Showing posts with label dragons in opensim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dragons in opensim. Show all posts

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Here Be Dragons

After our first, super romantic hour on Soul Grid, our second stop has its own romance, with a big dose or art and adventure thrown in. This was a return trip to Barefoot Dreamers grid, on the invitation of DJAlex, and the first impressions of the build were ..awesome in the true sense of the word.
Home Sweet Home - dragons arrival point
Tosha Tyran: oh, this looks dangerous
DJAlex Harper: welcome to all
Secret Fantasys: Thank You all for coming
Huga Bug: welcome everyone
Star Ravenhurst: Hey Lavia! You made it!
Forest Azure: hi alex :)
Nara Nook: Neo is the redshirt guy ...dragon bait
Lavia Lavine: Yes I finally made it.  I was at the first one as well... Hail hail the gang's all here!
Secret Fantasys: everyone looks so awesome
DJ Alex
DJAlex Harper: OK plz follow me we will start at starting point, you get the best view from up here to start
Tosha Tyran: wow, but it is also a little dangerous
DJAlex Harper: yes a bit, plz be careful