Showing posts with label blackswan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blackswan. Show all posts

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Life Goes Oni

It turns out, not everyone knows that the words 'tribute' and 'obituary' aren't synonyms. Oni Kiri, perhaps best known for the freebie regions with the umbrella name Adachi, hasn't died or anything so dramatic. However, Oni has retired from opensim, and closed the grid CopyKat where Adachi was located.
Having made countless friends over a decade-long career in opensim, Oni's friends wanted to celebrate the person who had given them so much good advice, kindness, prim space, and content with an upbeat retrospective of Oni's oeuvre.  
The new sim Adachi is on Blackswan Grid, and is the brainchild of close friend  Maurice Shamroy - you'll find the HG Address at the end of the post, the sim is visitable anytime.
Maurice Shamroy by the big 'I Quit' poster on Adachi CopyKat in Blackswan  
Maurice Shamroy:  Oni has been active in virtual world for 17 years, and I understand his choice to take a break (definitive or not we will see), my self I started in SL in 2007 and created Blackswan in 2010, so for me it's very easy understand Oni's choice. I think the best way to understand  what he did is resumed in the message I published in Adachi at landing point. 
Zoey Cutie standing by the message for Oni from OSW
At the party on the Adachi region of Blackswan grid, (check out their  Flickr Gallery !!) we all read the illustrated info boards that explain the many iterations of Oni, reflecting the ups and downs and crashes and comebacks of Opensim.