Showing posts with label Marpil grafenwalder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marpil grafenwalder. Show all posts

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Tierra de Marpil

"Abre el ojo y desparrama la vista"
Love it when we end up on yet another new sim where paying attention pays off, and you get the full benefit out of all there is to see and learn. 
That was the case at our second destination this week, as the new season of Safari began with an exciting visit to Cloe Kegel and Vins Watanabe's grid, Astralia.  We were guests of Marpil Grafenwalder who exploded onto the Opensim scene less than two years ago. She has been a positive torrent of creativity ever since. The region is Tierra de Volcanes, 'land of the volcanoes' and of course, the full HG address is at the end of the post.
Marpil Grafenwalder
Marpil's region Tierra de Volcanes is famed for its wonderful Mall up in the sky, but our visit this time was aimed at learning more about her homeland, the Canary Islands
The build at sea level is beautifully put together to combine art, entertainment, and RL information and we arrived in the colorful, highly detailed plaza. 
Arriving on Tierra de Volcanes
Marpil Grafenwalder: Hello everyone, and welcome to “Tierra de Volcanes".Tierra de Volcanes was born as an inspiration from the Canary Islands