We landed in the shadow of a Linda Kellie creation, the Autumn Castle, a symbol in a way of the share-alike mentality this grid is famous for. Then we moved over to Nerdpol region, distinctly different in design... time for some fireworks!
Wizardoz Chrome: beautiful visual effect here !
Lucy Afarensis: yes
Arielle Delamerlibre: Phaandoria is a private Grid where friends with different knowledge of content Creation have their home. Phaandoria holds global Contacts, Communication, collective national and international events and activities. Phaandor Pertwee the Grid-Owner from Phaandoria Grid was born in Second Life 2006/07 *dont know exactly. The Name Pertwee was his SL Name automatic given from SL. The prename Phaandor is a phantasy Name referable to the Journalist „Fandor“ from the Film Fantomas.
Arielle Delamerlibre: And so Phaandoria was the name of the Empire from Phaandor Pertwee. Phaandor begun his virtual life as Tonio in Active Worlds which launched 1995. Some of you will know it. With Snowie Haiku, also member of AW and still living in Phaandoria was also during her earlier virtual life AW Member.
Phaandor Pertwee: Tonio, that was me?
Arielle Delamerlibre: Tonio and Snowie won the 2nd. Place of building Contest with their Steampunk House. *yay
Arielle Delamerlibre: after being a while in AW, they changed to OSGrid. Phaandor sat up 20 Regions there. Some Regions of Phaandoria are named similar til today. Because the massive Problems and downtime from OSGrid in 2014 he moved his Regions to Metropolis, where they lived for a while and Phaandor founded Metro Radio with Genie Fegte who has today his own Grid named Offworld.
Phaandor Pertwee: and then again the Radio stuff
Arielle Delamerlibre: Later the own Grid Phaandora was launched in January 2015.: Snowie Haiku, Cara Litissa, Spyro, Malon Wyngard and more known AW friends came together here again.
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Arielle explains the Grid |
After a while being in OpenSIM, Phaandor changed to Arriba SIM Software, a well known Fork from Freaky Tech. The base of the Fork is still the known Codebase of Opensim which is growing during the time to a friendly mass of biologic Spaghetti ;)
snowbody Cortes: Arriba !!!!
Thirza Ember: Forky Tech
snowbody Cortes: waiting for the Spoon Fork :)
Lucy Afarensis: Spork ?
Phaandor Pertwee: Phork
Arielle Delamerlibre: Techy Fork... But we trust in the Fork of „Arriba Sim“ to survive... Since some weeks we added another Software from Freaky Tech named „phpgridserver“ Phpgridserver solves many problems e.g the unwantedly gridwide interaction between robust and simulator. Because with phpgridserver we have no classic robust anymore. I think you will hear from Freaky in some special TechTalks and we are courious awaiting the future.
*** Phaandoria Hardware ***
Dedicated Root-Server Intel Core i7 with 32GB RAM, a Bandwidth of 1Gbit and unlimited traffic, well formed with Ubuntu 14.04 and mono 4.8.1 The 20 Regions are running today in 10 Simulators all with the newest Arriba SIM. (Party Regions have an own Simulator) Backup runs daily at a second similar Server.
*** General free mind of Phaandoria ***
We share the thinking of being moneyless in Opensim. We like a non commercial Opensim. Otherways we would stay in Second Life! All things we create is freeware.
Taarna Welles: Hear hear
Lucy Afarensis: Yay !
Arielle Delamerlibre: Of course we think people respect the creator and don‘t sell their items but if not, *pulls her shoulders to the ears* we cannot do anything against it and the only alternate is doing nothing or hold all in our own pockets. [ironic] What a fun [/ironic] so don‘t worry about it do what you like.
Arielle went on to tell us about some of the regions on Phaandoria, including the Fantasy-themed LostDreams by Snowie Haiku, the party region Caribbean Beach by Icelady Pearl, Wildbeach by 'the clothes washer' frank Yifu, Wunderland by John Waco and Sila, and last but not least Prinz von Halberstadt, well-known SL DJ who now has a region on Phaandoria called Openfriends II
Arielle Delamerlibre: DerPrinz has a long long virtual DJ history in Second Life and OpenSim. His live acts, Game Shows and Concerts are famous Events you should not miss.
Xirana Oximoxi: ok...I take note :)
PrinzVon Halberstadt: *turned red
Arielle Delamerlibre: now a picture you maybe seen sometimes more Because Phaandor is musician from the bottom of his heart Producer DJ with passion, Arielle and Phaandor decided to set up the Friday Party in Phaandorias Region „Der Krater“. I post Events at facebook in the group "OpensimVeranstaltungen" and google +
Sunbeam Magic: It's good to join Phaandor 's Soundcloud too :) lots of great songs you can listen to whenever you please!
Taarna Welles: Fantastic to hear so much history and information about Phaandor.
Arielle Delamerlibre: „Der Krater“ a well known and unique Vulcano Region, builded from the also well known and phantastic looking Spike Sol, who runs passionate and successful the Weltraumbahnhof and STOAII. The Phaandoria FridayParty runs weekly in „Der Krater“ until the last 1 and a half years. „Schnickschnack“ you can and you do. Ok she did and she could....remember the word Schnickschnack! It was til today a busy but phantastic time with good music, interesting people, fun and friends. And we will continue…
*** The Future of Phaandoria *** 05 Trinity ***
Arielle and Phaandor builded a new Party Location named Trinity. A Dream of a Real Life Club in Germany Hamburg, where Phaandor had a special experience in 1983.
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Phaandor Pertwee (center) |
Arielle Delamerlibre: you can return any time the Ideas are endless...We love our virtual life – feel free to share it Care about a friendly connection with other Grids to meet, greet, do good things and have fun.
George Equus: Very interesting to learn the back story of the grid!
Sunshine Szavanna: yes passion :))
Arielle Delamerlibre: thanks for being here
snowbody Cortes: the best presentation I attended ! applause !!!!!
Taarna Welles: <<<<<< APPLAUSE>>>>>>
Paristella Marisol: Schönen Abend an alle - und für die schöne Presentation Arielle
Wizardoz Chrome: Many thanks :) molte grazie :) and see you soon :)
Bink Draconia: tschüssi und danke für den tollen vortrag
Phaandor Pertwee: danke tschüsse Bink!
Thirza Ember: ok the second destination is a tiny grid on a home computer: you may want to go home before you jump; let's try not to crash it
Lucy Afarensis: o-o doesn't exist anymore ?
Sunbeam.Magic: awh and I was looking forward to a crash landing lol
HG Address: Phaandoria phaandoria.de:8002
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