thundergod Thor: It is indeed.
Snoots Dwagon: A bit of a note on building technique, for you builders out there. First, I am moving around and have no lag.   So such will have a great deal to do with your computer. Replicant City was built using original, ZERO-LAG scripting
Alan Scot: I got  a superfast pc and exposed breasts